Fun things at the con!

Jul 30, 2007

Okay, since I got an email asking about one of the funniest things, I think I will just share!
One gentleman came to the booth and asked when Ms. Blake was signing.
I said, oh you mean Laurell. He says no, I want Ms. Blake to sign my book.
I said, but Anita is the fictional character and Laurell is the writer. I know Laurell would be willing to sign, Anita is just going to be hard to get.
Turned out okay, we both laughed and he said, right I meant Ms. Hamilton.
Trips of the tongue are my specialty too!
Other con fun: I took Rachel to dinner at the Tin Fish on Saturday night. We were ordering and Rachel kept trying to pay for her own dinner, which was my treat as a gift for helping out in the booth. So the poor waiter is waiting and finally I just said ” Hey, I am buying your dinner so I can take advantage of you later.”
I thought the waiter was going to sprain something. Like his eyeballs!
Then there was the guy who almost got whiplash when Anne got excited in the booth and was jumping up and down. She was wearing a corset and he did such a fast double take he almost flipped over backwards! LOL!
Oh the fun!