Merry, Merry, quite contrary

Jul 03, 2013

Yesterday was an amazing day – day one on sale for AFFLICTION –
but today I get to share some more excitement! I get to answer one of your most asked questions. Will I ever write another Merry Gentry novel? Yes! I wanted to make a hundred percent certain that Merry and I were both happy with the book before I announced it, and when I cleared that first triple digit goal I knew we had it! The new Merry Gentry novel will be my next book to be published, in summer 2014. This will be the first Merry novel since DIVINE MISDEMEANORS in 2009!

230 thoughts on “Merry, Merry, quite contrary”

  1. OMG!!! Yes!!! I have been waiting for Merry since Divine Misdemeanors. I am so happy and can’t wait for it. : )

    1. I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad!!!! I can’t wait to read it. I have been working my way through Anita’s books again before I read Affliction and it got me wondering when the next Merry book would be out!!

    2. I love Merry and do not know why you have not written more. But why so long, a whole year? U are my favorite author. I can not wait to see what her beautiful babies will look like. What a wild fantasy to hall all those lovers and friends. Lucky character . Have not read the new book. I hope it has a little more meat to it than the last one. But I not complaining too much.

  2. Whoot! I love Merry and her crew. Can’t wait! thank you Laurell and the muse known as Merry!

  3. I am so glad to hear it . I love all your books and Merry and Anita are my alternate worlds I enter every night. Keep it up your amazing

  4. Thank you so much for writing another Merry Gentry book! I have turned a lot of my friends and my sister onto your wonderful books. Please don’t stop writing. <3

  5. Thank the gods! I’m so excited, I won’t even complain about having to wait another year!!!! Thank you for keeping it going! I cant wait for her to have the Babies!!!!

  6. I am so excited missed merry and her men I can’t wait to meet the babies . just finished reading Affliction loved it can’t wait for the next anita book

  7. I’m so glad! I have loved your books since the first one I read (Death of a Dark Lord), but I have a special adoration for Merry. Technically it’s for Frost and Doyle, but I’ll say Merry. Thank you for sharing your special talent with us.

  8. I love the Anita Blake novels. I own all of them, have read them all at least twice each and can’t wait to buy Affliction. Thank you for making such amazing novels.

  9. Mrs. Hamilton, you rock. You take all the time you need. No matter when you publish the book it will be a hit. Keep in mind there will always be fans that adore your work .I am one of them.Your stories are a pleasurable escape. Thank you in advance

  10. WOO HOO!!! Waiting for this announcement for a LONG time! Thanks LKH for making my day 🙂

  11. TY TY TY TY Been waiting for a new Merry book forever. I love both series so much . And used to love Anita over Merry but Anita has grown to powerful and you never really see the supporting characters anymore. So grown to like Merry more and then you stopped her to do more Anita. I still Love both but really really wanted some more Merry specially with some more big fights that we can see Darkness Frost and Rhys let loose more and see more of there skills. And you hinted in book 2 of Rhys leading hordes of Dead and Kitto leading the goblins I want to see that :P.

  12. WooHoo……………… Merry………………………….. I can’t wait, till it comes out. I need a merry fix…

    1. I agree with you. Five year is a long time to wait for a book to continue, but Yea!!!!!! Merry, Darkness and Frost is back

  13. A GREAT BIG YAY!!! Waiting soooo impatiently to read Afflication until company leaves on Sunday. Boo hoo, I wanted to start rite away. I really wish that dedicated fans that always preorder ur books could get it a little bit early, although I realize that this is probably an unrealistic wish!! Lol.

  14. This is such a wonderful series It has just right mix of might, magic, intrigue and sex. Your character are so well drawn and 3 dimensional I feel as if the are my best friends. Thank You Miss Laurell K Hamilton for a fantastic series.

  15. Finally! so ready! Merry is awesome…… will Merry and Anita ever meet?

  16. Thank you very much Laurell! Writing a novel is crazy hard let alone open ended long term series. You keep writing and we will keep reading!

  17. OMGosh!!! I can’t wait! I love the Merry Gentry books and have had major Darkness withdrawals =P
    I will have to re-read the books for the 14th time before the new one comes out!! =D YAY!!

  18. Fantastic! That give me plenty of time to read Affliction, and savor re-reading Merry’s books in eager anticipation of next summer. Love you, and your writing, and Jon, and your openness with your fans. LKH *rocks* like KISS, baby!!

  19. WOOHOOO!!! Way to make my day even better. I’m snuggled up with Affliction and now I have a Merry book to look forward to!

