More in Love Than When We Started

May 02, 2015

I promised myself that I would write something different after I finished the latest Anita Blake book, Dead Ice, coming out June 9, about a month away. So, I wrote a short story set in a new world with brand new characters. It was wonderful, exhilarating, and strangely exhausting. I’d forgotten how tiring it is to forge my way through a brand new creation. It made me hesitate to do the novel that I’d thought I would do next because its also a new world with a brand new main character, magic system, and everything.  The story I just finished has made me rethink, so I decided I’d do the next Anita Blake novel, but which one?


I wrote a list of Anita plots that I’d been thinking about for a while. When I got to “Q” I stopped. I had more ideas to write down, but seventeen seemed like plenty to choose from. From the very beginning, Anita had a large list of potential book plots; I think I started with thirteen mysteries.  When I wrote that initial list I didn’t know I’d ever get a chance to pursue them all. The fact that my initial Anita contract with Penguin/Putnam (now Penguin Random House) was for three novels had thrilled me, because I knew there would be at least that many in my series. My first novel, Nightseer, had been planned to be part of a four book series, but my first publisher, ROC, had only purchased one book.  When that one didn’t sell well, like most first novels, they weren’t interested in me continuing the series. Three books was a luxury after that.


So, why did I make a list of future plots when I didn’t know I’d ever get a chance to write them? I’m not sure, but the ideas came to me and I’d learned years ago to write down all my ideas. You think you’ll remember them, because they’re so great, but you won’t.  Write the ideas down, all the ideas, so you don’t lose them. Maybe that’s why I did it, and that would make sense, but in retrospect it seemed terribly optimistic.


I’ve actually used all the original thirteen ideas that I wrote down, except for a couple. Those plots went away because of character growth, or just the logic of Anita’s world, and my magic system. By the time I got that far into the list I knew that certain creatures of legend just didn’t exist in her world, so some ideas went away on that basis alone. 


Yet, here I am with seventeen new book plots, and more I could have listed. Some of the list is just intriguing as hell. Example – Olaf’s return. That’s all, but those two words are enough to make me wonder what a fan favorite serial killer will do when he’s next on stage. There’s The British book, set in England; The Irish book, set in Ireland, where Damian’s maker is waiting; Nathaniel’s book, which is going to be a long, complex mystery; Jean-Claude’s story, but so many ways to structure this one that I haven’t even started an outline; Nicky’s book, where he goes home for his mother’s parole hearing and asks Anita to go with him; New Mexico and Edward’s Wedding, will he actually walk down the aisle; Peter’s first hunt, three bland words with so much pain and possibility; and so many other ideas and characters that want more of their stories told.  I know other writers that struggle for ideas, even novelists with their own successful book series that have fallen out of love with their main character/s. I find that idea leads onto idea and that a finished book will often give me ideas for new books. I feel about Anita, and all the people in her life and in her world, the way I feel about my real life marriage – more in love now than when we started.


96 thoughts on “More in Love Than When We Started”

  1. Please please please make the next one Nathaniel!! He’s been around for so long and it kills that we don’t know more about him. I’ve been hoping for years; I’ve grown to love him so I would be estatic with more Nathaniel

  2. Please please please make the next one Nathaniel!! He’s been around for so long and it kills that we don’t know more about him. I’ve been hoping for years; I’ve grown to love him so I would be estatic with more Nathaniel

  3. I cant wait i want to read ever plot line as a book now. If there is a new series i cant wait to fall madly in love with it too.

  4. I love all your books, but Anita is,my favorite. They have gotten me through some of the worst times in my life. Anita had taught me to have strength and perseverance. Please please bring back Olaf I have been hoping he comes back. I love him and Edward almost as much as John claude. Lol.

  5. Ahhhh…The best idea ever was your first, on Olaf’s story!! I’ve been eagerly wait for his and Edward’ return! Let’s be honest is isn’t a party until the 4 horseman show!!!!! My favorite books of Anita’s feature then & honestly it’s been way too long! Time to round up the gang!

