Hey. Eight pages yesterday. Cool. But only three today. I got seven pages of notes, but I don’t count notes. Notes aren’t pages that will stay in the book, and what stays is what counts.
Obviously, I have not yet hit my stride on this book. I mean twenty-four pages, eight, then three, oh, and a day of one in there on Saturday. I’m all over the board, which means I’m still struggling. It’s just struggling with a higher page count, and I’m happy with the pages I’ve got. They’re good pages. I’m just frustrated by the stop and go pattern. Maybe I should dig out my calendar with the last Merry book on it and see if this far in I was still pages off on my count. Maybe, I was. Oh, well. Gotta go do something else. There are days when I can force myself to do more pages, and there are days when I know it’s not going to work. Today, the dragon wins.