  20. Again we will all be allowed to plunge head (and heart) first back into the world of Merry and her most delicious men.
    I highly doubt I am the only one who at times of extreme annoyance with the world around me, doesnt hope a little hope or wish a little wish that Merrys (or Anitas) world could be stepped into……
    Thanks LHK for such a wonderful announcement!

  21. I am so excited! I love your books. They have been a great joy, comfort, and a much needed escape for me at various times in my life. Thank you for all your years of hard work and allowing me and so many other fans to enjoy the fantastic worlds of both Merry and Anita.

  22. AWESOME NEWS LAURELL!!!!!!!! i have been waiting to hear this for a few years now!!! although i love anita and all her gorgeous men, i love LOVE meredith and her crew of beautiful male fae “hotties” as well!! SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS on affliction and on the newest merry novel…..YOU ROCK WOMAN!!!!!! really,really liked flirt btw. blessed be love and respect, skye elizabeth

  23. I am so happy that you are going to go on with Merry I love all your books ans can’t wait to read the new Anita just got it today we’ll be up all night reading it don’t ever stop your books are the best and congrats on 20 years

  24. Yes!!! have been waiting for this news, I read all the Merry books from our library ,then this xmas bought myself the full set so far and it only took me 8days to read them! so looking forward to the new one of course I will have to read them all again before then thank you.

  25. I’ve been reading following since I was a preteen (what my parents were thinking letting me read anything I wanted is beyond my understanding) and can honestly say that will be one of the highlights of 2014 for me!

  26. I am soooo excited!! I have to say I love Anita and Merry equally, but I miss Merry! I can’t wait to see what new powers she aquires and what happens with Frost! I felt kinda like it was a cliff hanger with his story line lol. Can’t wait! The worlds you create are so real to me its like Im reading Non-fiction! you are a truly talented writer!

  27. It’s good news, unfortunately we’ve heard it before. I think I’ll set back and just believe it when I see it on the shelves.

  28. I am so glad to hear this! I have read the whole series and love it and now I’m listening to them on my iPod! Happy, Happy news!!! 🙂

  29. So glad to hear this – been waiting to hear how Merry and her men are doing. And the little one.

  30. ok, i am really excited to hear this news. i will try to wait as patiently as i can…which isnt much.. never can get enough of your books

  31. I really do love the Anita book but Merry is my first love. I read the Merry books first and loved them so much I finally migrated to Anita. Then I read like the first 20 Anita books in 2 weeks. I don’t think I did anything but read, even at work. I have Affliction and cannot wait to crack the cover but I am SUPER excited to hear Merry is coming back. Thank you!!!!

  32. I just love all your books.. every time a new books comes out.. I start reading them all again.. until I get to the new one and read that.. thanks for the great READS!!

  33. so very glad been waiting to see what happens, was left hanging for a long time, thank you for continuing the series…..

  34. TG! Poor Merry has been pregnant since 2009! It’s a long time to wait but I’m sure its will be worth it! Just wish it was released this summer instead of next!

  35. I am so happy to know that we get another dose of Merry and her men!!! Love all your works Laurell and look forward to each one released. I love the fact that all your women are strong and can take care of business when they have to. You keep writing and we, your dedicated fans, will keep on reading. 🙂 <3

  36. Yay yay yay yayayayayayayay!!!!!! I love the beauty that Merry can find in herself despite being told that what she is isnt beautiful.

  37. OMG I so can’t wait!! I’ve been dying to see what happens next! I loved Merry and her guys as much as I love Anita. I get the books as soon as I can then sit there and devour them in a few hrs and then wait months and in the case of Merry YEARS! LOL I’m sure it’ll be totally worth the wait tho. I’d rather wait than something be thrown together just for the sake of putting the next book out.

    1. I am Soooooooo Happy!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, Laurell for writing a new Merry Gentry for all of us who love her. I honestly thought that maybe you just didn’t care about those of us who fell in love with Merry and her men. I am really looking forward to the release of this book. Thanks again!!

    2. *sigh* I was SO hoping for another novel! I´m from Germany and here have only the first two Merry books been published and i just yet found out that there are more. So I ordered all of them and read them all in about 6 days… and I´m reading Divine Misdemeanors right now and for days now, so I don´t have to get to the end… ;o) But If I now that there will be alt least one more, I feel like I can finalky finish it.

      Laurell, I just wanna say thanks!! I read your novels for years a never get bored… and thanks A LOT for letting Anitas boys and her FINALLY have same-sex-fun! It was so desperately needed to make the storrys whole. Also tahnk´s for getting more and more feminist and kind of not acepting, what´s going horrobly wrong in our societies…(and sorry for my bad english, I´m not used to write in it)

      Lots of Love and Lust, Nina

  38. Fabulous News! I love your strong female characters and like that you write in the darker side of their personalities. Who doesn’t have a dark side, hmm?