  6. It would be nice to not have to wait another five or six years for Merry:( maybe it’s time to write the epic farewell ?

  7. My vote is Edwards wedding….. I really want him to make it doe the Isle. It’s the only thing he loves. I think it would break him if he didn’t and would become a cold hearted killer that Anita would have to hunt if he didn’t. That would be a devastating track to go down.

    1. Ummm maybe you missed it but if you look up cold blooded killer, there is a picture of Edward.

  8. Omg, all those plots and ideas its all that I dream of Anita Blake’s world, I’m really glad you’re still in love with all that you created since Blake’s stories has become one of my favorites, I’m also hopping you have some plans for Wicked and Truth;
    Thank you and congratulations on your great work.

  9. I am looking foward to any and all of them. Reading what you are writting and or consider writing is so much fun. I seek out your work because it is fun and makes me think. Thank you for writting all of your work. If I like them or not it is always a good read.

  10. This is why you are such an inspiration. Not only to me, but to you countless other fans. Your true passion in this one of many blog posts is so moving and makes me more driven to continue with my books. Thank you for everything you do!

  11. I loved Nightseer and would love for you to finish out the initial plan of 4 books. 🙂
    Not to mention the Anita and Merry series. I have yet to pick up a book with your name on it that I haven’t fallen in love with.

    1. Nightseer was the first book i ever read that you wrote. I was so disappointed that it wasn’t continued.I am in love with all you books. You and your characters are an inspiration to me. You have a wounderful gift i wish i wuld have followed through with my writing when i was younger. Whatever you decide to write next i will love. I hope merry’s story will continue soon, but i can wait until she is ready to reveal her next move

  12. I think Nathaniel’s story would be luscious; mmmm, I can almost taste it… But Olaf has his own attractiveness, as well. Anything you write will be perfect…..just don’t stop!

  13. Just listing all of those ideas is a little bit of a torture. I’ve been wanting to read all of those stories for so long! Any book you write is always great!

  14. Love your ideas, most of them sound very intriguing. I can’t wait to see which one you’ll pick.

  15. All of your ideas sound great. I would love to read them all. When I read Olaf’s name it excited me the most. When he is around it makes it a lot more interesting. Cause you don’t know if he wants to kill Antia or fuck her. If I remember right last time he said he would kill her. So I would agree with the other person bring back the 4 horsemen. I am really enjoying reading the novels of the other characters in the Antia Blake’s novels. Can’t wait for Dead Ice. Thank you for such a great series to read.

  16. I love any and all ideas you’ve come up with. I don’t know if you plan to have Belle Morte return but that is one succubus battle I would like to see.

  17. I would LOVE to learn more about Jean Claude! I’d love to learn about his mother and his sister. I also can’t wait to see Olaf’s return! He’s dangerous enough on his own, now he’s a lion on top of it?!

  18. 🙂 I love Nicky, and am super excited that you have a book idea about him! Wicked and Truth are another adored pair. I’m so delighted that you want so see some of the same things I do.

  19. I feel like Nathaniel needs to be next. The poor boy does so much for everyone else in the group but hes never in the spotlight. Second fiddle isn’t his act. He just draws me in with emotional strength and truth that he could teach. Truly father material. Your Anita series has picked me up literally out of bed when I didn’t feel like I’d have the strength again. Please Do Not stop writing. God bless you girl!

  20. I would love to see a part 2 to Death of a Darklord. It is one of my favorite books. I found it in a library one day when searching for a filler while waiting on the new Anita book. Returning it was very difficult!

  21. Love all the ideas,so many to choose from.I can’t choose,I look forward to see what you write next!

  22. I throw my vote for the next two books (in either order) to be about Olaf and Nathanial.. I can’t wait to see how Olaf turns out as a wereanimal, or if he even ended up shifting.. and I have always loved Nathanial, especially with his growth from weak pet to strong submissive.. there is so much depth to him….

