Hey. Its another blog entry by Jon.

Oct 20, 2003

  Hey. Its another blog entry by Jon. I won’t bore you with the fact that I’m writingin form my backup computer…. the monster system I got recently began to flake when I was using MSWord. I also won’t tell you how the grocer’s strike is really impacting my life in a negitive manner. Nope, I’m not going to gripe about anything.
  I’m going to talk about how my writing has been going. I know that this is about Laurelll and her writing, but you can’t live in a house with a writer, and not make some attemp to write yourself. And since I originally went to collage to get a Literature degree and to make a living (or at least pay for beer and pizza once a week). I have been trying to write something since junior high and have had some success in compleating a story. I tend to have trouble finishing a given idea, but I have lots of ideas to bounce between.
  I have been working on a contemporary mystery story that has some potiential, and I hope to have some success at compleating the stroy. But I’ve been working on it for almost two years and have come up with three other ideas since then.
  so I’m going to leave now, and try to work out what to do next in the story, and see where it leads.