Good-bye Steve
It’s 2:00 in the afternoon and I’ve just gotten to sit down at the computer. It’s just been one of those days. I’ve tried to do several blogs and they have been so depressing that I just couldn’t inflict them on you guys. I am deeply saddened by the death of Steve Irwin. I know that some of my emotion is because I’ve had my own losses. I more than sympathize with little Bindi and even littler Bob, at the loss of their father. I lost my mother at six, so I know some of what’s going on for them. I have no words to express how terrible I feel for Terri to be without Steve. This idea of soulmates causes more problems than it fixes, but I, like much of the world, truly felt that these two people were soulmates. That they are separated at such an early age breaks my heart. My heart goes out to his family, and friends, the people that truly knew him. I am a stranger, just one of his many fans that watched a truly loving man doing what he was meant to do. I’ll try to write about something else next time, but this is what has come to me every time I’ve sat down for the last few days. Look at this way, imagine how depressing the two blogs I didn’t post were compared to this one. Scary, isn’t it. Good-bye Steve, Goddess Bless.