    I think that is why you constantly have new ideas.. your characters read as if they are truly alive somewhere and you are just writing down the interesting bits of their lives while you spy on them, lol.. I hope you never just stop the novels without writing a ‘closure’ book..

  23. Laurel, I absolutely loved your early books. No matter who you write about, please give us more plot & less gratuitous sex (nothing wrong with sex, until it takes over). Also, I thought Merry’s last book was much better than the reviews it got. Don’t give up on her & her family.

  24. Love this article! It’s great hearing for sure that the series has a long future and not just assuming and hoping. I have fallen in love with both the Blake novels and Gentry so the possibility of another series is awesome but only if we get more of the other two as well. Jean Claude I have been waiting for more of him, it always feels like he gets pushed aside compared to Blake’s live ins.

  25. It’s a gift and blessing that your love for anita ‘s world just gets stronger. There’s many writers out there that never find that nitch. Even years after you stop writing the stop the series (heaven forbid) you will always have an inner friend you can think of. You have brought joy,excitment,love,fear,sorrow and more to so many ppl. You’ve filled a piece of me and opened my eyes to new fantasies. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  26. I never understood why Nightseer didn’t do well. I loved it and wish you had continued the story line.

  27. Please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top, write another book about the Nightseer world. I love Nightseer, it’s the first book of yours I read more than 20 years ago.

  28. I always get so excited whenever ap new Anita or Merry novel comes out! Can’t wait to read Dead Ice. Something I’ve always really wondered about with the Anita Blake novels is a certain conversation Anita has with Shang-Da at one point about were dragons and how they fled China. I’d like to see them come into play.. I’ve always had a fascination with dragons and you touch on every other subject that sparks my interest and keeps me loving your writing. No matter what though, I’ll always be a huge fan. I’ve read all your books and haven’t ever disliked a single one. Here’s hoping for many many more awesome books to come =D

  29. You write them, we’ll read them. I have never been one of those “fan” types, never one to know or care what a certain star or athlete is up to. Then I met Anita. And Merry. And now I freely and proudly admit to being an extreme Laurell K Hamilton fan, with a bit of a girl crush, even though I don’t swing that way, but your photos are beautiful. Or maybe it’s a crush on some of the boots I’ve seen you wear? No matter!

    Thank you for writing books that take me to another reality. Take care! Oh, if you get the time more photos of your boot collection would be awesome!

  30. I’m actually hanging out for Olaf’s return. I am so curious about how much becoming a lion will change him and how his beast will react to Anita. I don’t know if I’m excited or disturbed about the possibility of Anita binding him to her, replacing Haven.

  31. i love all of your books and any title you pick will ROCK, but I would like to see Olaf’s story. Anita needs to serious kick his butt.

  32. I am so wanting to see how Anita handles Peter’s first hunt. Maybe Olaf will be the hunted? I love to see what would happen when Anita is confronted with him again. I enjoy the stories with Edward and the toys.

  33. Please, PLEASE, write another Merry book. End the series if you must, but don’t leave us hanging for so long! Please!

    1. You know, I was thinking it would be awesome if Laurell branched off of Merry and more that she has kids, focused on each of their stories. Fast forward to teenage years. We’ve already seen that they have extraordinary powers as babies. I would love to see a final Merry book and than see the story continue with Merry in it but the focus of the story being her children. Would be awesome to see how her kids do in court. Or maybe the new fairy mound they’ve created in the mortal world could become the new court of fairy. If she didn’t write it, I will. I do really love writing fan fiction =D

  34. I love your writing. I have lots of favorites so I’m not going to list them all but what I loved reading and have read numerous times was Incubus Dreams and your short story book, Strange Candy. I liked all the stories in there and real enjoyed the fantasy one and the creepier ones. Maybe you could explore that side of your writing more?

