Hi all!

Sep 29, 2003

Hi all! It is Monday and this is not Laurell. Sorry. She was going to post today, but life interfered. So rather than let another day slip away, I will write about things that are occuring.
We have the fan club Halloween card! They are adorable. But Josh always does good work for us. I also have the Anita charms in, but haven’t had a chance to sit down and put together bracelets yet, or get them online. My skills with a camera leave much to be desired and I will have Jon retake those photos as well as the new auction items photos. See, I really cannot use a camera.
We are so happy with the Anita Blake charm, we are going to do the rest of the book titles as charms also. I am hoping to have those in for Christmas, but Valentine’s Day looks like a better bet.
Laurell did not get to work today. Okay, she did. But not for long. Trinity had a minor accident at school, only her finger was injured. Just worrisome enough to warrant a trip to the doctor. We don’t think it is broken, but may be sprained. The joys of childhood! Sure don’t miss em.
Most of the day has been spent getting routine things done though. Mail to be sorted and gone through, new orders to ship out, new memberships to enter. Pretty typical day all things considered. Hopefully, Laurell will get a chance to post tomorrow. We just didn’t want you to think we forgot!
Best to all! Darla