  39. I was wondering if there ever might be a Merry/Anita cross up. Nether book explicitly says that it isn’t possible…perhaps, with all the chaos in each of their lives, they never bothered to notice. Maybe, even some mention in a newspaper in a future Anita book about a “fairie princess visits St. Louis”, or something. I just think that it’s a possibility without being too contrived.

  40. Fantastic News!!! Have been having Merry and her men withdrawals for the longest time! If only you could write Anita and Merry books at the same time 🙂 Well done and keep up the great work! xx

  41. Love Anita, but love this news. I miss Meredith and her POV. Must have read DM 4 times!

  42. I can’t wait for Merry.. I have been a fan of your books for a long time. My boyfriend teases me because he knows when a new one comes out he can’t talk to me for a couple of days about anything important as I won’t be paying attention .lol

  43. I am seriously as giddy as a school girl, I have been hoping and waiting to hear about a new Mary book this is so exciting I can’t wait!

  44. I cannot wait for this book!! 🙂 this is the absolute best news I’ve had all week!!

  45. Yea!!! I have missed Merry and her entourage. So glad I get to hear from her again, but now I have to wait. 🙁

  46. yay……i thought you forgot all about merry and shoved her in the closet! she get to come out and play with her cuties. can’t wait….LOVED AFFLICTION

  47. Laurell, thank you and Merry so much, I’ve been hanging out for so long for the next instalment, Can’t wait til 2014 Blessings and much gratitude from New Zealand 🙂

  48. Omg thank you so much for the new merry book nxt year I absolutely love the merry books I’m going to re-read all my merry books again so I’ll be ready I can’t wait,I hope the time flies by
    Happy 4th july

    It has been far too long, I can’t WAIT to read this!!
    Thank you so much, Laurell K!!!!

  50. YES YES YES!! Merry and her crew were the main reason I ever got an E-reader (My library only had the first and the last book,,,but the E-library had all of Merry and the gang!) And boy did I break in that E-reader! I read that thing dead too many times to count reading all of those books!! And come the summer of 2014…I will be buying that one!! Don’t want to wait for it to get to my library!!

  51. Can’t believe I have to wait till next summer to get it 🙁 Looking forward to it though !!

  52. Thank you so much Laurell! I am so glad you are going back to visit Merry and tell us more about her story! I recently started re-reading A Kiss of Shadows to pass the time while waiting for Affliction and will admit to forgetting exactly how much I LOVE Merry and her boys. I am so glad Merry is still around 13 yrs later with more story to tell!

  53. I am over the moon with anticipation for the new Merry book, have missed her terrible for the last few years. I have reread the series several times to keep her in my thoughts as I and everyone else has waited for the new book. I cannot wait to meet the babies and see how fatherhood changes Frost, Doyle, and Rhys.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for Merry and her men.

  54. yay!!! that is awesome news – I have been waiting and am glad that a new Merry book will be out

  55. For some reason I hear the lilt of Celtic music playing in the mysts. I think I’m having a biblio-gasm…. Oh wait! did I say that in my out loud voice?

  56. YEA!!!!! I am reading Affliction right now and I love your writing style. I love that I get your jokes. “That word, I do not think it means what she thinks it means!” I love that you are exploring the issues of acceptance and polyamoury. And I love that in all this you never lose sight of what and who Anita Blake is. If I could hug you again I would!

  57. Wonderful news! I adore both Merry and Anita’s stories. Unflinchingly strong but tender women.

  58. OMG. I have so been waiting for her story to continue. Sure do miss her and her men.

  59. I am so happy! I was reading my old “Merry” books waiting for the new Affliction to go on sale. It has been sitting next to me since Tuesday and I am still reading Merry. She is my favorite.

  60. If I could, I would reach through this computer and hug you while jumping up and down screaming “Yea!” Seriously, I am that happy. I just finished my Independent Study course in which my advisor and I examined the Merry Gentry series and I did my senior thesis on the series so a new book is the most exciting news I’ve had in a while!
    Okay, I need to calm down. I think I’m hyperventilating while typing. Is that possible?
    *in and out*
    *in and out*
    Okay, I’m better. Congrats on the new book that I will, of course, be buying and I CANNOT WAIT for the new Merry Gentry series. You should definitely do a book tour or something close to Radford Virginia or there abouts so that I can meet you and get one of my books signed. Yeah, that would be awesome!
    Go LKH fans..Woot Woot!

  61. I am so glad that I didn’t really start reading until a year ago and was able to read all of the Merry Gentry books so I am lucky enough to not have to wait as long as the others!! Can’t wait!!!