  35. I am SOOOOOOOO happy to hear, see and know that you have so many brilliant possible stories for Anita and the gang. Everything you listed had me giddy with delight and I can only imagine the ideas you didn’t list will have the same effect on me. There is a reason this is my most favorite book series, other than the characters and stories are fantabulous you, Laurell, are an amazingly brilliant story teller and writer. Thank you thank you for continuing to share your gift and talent with us. Blessings to you and yours.

  36. I would like to see the book of Bell’s line. Many a cliff hanger ending with jean clauds entrance. Then you could ease into asher.

  37. If you keep writing about Anita for the next 60 years I would read right along with you for the rest of my life! Love love love all you do. You are fantastic! Thank you for adding such excitement to mine and many many others lives!

  38. Thank you! Anita and her boys ( and now girl with Jade) have given me countless hours of escapism enjoyment. Congrats on your recently enlarged family. BB sister.

  39. From the moment I opened Guilty Pleasures when I was 15 to the moment I opened Jason, I have been in love with Anita and her world. Each time one releases I reread the series as a set up for the new book. Even Merry and her world has found a place in my heart. The thought of 17 more books amazing me and even the start of a new series intrigues me. Thank you for being amazing and keeping me sane in my insane life.

  40. its funny that you talk about Olaf’s return; because just the other day i was thinking that if i ever got to me you, that would be my first question to you 🙂 haha so many questions…
    how has he changed since becoming a lycanthrope?
    does he have his own pride?
    does he have a mate? if not, does he want Anita for the job?

    and so, so many more questions!

  41. I’m really looking forward to a more in depth story about Jean Claude. We know very little of his past for certain, considering how cryptic he likes to be. I love where you have taken Anita and I can’t wait to see where she goes next. Thank you for all her stories and giving this mom of 7 a place to escape!

  42. A whole month till dead heat, not soon enough LOL, but no matter who’s story is next, it will be just as great as every other book you’ve written.
    I agree with Lori A, I was never one to have to read a series, I just read everything I could get my hands on until the day I went to the library and picked up 6 books by 5 authors that were 100% new to me… Danse Macabre and Micah,J.D. Robb’s Loyalty in Death, Lyndsay Sands Single White Vampire, Catherine Coulter’s Hemlock Bay and Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dance With The Devil.
    Once I finished all 5 I headed back to the library and had to check out every novel in the 5 series in reading order.
    I have since read every title currently published in print form by each of you. I still wait impatiently to get the next book in each series. Anita and JD Robb’s in death series I MUST have in hardcover as soon as they come out, I can’t even wait long enough to order online and get them shipped to me I must have them day of release! so this next month is going to be very difficult for me to wait for my next hit of Anita…
    Personally I’m a huge Nathaniel fan… But would love to see the four horsemen back in action again.
    Either way, Nathaniel, Nicky, Olaf, Jean Claude, Edward, Peter, Damian, any order they demand to be written in, is fine with me for my fix; but as soon as possible to get the worlds recorded and published for us junkies who must have the next fix please….

  43. Olaf, Olaf, Olaf. Everyone else is great. But how often do you get such a good, scary/sexy bad guy? Just don’t stop writing, that’s all we ask <3

  44. I love your books, they give me something i love reading about to help cheer me up, there are days i dont like being around people so i wait until my kids are asleep and read your books they help me when im stressed and help me relax so i can sleep and help me escape reality for a while, thank you and keep up the awesome work, i am on disability, so i cant afford to buy alot of books, so i borrow your books when i can and buy them when i can

  45. I feel that any of the new ideas you have will be just as great if not better than the originals. I lobe how you have brought Anita Blake to life and given each and every character in your world a place to be. Each one of them can grow and expand and I honestly hope that you never end the Anita Blake books and that they continue to grow.

  46. It’s so good to hear that you love Anita’s world and will continue to develop it and its characters more. I love the Anita Blake series. I’ve read it and heard it on audio multiple times

  47. All the future story lines seem to be so exciting. I must admit that I love Nathaniel, his growth through the series has been as lovely as the growth of Anita has been thrilling. To read that there are so many more books planned is wonderful news, I am such an Anita fan I plan time off work around the release date of the books so I know if I pull an all nighter after getting that caught in the storyline I don’t have work facing me the next day.

