Happy Veteren’s Day

Nov 10, 2007

We slept in this morning and got to eat breakfast looking out our hotel window at the Veteren’s Day parade for the city we’re in. It was a nice parade, full of uniforms, flags, waving crowds, classic cars, some amazing motorcycles, and heroes. You think hero is too old-fashioned a word, or too simple for such complicated times? I don’t. There were men in the cars that had gotten their medals in older wars, when people didn’t debate why we were doing what we were doing. Frankly, whatever I believe polticially, if someone is willing to strap on a uniform, and weapons to defend my constitution then hero covers it. I hear that it doesn’t feel very heroioc over there. It feels scared, and dangerous, and so many things. But hug a Vet today, and remember that when push comes to shove they are who and what we have standing between us and the other guys.
I feel the same way about the police, too, but today was for the Vets. Do we have a police day? Or a fireman day? Should we have? These are all the people who start running towards the trouble, while the rest of us run the other way. That counts for something in my book, both fictionally, and in real life.
Jon and I are at a different hotel in a different city. We’re in Jason’s town, or close to it. We’ll be driving the route that he and Anita take in the book and try to get land marks tomorrow. I also have to decide how many real locations to use and how many sort of real ones. My rule is that if nothing bad happens, we use real life, but if something bad happens, then I usually put it on a real streat or a real location, but just not quite findable.
I’m to bed guys. It’s been a wonderful day, exciting, and helpful research-wise, but tiring.