Home again

Nov 04, 2007

We’re home safe and sound. Since we didn’t blog from the road much we’ll be putting up our rough notes into blog form so that the next thing you get will be the follow up to the Salt Lake City signing after we had it. Then Seattle, then Portland, and bits and bobs in between.
There’s lot’s of news, but if you check out the on-line New York Times, A LICK OF FROST is number two. It’s the highest ever for a Merry book, so not to shabby. That’s it for me tonight. We dropped Charles at his home with his family then went for ours. Jon and I are beat. It’s always great seeing everyone, but it’s never an easy thing to do, this touring. If we didn’t think Trinity would protest we’d go to bed now, but seven something is a little early for the kiddo. So, we’ll try to catch up on some family safe Tivo, and maybe bargain for an early bed time. How sad is that? The parents trying to bargain for the early bedtime, not the child.