Less Rumors. More Facts
It was a Broadway musical kind of day. I started with, “The Producers”, went to, “Chicago,”. I meant to get back to my desk later in the day, but I’m afraid the spider bite is still kicking my butt. But, I did get BLOOD NOIR in the mail. It will be on my editor’s desk next week. Very cool.
That was my goal, that before we went out on tour that BLOOD NOIR would be off my desk and onto someone else’s. I can get on the plane on Sunday with a clear conscious and just concentrate on promoting A LICK OF FROST.
Oh, and the rumor that this is the last Merry book . . . Why do you guys do this rumor with every book? It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s an Anita book, or a Merry book, you guys say it’s the last book in the series. Guys, if any book is ever the last book in a series I’ll let you know. Okay? I wouldn’t just send you out into the literary wilderness without a clue. Besides, do you guys really think either publisher wouldn’t use the idea that something was the last book as a huge publicity hook? So, no worries, A LICK OF FROST, is book six, and I know that I can’t wrap everything up in seven books, and frankly, I don’t see how eight will do it. But if eight will do it, I’ll let you know so you don’t have to be surprised. And if I hear from Darla that you take this blog and put out that I’ve said that there will only be eight books in the Merry series, I will be severely disappointed in you. Because, you know that’s not what I wrote here. I said, that I don’t think I can bring this series in, in only eight books. Though, I admit, that there are days when the thought of only having one series to write, one book to deliver a year, is not a totally unappealing thought.
Monday: Salt Lake City. See you there.