  48. NATHANIEL ALL DAY EVERYDAY! JEANCLAUDE more please just pleas, and what happened to Merry is she gone for eveerrrrr

  49. Please bring olaf back and keep him. Maybe in Edwards wedding. I <3 olaf.

  50. i would love to read all of those stories. I can’t just pick one. But if I absolutely had to it would be either Nathaniel or Damian, just because there hasn’t been enough with the three of them together.

  51. For me it would be a 3 way tie. Nathaniel, Olaf, Peter. Peter because he should be the right age for it and so he can be a character in other books after that. I’d like to see him grow. Olaf because He’s a looming character that must be dealt with. And Nathaniel because He’s so very important to Anita. All the others sound good but…. those 3 need to happen!

  52. At the mention of Olah’s return my knees buckled in excitement. I love Olah! But the mysterious horror of Damien’s creator has always had me intrigued.

  53. Just reading your comments gave me goosebumps. Keep on doing what you do so well, we appreciate it.

    I’m glad you’re happy in your home life too; thanks for sharing.

  54. I have loved the world and characters you created from book one. I have copies of all your books both paperback and on my kindles. Love Anita !!! I just wish you hadn’t changed your writing style so much since the first books. You’ve gone from the story being of main importance to now being secondary to the sex being what’s important. I love the characters and want to know them NOT who can we have Anita sleep with now every other page. I like a good sex story as much as anyone else does that reads these kind of books. But I like a book that you can take out the sex and still have a book, even more. I’m still going to keep reading them because as I said I like the characters and just skip past most of the sex because it get boring and repetitive to me. I mean really when you start thinking didn’t I just read this like 2-3 pages ago. Oh no wait this time Anita’s scratching is back. Yay that makes it totally different . Please go back to the great story telling your really good at doing and cut back on the endless sex. Please !!!!!

  55. Write about the people that love one another but don’t have enough money to keep them safe or healthy. Having money makes people forget so much of the struggle. I have to choose=no money no surgery. So everyone in the circle suffers. No one should have to make choices about life or death or love because they don’t have enough money. JC is rich-what if he wasn’t? I know boring so no one wants to read about that because it reflects their own reality too much-that’s why we buy fantasy. Anita and Merry have helped me to hide from the real world. But even great writers can’t change reality. Sorry but its true. You are the BEST writer I have EVER read (maybe with the exception of Jane Austin and Robert Frost)-but even YOU could not make this right. Do Nicky-or Nathaniel-NOTHING could ever make what happened to them as children right. Blessings to your entire circle of love. It’s a great inspiration to those that long for it but do not have it. Or maybe have the potential of it but cannot provide for it so that the vision becomes reality.

  56. I’ve been wanting more on Edward forever! Would love to see if he makes it down the aisle.

  57. Ma’am:

    I’ve loved your books, Anita Blake & Meredith Gentry, since the beginning & have read them religiously. However, I think the erotica is becoming too much of a focal point in your Anita series. I find the one I read repeatedly is “Obsidian Butterfly” because of the narrative which had touches of sexuality that made the plot that much more… Bewitchingly awesome. I could be completely wrong, but I think your stories should have more meat than actual meat although don’t get me wrong I do enjoy those scenes. I especially connect with the relationships because those have demonstrated how much of a beautiful disaster love truly is now & forever. I’m sorry for rambling but I’ve wanted to write you for a long time, I’ve just always forgotten. Thank you for your great work & I look forward to reading “Dead Ice”. Sincerely your fan,


  58. I am so excited to hear you have so many ideas to cintue the Anita Blake series. There are a few series that I read, but Anita is by far my favorite and I look forward to each and every upcoming book.

