It’s been a day.

Mar 18, 2003

It’s been a day. It started well, with bacon for everyone, and hot tea for Laurell and I. Then the sudden dawning that today was picture day at school and we hadn’t planned for it. When I was in elementary school, there was only one picture day all year. Today was our daughter’s third this year, so we’re running out of outfits. Add to this the adventure of trying to get her pig tails even, (does the phrase Picasso Pig tails mean anything to you?) and we almost missed the bus. I had managed to get the kiddo off to school only to see Laurell running to the bus whirling what looked like a black-jack over her head. I was mistaken, it was a plum in a plastic bag for Trinity’s snack. Not long after this, Laurell went to get her eyebrows waxed and has just returned. I love my wife dearly, but why you would do something that causes your eyebrows to swell this much is beyond my understanding. She says that it will be compleatly gone in 3 days and I believe her, but still… [3/19 I talked with her and she says that waxing her eyebrows will have them look better longer, and that it hurts lest than having them plucked one at a time. I guess I understand it. She assures me that if my eyebrows were any less than perfect, I’d be doing it myself.] Anyway, tonight she’s taping an interview with a local radio station that will be aired on the Sunday, and we have to plan our wardrobe. Even though its “only radio” and no one will see how she is dressed, it counts in our minds as a public appearance and as such our appearance matters. I believe that if you are a professional and are doing your job, you should look professional. I’m lucky that Laurell agrees.