  62. Yes! Finally! I love Merry and I’ve soooo been looking forward to a new story with her. She’s literally my height and size and I love that she loves sex and has all these men who love her and appreciate her. Thank you!!

  63. You just made my day. I have been re-reading the Merry series this past week. I am on A Stroke of Midnight right now. I love Doyle and Rhys, they are two of my favorite book boyfriends. Along with Jason and Nicky from Anita’s books. I am dying to read Affliction. Picking up on friday.

  64. OMG!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I can’t wait to read about what happens next. It’s been a long 4 years and the 5th one will be even longer. But, at least I know the story will continue…

  65. YAY!!!! **jumping for joy* Finally more of my Frost and Doyle. Just sad we have to wait so looonnnggg….but at least we get more. 🙂

  66. My husband mentioned your book *Anita* to me and after reading the entire series about 4 times over he finally caught me heading in the 5 time reading it and told me about your other series… which I admit im kinda scared to read it because I love Anita and her gang alot.. will there be another Anita book… I just read Affliction and loved it… just hoping it’s not the end… As for your Merry series I think I will give it a shot, I and a huge fan of you and I trust if one series is amazing the your other has to be too.

  67. Very happy to hear that Merry & you have agreed to the continuation of the series. I do hope that Merry, her consorts and her babies all have happy endings. After all, they have suffered much and worked hard for their futures.

    Thanks again, can’t wait for the book(s) to be published.

  68. YEAH!!! I love all your books. I can’t wait to read that one and see what Merry and you have in store for us. I love the series so much I name my baby boy Rhys 🙂

  69. I am so happy you and Merry are happy with the plan for the continuation of her story. I remember when you and she had a “falling out” a while back. I can’t wait to re-read the series and get back into a Merry and her Men state of mind.

  70. Be still my heart! Something is wrong with my mental soundtrack… My reaction has me stuc between “My Boyfriend’s Back” and “The Boys Are Back in Town”! 100% no complaints — Merry is totally overdue her pagetime — but what does this mean for the Anita publication schedule?

  71. Thank you, Ms. Hamilton, for creating Merry Gentry and Anita Blake and all of their amazing men, for giving them such complex and memorable personalities, and for writing new adventures year after year so we can continue to enjoy them and watch them grow. I never tire of your fascinating mix of mystery and mayhem, sex and violence, tenderness and love. You really know how to make a reader experience the whole range of human emotion. — From a grateful reader.

  72. OMG!! You have just made my night! I have been rereading the series and so would love to find out how everything turns out!!

  73. I am so excited to read the next Merry Gentry and I hope that I will be to know Merry as I’ve gotten to know Anita 🙂 please continue to write both series! I think I’d die if you stopped!

  74. Thank you so much for writing Merry again. I love her and Anita. I’ve read all of the ladies’ books multiple times (at least once for each new novel to refresh my memory). I love Anita and her boys but I really have been dying to meet Merry’s babies. Thank you again for all you do, the worlds you create are so wonderful to imagine.

  75. Woah I am so glad I found your blog. Do you know what? I really love reading but I am hard to please. You are the only one, I love your books from the begining to the end. When I buy one, I can’t stop til I finish reading and I am not borred by reading you. When I was little, I read three books in the same time and never finished one. I did not understand why I made that. Many years laters I realized that I was borred, what I read was not interesting. I am really thankful to you. Sorry for language mistakes, actually I am French and I read your book in my native language but I hope someday I will read your amazing novels in the original language.

  76. OMG . . . waiting on pins and needles for summer 2014 . . . in this case, wishing your life away is a good thing!

  77. I pre-order all of the Anita Blake and I just finished Affliction and it is so wonderful. I love vampire and wereanimal books but you are the best at bringing the fantasy and reality together. The relationships are so real that I want to read slower so that the book lasts longer. I have many of the Anita Blake series in hardback and I also have all of the Merry Gentry novels so I am extremely excited to hear you are writing a new Merry Gentry novel and will be waiting to pre-order it for my Nook. Thanks for the last 20 years of Anita Blake.

  78. I’m loving all of the Anita Blake series. It is well written and all books fallow a great story. I actually get my husband to read them with me. This is a HUGE accomplishment since he hates to read. We love Edward. I also have been waiting forever to hear more about Merry. I will be purchasing the next Merry Gentry as soon as it comes out.

  79. I am in the midst of reading Affliction, and was just wondering about the OTHER fantastic series you wrote, and if there was ever going to be another Meredith Gentry novel. To see that there is made my day.

