Hi everyone!  Well it is the day after the Center For The Book Festival.

Nov 16, 2003

Hi everyone! Well it is the day after the Center For The Book Festival. First, thanks to everyone who came out. You made it the best event they ever had. Thanks also to Mark Tiedemann (excellent author by the way who donated some books for our upcoming Christmas Charity Auction) for inviting Laurell and coordinating the event. Everything went very smoothly. Thanks to Jack the security guy also for being so attentive. Thanks to the staff at Schlafly for all their hard work too! You all were really wonderful.
We still don’t know what was up with the lights. Twice we ended up in the dark for a few moments. I think the first time someone leaned on the light switch. But that happens when you end up with Standing Room Only crowd. We will see about having more chairs in February. Yes, the signing will be in the same place. So look for that February 5th.
Many thanks to those who traveled a distance to attend! We had folks from L.A. (a young lady and her father who were here to celebrate her 16th Birthday. This was the gift she chose.), San Francisco, Boston, New York (and you ladies drove down too!), Memphis and Indiana. Or at least those are the ones I remember.
We would also like to thank the staff from Left Bank Books. You were wonderful, and next time bring more books. smile It was practically a sell out from their table. They did take some signed books back to the store to sell also. So you can contact them if you want a signed book for a gift. They are in St. Louis on Euclid Ave. Look in the online Yellow Pages for St. Louis. Try Yahoo, I know it is listed there.
The event went very well from our perspective also. Laurell read the first four chapters of the next Anita book (still untitled) and it got a excellent reception from the crowd. Then she talked a bit and answered questions. We did have it taped and I will be working with our videographers (thanks Dwayne and Vicki) to get it put into a workable format. Details to follow on that one. Also thanks Jason and Nadine for helping pass out magnets and door prize tickets. Shame on those of you who ducked out before we gave away the prizes. We averaged three draws per ticket before we found our winners! So see what you missed! But you made the others very happy.
Don’t really want to hand out spoilers here on the book. There are some on the message board for those who cannot wait.
For me personally it was wonderful to meet so many of you that I know from the boards or emails. Nice to have a face to put with a name. Paula, your letters always crack me up, Mei Ling – I will keep a happy thought for you. So many swirling in my head right now and I know I am forgeting people. Sorry!
So thanks again to everyone. We look forward to seeing you all in February.