Inspiration Brought to You by Red-Tailed Hawk

Aug 15, 2009

Started to try and Twitter this, but realized it was way too long for that. So, you guys get a second blog today.

I ended last post with a cry for inspiration. Jon came back from dropping Trinity off at her father’s. Jon had gotten breakfast while he was out, and handed me mine while I sat at my desk staring at the blog. He kissed me and left me to it. I sat in my big leather chair that’s in one corner of my office and ate breakfast. I was finally letting myself relax and listen to Drain STH, and singing along, when a huge hawk launched from the trees outside my windows. I was on my feet and striding across the office tracking the flight. She dipped too low, I lost sight of her, then she landed on a telephone pole at the edge of the yard. A blue jay had found her and was already alerting the other birds who began to join the mob, but she just sat there grooming unconcernedly. Then one huge white feather came away from her tail and floated down like some gigantic snowflake riding the breeze. It seemed very important that I get outside and see it. I don’t argue with that voice in my head anymore. It’s the same voice that warns you about danger, but if you listen long enough and well enough the voice will also tell you about wonderful things, joyous things, special things. I had to see the hawk closer.

Breakfast was still in my hand forgotten as I went over to the other part of the house to see if I could get a better view of the hawk. I told Jon what I was doing, and it’s enough at our house to say, "Hawk," people grab the cameras and their sunglasses and head out of doors.

Jon got some more hawk pictures, we’ll post them later. It was wonderful to see her sitting up there so big and so bold and so real. Then she took off and we went back inside. I finished breakfast and sat down at the computer but there was a flock of finches that kept fluttering outside my window and I finally grabbed the camera in my office and went to see what the excitement was all about. I actually missed the picture of them descending on some of the flowers beside the stream, couldn’t get the tripod down fast enough, but I got the goldfinch and then I got the hummingbird. They stayed for a long time letting me snap the pictures. I finally took myself away from the window reluctantly back to work, but I felt refreshed, renewed, just better. It was like I could get a deep, clean breath again, and some dark weight had been lifted on the flap and flutter of wings both large and small. It’s a beautiful day here, and I’m over my minimum page count. It’s 10:30 AM and I’m done for the day unless the muse and I want to play later, but I’m done with the forced play. I’m done for the day on a kid-free weekend with my husband and no other plans we have to do. Wow.

I asked for inspiration and it came winging past my window in the shape of a red-tailed hawk. I believe the very same hawk that came and hunted voles outside my windows a week or so ago. Blessed be.