  59. Edward’s Wedding would be awesome. I can only imagine what might happen there…

  60. I have been reading the other comments, and I agree with all of them. I am a huge fan ! I must have read and re-read all your books at least ten times per series. Everytime one is about to come out , I restart the whole thing to catch up with all the caracters and I get reminded why I love them so much. I have never read a single line in any of your books that was redundant or didn’t in some way help further the plot or the development of the people in the universe. I’ve gotten to the point where I hope you never die and your love for your caracters and writing their stories never dies either, because it is truly an allencompassing, never ending story that you create. Reading Guilty Pleasures the first time was the moment I started reading in ernest, like a junkie, one or two books a day 😀
    Can’t wait for all the wondeful stories that you will write and can only hope they will instantly materialize in a readable format 😉
    Most of all, I love that even if it is a fantastic/fantasie world, in the given conditions, the people seem real. The feelings are real. The reactions are real. I would give a less favorite body part to live in one of your worlds!
    Anita Blake has helped me become a more assertive and strong person and still be happy in my own little world.
    Simply awesome. I will be right here along with you the rest of the way!
    Best regards

  61. I really want to know how Anita finally deals with Olaf, especially now that he’s a werelion. I love the tension and uncertainty he creates in Anita when she is dealing with his infatuation of her. I think on some level she has been attracted to him and now that he is a werelion, I wonder if that will escalate into something more.

  62. Love Anita and the gang, I would especially like to see more of Edward. He and Nathaniel are my favorites. Please keep writing. Oh and more Merry please. No pressure. Could you tie Merry in to Anita’s world or are they separate?

    1. I like the idea of tying both worlds together even if it is just for one time

  63. I love the Anita books!!! I’d love to see more about Nathaniel! If I had never come across your books there are tons of indie authors I would never have found 🙂 Thank you for all you do!

  64. I would love to see what you do with Olaf’s story line. Edward too. My favorite book out of the series is still Obsidian Butterfly. Her necromancy is the most intriguing part of her magical abilities. I really liked the dark magic aspects of the book as well as Olaf’s dark presence.

  65. As long as it is an Anita Blake story, I don’t care who is featured. I just need my Anita fix! Although, since I just re-read Obsidian Butterfly, Edward’s wedding or Olaf’s return kind of resonate with me right now. But, I adore Nathaniel and would love more about him. And Nicky . . . okay, I repeat – as long as it is an Anita Blake story . . . You keep writing them, I will keep reading them.

  66. I am looking forward to all of the new Ideas and the newest book. Thank you for so much.

  67. While I love seeing Anita’s world continue to grow, the idea of you creating a new world with new rules is very interesting to me.

    I am eagerly awaiting Dead Ice.

    Although a book with Anita’s family would be nice. Maybe in the short form like Jason was.

    Such a Catch 22 when an author has a series that I enjoy. I want the series to continue – but also to see them work on other material as well.

    Thank you for writing a series of books that (along with Jim Butcher) introduced me to Urban Fantasy.

  68. One of the things that keeps me reading- and REreading- is the character growth. I’ve read an awful lot of books, and I am a sucker for a good series… or sometimes even a bad series, if the premise is good, or I just have a soft spot for a character. But your characters actually GROW up, which is rare. They “work their issues”, as you say, in the books. That creates an immense amount of dynamic growth. I’d be saddened to see no more Anita, because while I am a wee bit embarrassed to admit it, I’ve grown through HER growth. But I’m excited to see what else you may come up with. Like the short story. 🙂

  69. I know this isn’t the main topic, but I just wanted to say that I read Nightseer recently and was really sad that there wasn’t any more after that. I so wanted to read more about all the characters and that world. :'[ At least I got to read Nightseer in the first place.

  70. Honestly, whichever one you decide to go with, I’ll be squirming with the same impatient excitement I’m feeling right now waiting for Dead Ice, the voice in my head going “OMG OMG, hurry hurry HURRY!” LOL, seriously, I am that much a bibliophile 🙂

    But…maybe because he, like myself, is a child of the secret, I also will cast my vote for Nathanial. The children of the secret have different stories and different backgrounds; for instance, I was not on the streets when I was, what, 11, 12? And I didn’t run knowing my father was murdering my brother. But my father was also an evil man and because of his existence I came to understand something many don’t; evil is not only real, it is a choice. One of my other favorite author has a series with a byline that has always stayed with me. “The only thing true, is what you do. Behavior is the truth.”

