Keeping my New Year’s Resolutions

Jan 03, 2013

The First Day of 2013:

Today I meditated and performed a ritual to welcome in the first day of the year. This goes with my goal of doing more rituals for my faith in the coming year. I meditate almost daily, but actual ritual is less frequent.
I worked on Affliction which is the next Anita Blake novel. I’m in the end game of the book, but I’m having to throw out part of my outline and redo plot points from here on out. The major mystery has remained the same, but the clues and how-to catch the bad guys have been impacted by the book to date. I’m an organic writer which means the book grows and changes. The writing goals are always part of my new year thinking.
Then the rest of the family was finally up and we had breakfast together. That’s another goal, to do more family stuff and enjoy the real people in my life more this year. That includes friends, as well, as family.
Jon and I went to the gym and worked out. That hits the exercise goals that we’ve set for the year. I’m proud of us for going on New Year’s Day, I think it’s a first?
I think I’m out of daylight for reading part of a book that I did not write today, but I’ll try tomorrow.
I did make a start on planning my next tattoo which I’m wanting to get this year. I’ve been working on the idea for about two years and finally think I’ve found an artist to help me design it.
There are other goals for the year, but I’ll stop here so that I can go to bed with Jon, and cuddle on this the first full night of 2013.

The Second Day of 2013:

Jon and I went to the gun range. We put rounds through my two new hand guns that have been languishing in their boxes since my wonderful husband bought them for me. One of my goals for this year was to go to the range more.
I went to the gym again today, and along with the weight lifting, squats, etc . . . ran! I’m running more and better every time. I did not appreciate it before I injured myself and couldn’t run. Now, every time down that track is a gift.
My sister, Chica, had her foot surgery today, and that gets her closer to the goal of being completely healed this year. No more accidents!
I have not hit my writing goal for the day on Affliction. I’ve written, but I haven’t hit the point in the chapter I wanted to be at before I went to bed.
There is no time to read for pleasure today. I’ve given up on that until tomorrow. I’ll try again then. That whole reading for pleasure is a New Year’s resolution that usually dies a quick death. I’m determined this year to do better than last, but as I type this I can’t choose reading someone else’s book over working on my own, especially with a deadline fast approaching. Since I’ve spent most of the last decade on deadline maybe that’s why I stopped reading for pleasure. Hmm . . . it does seem to be a pattern. *laughs*

12 thoughts on “Keeping my New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. Happy new year!!! and hope to ead your new books soon in french…. We miss Merry Gentry!

  2. While I find Anita Blake and the entire cast marvelous and enchanting, I can not help but wonder why there hasn’t been a new book for a while in the Merry Gentry series.
    Keep up the wonderful and exciting writing in the Anita Blake series. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book.

  3. Speaking of reading for pleasure, I began with Guilty Pleasures in August, and I have just finished Hit List. I was the end of summer and now it is winter, my fall and football season went to Anita Blake, and I loved every minute of it.
    Great work! I have sent for the Guilty Pleasures comic book series, I need visuals to accent my imagination. I wish there were a movie or a series, but as I see from the site, that will not be happening. She is a fantastic character and I love everyone.besides Anita, I think my favorite is Edward, I think he secretly loves Anita. Really great work, Laurell! Merry Gentry will be next, and I will begin with the first one, as I did Anita. I am so looking forward to Affliction!

  4. congratulations on meeting your goals. 🙂 I’m horrible at keeping mine, but hopefully I will get better. BTW, we met at the Saint Louis book signing of Kiss the Dead,:) ; I was the one with the pink hair.

  5. A New Year’s resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more
    personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.congratulations for new year.

  6. Good for you starting out strong with your goals! My goal is to write more this year, and to try to get over my fear that what i’m writing is crap and no one will read it 🙁 Here’s hoping!!

  7. I, too, am still working on my ultimate tattoo that will be my last. I completed the series of the set that are my partial “sock” tattoo’s in 2012 that I have on each calf. Yes, those are my only tat’s. I spent 14 years developing and having them done since they are indeed permanent. Plus, finding a tat artist that is skilled enough to help bring the art out of your head and ink it for you is not an easy task to accomplish.

    I have been reading both the AB & MG series since they started in 2002 and I still reread them from time to time to refresh my memory on the history outline. LKM is one of the authors that is an all time fave author of mine that I truly enjoy reading the books more than once.

    Please don’t ever stop writing LKM as you have a beautiful gift in talent for this unlike any other author that I have ever read. The uniqueness of your work is what makes you stand out, so never  doubt that what you put into it is unappreciated by all your fans.

    Have a great new year and (like myself) I hope you are successful in accomplishing your most important goal of spending as much quality time with your family first and let work be second. It is the most rewarding goal that I know of.

  8. I love reading your blog posts I swear. Great work on the meeting of most of your goals for the new year. Love the Anita Blake novels and am always checking when new ones are coming out or how far along in the writing and editing process you are. I have to say I love Merry Gentry too, and have missed that you havent done another of those yet, but I figure your muse gives you what they give you and you’ll write about Merry when the inspiration hits, I’m patient lol. In the mean time thumbs up, keep up the great writing, I swear I often actually learn something when reading your books always refreshing.

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