  80. Just got done reading Affliction and Edwards (my favorite character) little rant about the paranormal marshals being deaths squads reminded me of a poem I wrote in 2004 and Anitas comment of tears salty trails reminded me of another so I figured I would share them, both are a little dark and morbid just fair warning to other readers

    by Dj Gilcrease

    Tears fill my eyes
    clouding the perfect vision of myself
    showing me scenes of my life
    that I remembered a different way

    Tears roll down my cheeks
    slowly taking away my misconception
    leaving only the salty trail
    of the life I thought I had lived

    Tears now dry
    my old life now evaporated
    the reality that’s left
    terrifies my soul.

    The things I have done
    I can never forgive
    The pain I caused
    but never felt

    My life has changed;
    Reality called to me the day I learned to cry.


    Death Squad
    by Dj Gilcrease

    We bring Death
    We breath Death
    We live Death
    We are Death

    Shadows our armor
    Night our shelter
    Death our blessing

    Sound our enemy
    Movement our target
    Death our curse

    We bring Death
    We breath Death
    We live Death
    We are Death

    The children cry
    as we lay their parents down.
    Their sound silenced
    before we move on.

    Our minds gone
    numb to the pain.
    Our thoughts twisted
    by the Death we bring.

  81. OMG!!! I am soooo happy you are making another Merry book. I love her books. And I really hope you write more books for her after this next one. I love all your books. Please keep writing so us fans can keep reading

  82. Yes! Yes! Yes! I have been waiting forever to hear this. Sooooo glad that she isn’t gone for good. Really want to hear more about the twins.

  83. Hallelujah! I cannot Wait. So Very Excited!! Gotta go Back And Read Them All Before Next Summer!

  84. I can’t wait for the next Merry book! I am in the middle of reading Affliction but I am starting to get the feeling you may be wrapping up Anita. I hope there will be more stories with her in the future too!

    1. Cathy, I highly doubt she is wrapping up Anita. If you follow Laurell, she has been very adamant that she sees no end in sight for Anita, whereas there has always been an endgoal for Merry. I could see Laurell wwriting Anita for the rest of her life! There is certainly potential for it.

  85. YAY!!!!! I’m missed Merry and her world! Can’t wait to see what they’ve been up to!

  86. YAY I’m doin a gig right now with this happiness! I just started re-reading Merry for the 5th time! Yay!

  87. Hurray!!!! I’m so excited! We’ve all been patiently waiting for this! Merry is such a strong and beautiful character and I’m thrilled to find out where she’s headed next!

  88. I’m so completely thrilled to hear about the new Meredith Gentry release! I’ll be anxiously awaiting the summer of 2014! Thank you so much for continuing the series!

    1. your also my one of my favorite beside Christine Feehan I love you both so much!

  89. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! I cant wait i have been waiting so long and reading the Anita Blake Series inbetween waiting for this book….. I am truly excited!!!

  90. Woo Hoo! Thank you so much Laurell for getting back to Merry. You wrote in an earlier post that she and her men were just in too happy a place to write about and hopefully that hasn’t changed too much. I would love to hear about their ordinary everyday adventures (childbirth, preschool, exploring the new sithin). Can’t wait!

  91. Thank you very much Laurell for the next Merry book!
    It seems like SO long since the last one! I’ve read all the Anita novels and, of course, the Merry Gentry series and I REALLY hope we get treated to at least 20+ of the Merry Gentry series!!!!
    It’s a wonderful world you’ve created that deserves to be as long running as Anita – Please????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????
    Blessed be.

  92. Thank goodness, what wonderful news. Can’t wait for it to come out. That means I get to re-read the whole series again to get back up to speed.

  93. This news has made my day, no make that week, hell make it the month. Absolutely thrilled and looking forward to more of Merry and the gang.

  94. Not that long ago I stumbled on the Anita Blake series. I read through that series and caught up in as long as it took me to get my hands on the book. After catching up I looked for more by you and found the Merry Gentry series. I didn’t look at how many books were in it at first and just figured it was going to be as long or close, boy was I surprised when they stopped. Been waiting but can’t say patiently lol for the next one. So glad to hear there will be another one. Just finished affliction and loved it. My husband was shocked it took me two sittings (about 3-4 hrs each) to read lol.

