Hey all,

Jun 08, 2004

Hey all,
   This is a note to let everyone know what has been going on with us since Incubus Dreams was “finished”.
Basically, we’ve been doing rewrites on ID so that it is not full of holes in the plot or story.
Also, we’ve done two appearances in the past few months. Not to mention having the Kiddo home from school for the summer.
First off, we did the Massachuttes Library Association conference in Falmouth, MA. It was a blast. We got to meet so many nice people, and I have to say that you’ve never partied ’til you’ve partied with Librarians.
Second, we did Marcon, in Coloumbus, OH. Another great time where we got to see lots of fans.
That’s about all that we’ve done of late, so I’ll let Laurell fill in some of the gaps I’ve left in the blog.
Oh, Yeah! I forgot!
The Kid brought home a pair of Hermit Crabs from school, as the teacher really didn’t really want them any more, and Trin was the one in her class that took the most care of them. So, Gabrielle and Rainbow came home to us. After a bout a week, Laurell and I added Ken and Otto to the mix, on top of getting them a bigger tank to run about in. I hope to get pictures of them up in the not to distant future.