LKH Bit 08/08/07
A Lick Of Frost Chapter One, USA TODAY Graphic Picks, Kick-A-Thon, WolfQuest, T-Shirts and stuff, Convention Photos and videos
A Lick Of Frost Chapter One
Read chapter one here:
As an aside, I still don’t know when or where the tour will be. But I will share when I have it.
USA Today named Guilty Pleasures Graphic Novel one of the hottest of the summer!
Supporting Our Troops
Saturday, September 29th 2007
All funds raised go to send care packages to our troops overseas.
A Kick-A-Thon is an event where kicks are thrown to a hand held target, as many as possible in one minute. Participants get sponsors to donate so much per kick thrown or a flat amount. Prizes will be given out for the most kicks thrown, youngest participant, and more.
You do not have to be a martial artists to participate.
To be held at Martial Arts Training Academy located at
6166 Morganford, St. Louis MO 63116.
Sponsored by Black Dragon Kung Fu, Okinawan Kenpo Karate Kobudo, Wounded Sons, and U.S. Special Operations Association.
For more information and sponsorship information, call Ike Bear at 314-353-8077 (Office) or
314-677-7737 (Cell). Or email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Wolf Quest
Here is a really nifty game from the Minnesota Zoo. Join a wolf pack! Even if you don’t like to game, it is still fun.
Thanks to Kristie Bigler for sending me a link!
T-Shirts and Stuff
Finally all the stuff is back from Comic-Con. It will take me a bit to sort it through. But I will announce when I put it up. We are going to offer the remainders of the Comic-Con shirts, catalogs and some left over special orders (comic shirts). I hope to have it up next week but don’t hold me to that. Depends how long it takes me to sort it all back out. We weren’t the neatest packers there at the end.
Con Pictures
If you have pics or videos you would like to share from Conestoga, Comic-Con, or Nasfic you can send them to me at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Also we got a special request for pictures of the Del Rey Booth. Specifically the Manga side of the booth. If anyone has some they would be willing to send along, we are being asked about them. So please email me if you do!
That’s it for this bit!