  95. This is great news 🙂 , wish it was this year instead though . Well at least I have Anita.

  96. awesome 🙂 I cannot wait to read the new merry gentry novel, as it was her that lead me to you laurell, imagine the frustration after reading misdimeaners and then realising that was it! I am currently going through the anita blake series to keep me sated 🙂 But when I read 4 books a week well… its going to be a long wait till the new merry gentry :). I cant wait to meet the babies, and see the men as dads. 🙂

  97. This is very exciting! I’ve missed Merry very much. But, as much as I love Merry. I hope this next book will help set up the end of the series. That may sound strange considering how much I love the series, but I too think Merry deserves her fairy tale ending. So, I’m hoping you continue along the lines of the God and Goddess giving their blessings on humans and fey outside of the courts, and that this will bring along a nice happy ending for Merry and her Merry Crew! Lol. And to be honest, as much as I love Merry, I love Anita more. So more Anita is always a good thing. Afflliction was amazing! Better than I had even hoped for. It was a very emotional book for me. I hadn’t realized how much I had come to care for Micah, but I shared in all his pain. I had to choke back tears so many times. My coworkers suggested I see a therapist for depression because I teared up so much thinking about the pain he must be feeling. I was actually wondering if Affliction was also incredibly emotional for you to write. I think it would make me feel less foolish if you had also crried writing it! Lol, but if you did not cry for him, then maybe I have formed an inappropriate bond with your fictional characters. I’ve been reading these books since I was fourteen (I’m 23 now) so they have become a big part of my life. I care for them as much as my actual friends I think. The only other series that captivated me this way was Harry Potter, so it is truly high praise from me because Harry Potter is my life. Lol. Anyway I also wuldn’t mind reading something fresh if you have anything cooking. Your brain has given me so much happiness, I feel I owe you way more than the cost of your books!

  98. Oh, YAY!!!!! This is EXCELLENT news!!!!!! Can’t wait. Just starting Affliction today 🙂

  99. Woo Hoo!!! I was just looking on here the other day to see if you had any more updates about Merry & Crew. I recall you saying it would happen, you just weren’t sure when. I just finished all of the Merry books for about the 12th time & was fixing to pick up Affliction after I finished the Anita series for about the 20th time. Will be looking forward to hearing more soon…

    So Excited!!!

  100. I cant wait its been to long. I was also woundering if Merry and Anita will ever meet. That would be a great story to tell if it ever happens

  101. Awesome! I was missing Merry. So glad she’ll be coming back. I hope for many more books to come.
    Thanks Laurell

  102. Yay!!! I am so happy. I was just re-reading these books, and wondering when there would be a new one.

  103. OMG…I know this has been said over and over here but seriously…I can’t flippin wait…Merry and her wild and wonderful men are in my top ten fav series.
    I’m very grateful that Laurell and Merry are back on track…
    Thank You!!!

  104. Thank you. I’ve been waiting for this. Babies please! And not just Merry’s, but Biddy’s and Maeve’s as well.

  105. I am soooo happy that DEVINE MISDEMEANORS Isn’t the end of Merry and HER MEN. She is just a joy to read. I am also glad that I have not read the END OF ANITA BLAKE. I LOVE YOUR WRITING. LOVE LAURA

  106. Thank you so very much. I have put off reading Divine Misdemeanors because it was the last book published about Merry. I just didn’t want it to be over. Now I can read it knowing full well that there will be more. Again, thank you for Merry and her wonderful men.

  107. I’m very excited by this news, I have been wondering for while if there would be a new one as Divine Misdemeanors didn’t feel like It was the last book.

    I have been a fan of The ABVH and Merry Gentry books Since High school, and though I have read them all many times I still Enjoy re reading them all the way through.

  108. wow…such a LONG time to wait. But thank you for writing another Merry book…it has been WAY too long.

  109. I am just thrilled!!!! me and my girlfriends have been waiting forever…. Best news ever

  110. I am so excited. I had just been thinking about Merry & began wondering if there would be another. So I decided to check your site. Oh boy, am I glad I did. I’ll be counting down the days! Have started rereading Anita’s books. I’ll plan on rereading Merry’s books next winter 🙂

  111. YAY!!!!!! I’ve been working so hard to be patient waiting for this announcement!!! I’m so happy to hear this! And Ms. Hamilton, I’m glad you and Merry could finally agree. I can’t wait!!!!

  112. Is the American summer because in Australia that take forever.
    Also love both the Anita Blake and the Merry Gentry series.
    Do you think you would come to Australia any time soon like for some of the convention because that would be Awsome.

  113. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am such an addict for Merry’s adventures and I want to know what happens with her and the babies. It is also always fascinating how you grow Faerie in each novel, I mean to include hollow hills and the like. Thanks again!

  114. I’m so excited !! I have been waiting for a new Merry book. Maybe its time to re-read the series… again !

  115. Yay im sooooo happy Merry is coming back I love Anita but I have missed Merry! So excited. Need to start rereading my Merry Gentry books so i can re enjoy them but to also refresh my memory. So excited!

  116. Thank you so much for the news that Merry wants to again come out and play, we have missed her! And a big thank you for all the wonderful books that you have written! Both Anita and Merry are intelligent, strong women and good roll models for young women to teach them that not everyone has to follow the cookie cutter mold that society seems to want to impress on the young. Keep up the great stories, because I will keep reading!

