Happy St. Patty’s Day

Mar 17, 2003

Happy St. Patty’s Day, everybody. This is sort of a trial run. My husband and I are thinking about doing a journal about the tour. But since neither of us has ever kept a journal for longer than two weeks at a time, we thought we’d practice. So, really, this is a journal about getting ready for tour. All the little things that you never think of as important, until you are about to spend a month away from home. Little things, like having enough food for our dogs, or that the person that you’re having over to house-sit knows how much food to give the fish, and how often. Its all the stuff you do before a vacation, but more so. The biggest difference between tour and a vacation is packing. On vacation we get to pack shorts and t-shirts, jogging shoes, hiking boots. On tour we pack suits, ties, skirts, hosiery, and boots. But these are so not boots for hiking. These are boots for walking around in, yes, but the biggest thing is that they look fabulous. The truly uncomfortable footwear, stays homes. Because on tour, unlike vacation, you cannot control how long you’ll be on your feet, and how long it will be until you reach some place where you can take your shoes off. We want to look good, but not torture ourselves. We do not do cruel shoes. Mainly, as my husband just said as he read this over my shoulder, because you can’t run through an airport in them. Not unless you want to break an ankle. All those people more physically coordinated than we are, that can run full out in spike heels, more power to you. We bow in the presence of such accomplishment, but we’d hurt ourselves.