Hellboy Bound
Nine pages today. Still not done, but instead of beating myself up about that, I’m going to pat myself on the back that I made progress. I’ll estimate five more work sessions to the end of the book. We’re looking at six hundred as the next hundred page mark. It’ll be under, but I’m no longer sure how much under.
Darla had a meeting on the phone about the publicity for the book I’m not done with yet. Always, a nice reminder that the wheels are turning, and time and tide are not waiting. Jon had to do part of his job he hasn’t had to do in several books. He had to baby sit me. What does that mean? It means, that he sits in my office at a different desk and basically I turn periodically and get reassurance that it’s okay. What’s okay? Me, I guess. Strangely, I didn’t need that much reassurance. By afternoon the book was ready to be written. I’ve totally let Merry have her head, and end the book as she pleases. I’m still waiting for my bloodbath, but Merry has other ideas. It’s her book, and her life. I just work there. I don’t have to live there, so who am I to complain?
We watched the first Hellboy movie tonight after dinner. Trinity was wanting to see the new one in the theaters, but I wanted to be sure she was cool with the first one before we all went out to the movies. She loves scary stuff, which is probably my genetics, but she also some issues that are closer to her father’s take on spooky stuff. My ex never enjoyed horror, at all, even mild scary stuff turned him off. I know, I know, how’d he end up married to me, right? Just one of life’s little ironies, I guess. We both read science fiction and fantasy. How different could our tastes in the field be, well, as it turns out pretty different. I think he was as surprised by the violence and darkness of my writing as I was at his lack of sympathy for it. He loved NIGHTSEER, and he did read GUILTY PLEASURES, but he didn’t read another Anita book until our marriage was actually breaking up. The idea was that if he read some of my books it might give him some insight into me. Marriage therapists, they’re a hoot.
I’m not sure I’d want anyone to read my books and try to use that as a plan to stay married to me. But, at the time, I didn’t have any better suggestions.
Trin thought Hellboy was cool and scary. So, Jon and I can take Trinity to see the new movie. If I finish the book this week, we’ll celebrate with a family outing to see a demon that’s chosen to be a good guy save the world from yet another apocalypse. Sounds like fun.