  117. Happy Dance! I LOVE Anita!! And all her luciously dangerous playmates, but I’ve missed Rhys!!

  118. Ez egy örömteli hír! Már nagyon várom! 🙂 (It is a joyous news! I can not wait! 🙂 )

  119. Whoo hoo! Would you believe I just started rereading the series and came here to make sure I have the books in order.

  120. Wonderful I can’t wait to meet the babies and see what’s going on in the merry world I have already started counting down the days. Oh and Affliction ROCKED I loved it like I loved all the Anita and Merry books. Congrats on years. >_<

  121. YES!!! I cannot find anything that compares to Merry Gentry! (eventhough I’m starting the Anita series today). Love from one Arkansas girl to another!

  122. Glad to hear that the long wait has just gotten shorter. Waiting one year I can handle. As for Affliction I tore through it in a day and a half. I promise to read it more gently next time.

  123. Thank god! I just started re-reading the series, not for the first time, and thought I would take another hopeful look at your website. Thank you! Can’t wait to read it!

  124. I was beginning to think she forgot about us poor merry fans! I’m soooo elated! Merry take us to your throne!

  125. Thank you!!!!! I have been waiting and anticipating the next Merry novel for years! I wish it hadn’t been so long between DM and this one though. I do understand that DM was a difficult one to put to bed and Merry would want things to be perfect before she let you finish and publish! Please write more Merry books! I adore her and her stories!

  126. Yeah I can’t wait to see what’s been up with Merry and her men!! I love them all!! Though I’m going to be in with drawls if there isn’t an Anita book but Merry will definitely be a great replacement!! Both of these series have helped to keep me sane the last few years!! Thank you! I have reread and relistened to them numerous time , and I can’t wait for the next one!!

  127. 😀 fangirl *squee*!!!!! I do have one request Ms. Hamilton would you consider putting a name pronunciation guide in this book? There hasn’t been one in the past several and I find myself having to have multiple books surrounding me when I’m reading (to be fair I usually end up like that no matter what). Please?! More fangirl *squee*!

  128. Omg!!! That’s so exciting to hear! Out of the thousands of books I have read Anita and Merry are still my favourites by a long shot! You are awesome LK!

  129. Yesssss! I can’t even express how goddamn glad and happy I am to hear this great news. I will be on the look out. By the congrats on the 22nd Anita Blake release. I thoroughly enjoyed, and was sad about Ares, glad it wasn’t a more loved character that died. One part that really through me off was the choking sex part with Anita Nate and Nick. Please continue to write these delicious supernatural action packed and smart books.

  130. This is fantastic news!! I love Anita Blake, but I am so happy that you’re writing Merry again! I’m excited to see what you’re going to come up with. 🙂

  131. WoooHooo! This is such great news. I will start rereading the series around All Hallow’s Eve or so, that way I will be less delirious about the wait. Write on!

  132. Yay! I really need to find out about those babies! I am just about ready to re-read the series. Thank you SO much for that wonderful news. I was losing hope.

  133. OMG!!! Thank you!!! my whole year has been made now!!! I cant wait for the next Merry Book 🙂 Love your work, Anita has been my favourite since I was 13!

  134. Thankyou laurell this is amazing news!! Me and my mum have both been awaiting a new merry novel for quite some time now, as my mum isnt very good with computers i can buy her your book next year as a surprise present 🙂 hope the actual writing of it goes smoothly for you x x

  135. So I watched the trailer for Affliction and got super excited. I really want them to make it into a movie or even an HBO tv series. But as I started reading the comments someone mentioned that LKH doesn’t want to give away her creative rights which she has ever right to. Because unlike LHK, Charlaine Harris let them make True Blood and it deviated away from the story line and made me feel lack luster towards rereading her books. I don’t want that to happen to LKH. I love Anita Blake!

  136. I hope the book starts in the later stages of her pregnancy. It would suck if we waited 5 years and its just a few days after Divine Misdemeanors. And I hope its more political than Detectivey like the last one too. Anita is the only gun-totting-detective/cop-like badass I can accept. I just want Merry to do what she does best…politics and sex. Lol. Fingers crossed!

  137. I’m so excited….but do we really have to wait for the summer of 2014 ??? I’m going to start re-reading them now.

  138. Thank you!!! I was really hoping that you and Merry could come to an agreement. I have missed her so much! I have been waiting to hear this news. Thank you for not giving up on her!!!

  139. Very cool!
    Been missing Merry these past few years. It’ll be good to see what the little lady has been up to.
    Thanks for bringing her back into our world!

  140. Dear Goddess thank you finally! All the fan art, constant re-reads, audio-books, and day/night dreams was not enough to tide me over! Been waiting for this FOREVER! It is, after all, my #1 favorite series!

  141. Thank you for finally continuing the Merry Gentry series. I’m also hoping that we’ll be able to find out if she will ever have that third potential phantom baby and who the father or fathers will be before you feel that this series is complete. Again, thank you.

  142. I am so excited. I love your work. Ask my husband. He questions my sanity every time I reread both Anita’s and Merry’s adventures.

  143. I am really excited to hear you will be writing another Merry G. book. I’ve been wanting to know what’s up with her and everyone else.
    BTW: I was cruising Yahoo…..Britain is going to allow babies with 3 genetic parents!!!!!
    LKH……are you psychic?????

  144. Yes please. I need to know how it ends. What her babies look like. Will they have her powers or their fathers!?!? Will she take the thrown in L.A. and have her own court and sithen?

  145. I am very happy to hear this, however I think it is long overdue. You have a huge fan base, and unfortunately I have been very frustrated as a regular follower. I feel as though you have forgotten your fans, us who have bought your books, and made you wealthy. If you are not going to write anymore then ok, I wish you the best of luck. You have written my all time favorite reads, and I thank you for that. However if not then share with us the stories and don’t make us wait 5 years for one… because if I wasn’t that big of a fan, I wouldn’t wait.

  146. YES!! So excited and I am marking my calendar now! I love this series and have even recommended it to friends as a series that makes you feel connected with the god and the goddess.

  147. so happy to hear that you’re going to continue merry Gentry series. she’s my favorite character out of all your series books. hoping to see that she gives birth in this book.

  148. OMG!! I had been so utterly disappointed when it appeared that Merry’s series was dropped. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next book. Thank you for not giving it up. <3

  149. Thank god! I have been wondering if it was ever going to happen when I was told last December that we were months away from a new one I was disappointed to find nope it was not to be but I can wait to read about the babies to see if frost comes back in a way and too read about the whole crew again!

  150. OH. MY. GOD!!! I have been waiting forever since I last read Divine to read the next chapter in Merry’s life! I can’t wait to meet the twins either! Geez, I’m so excieted I’m squealing! Can’t wait for next year now!!! Woohoo!!! XD

  151. Thank you, thank you!! I have missed her and all the men (especially Darkness) so much. They got me through some rough times and I am super excited. Thank you for not giving up on her. She may be stubborn but she still has so much living to do.

  152. Thanks so much Laurrell for book 9.
    The Merry Gentry adventure series is the best series I have read in 40yrs.
    I read this series in under mtgs as I had 2 wait 4 the books 2 become available in the state library system In Australia.
    I have been waiting since the end of 2010, so thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I have recommend this series to every d

  153. My phone drop out on my last comment, so yes I recommend this series 2 everyone, whether they like the fae or not.
    While in Bali 4 holidays @ the end of
    2010 I finished “Divine Misdemeanors”, & bought 3 Wooden hand carved masks
    that to me were the “Green Man”, & her 2 closest lovers/bodyguards! I see them
    each day as they are on my TV unit &
    Wonder where’s it will go next? I read this
    ,think about where the series will go next if it is written!,
    I l

  154. Oh My God!!! Thank you so much! I have been dreaming of the next book. I attempted to fill the void this series left when it was left unfinished… but to no success. Nothing was able to replace Merry and her boys. I hope the babies are born!!

  155. Seduced by Moonlight was the first Laurell book I ever picked up. I have been seduced ever since. This is my all-time favorite series! If my apartment ever caught on fire; besides my cat, the Merry series would be the first thing I rescued:):):). 5 years I have been waiting……I guess 7 more months won’t be too hard to struggle through:).

  156. Thank you Thank you Thank you for the new Meredith book A Shiver of Light due to be released on 6/3/14. I can’t wait to read it.


  157. I can’t wait to read more of your books I have read all Anita books 3 times and am reading Merry’s for the second time in preparation for the newest addition I wish I didn’t have to wait so long in between however it is always worth it once I start turning the pages so thanks for sharing your freaky awesome imagination with me through your books also will there ever be movies or TV series based on the books thanks your loyal reader and biggest fan from st Louis

  158. I have read every single book of yours. Affliction was so good, I closed myself in my room and read it in a day. I am ecstatic that there will finally be another Merry Gentry book!!!! Yippeeeeee.

  159. I just discovered MG!!!! I am only up to “A lick of Frost” but OMG!!!!!!!! I love this series and I hope you NEVER tire of writing about MG.I am so excited to have a new one this summer. God bless you for some of the most descriptive enjoyable writing I have EVER read.

  160. I can’t find another series like this and I so feel something missing. I hope that this isn’t the end…

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