    I write out the darkness inside me, and I chose to not repeat the cycle long ago, and one of the reasons Nathaniel is my favorite character is that he was still a victim when Anita came into his life. He had bought into the lie that all freaks/abusers tell their victims “This is normal; this is how you should be.” Certainly, that is the program they want running through their victim’s head at all times. But, like me, Nathaniel found a reason to break the chains and transcend past what had happened to him. He is not, and will never be, over it. I can tell you from personal experience, that it is not something one ever gets over. However, finding someone or something to live for can simply make it a part of you, rather than eating up the whole of you.

    So, yeah, also casting my vote for Nathaniel here. Like someone else said, he deserves to have his story told. From one child of the secret to another, I hope he kicks ass in the way he’s been doing since before Incubus Dreams 😀

  71. One plot line I have always wondered about is the pre-Guilty Pleasures timeframe. I just started the series again today, for the third or fourth time. In Guilty Pleasures, we know that Anita and Jean-Claude have already met each other, and ditto for Anita and Edward. The very beginnings of those relationships have always intrigued me. If you ever have the time and the inclination, I would love to read this story. Unless I am missing something that is already out there? I do enjoy your works, Ms. Hamilton, especially the mysteries! Thank you!

  72. I have been a woman in an unfulfilled life. I have tried to be a woman I am not but what society has told me to be. I have always dreamed and written down dreams that are science fiction. I have denied my writing for most of my 50 year life. I find myself at a point in my life that I can no longer cope with being someone I am not. I am now making major changes in this sad life I have had and writing with gusto. I have written several novels and the last one I believe will be marketable. It is because of Anita that I have found such courage. Her strength has excelled me to push to write and discover myself again. I will forever be grateful to you Laurell and Anita. Now, to drink down the darkness and step off the cliff with publishers. (Well, one more draft!) I am emboldened and emblazed with this new future. Cheers!

  73. I love Anita and can’t wait to read the next book, Dead Ice. I think all of those ideas will be fun to read and I hope you’ll have a chance to write them all. I can’t wait for Olaf’s return (though he’s very creepy), and have four of them together again, although for the last time -still, I hope not. I’m curious about Jean-Claude and Asher story too. What make Jean-Claude love Asher very much, the jealous-Asher currently is not my favorite person.
    Oh oh and Nathaniel, I can’t wait to know his sad and tragic story until he was saved by Anita. And Nicky too. I’d love to know what it is inside his sociopath-Bride-of-Anita’smind. You sharing your idea make me fantasize it and I can’t wait to see which plot twist you will use *squeee* >.<''. I have re-read Anita a dozen times and I still love it.
    And I really really really love Merry, can't you please write about her and her babies?
    Can't wait about your new world and magic system, if it's as wonderful as Anita and Merry, then it will be really fun to read it. Thank you for sharing your idea and for writing such a wonderful books.

  74. Thank you thank you for being in love and letting me see the world you have created.

  75. Please Nathaniel! I love him so much. He, Micah, and Jason are faves of mine. Also love Asher in all his anasty glory.

  76. I’ve read a lot of the other comments on this post, and I think that they all would agree with my summary: I don’t care what you write (maybe no more dissolving zombies) just write! No meals, no sleep, no anything else, just keep writing. We only have a finite amount of time given to us and we need those stories. Thank you. We love you. Now get back to work. Puhle-e-e-e-e-z?

  77. I would love to read more about Van Cleef. He has been brought up a couple of times and i can’t help but wonder how great a story of Edward, Anita and Van Cleef will be, not to mention adding in the vampire and shifter element. Very exciting, action packed, and thrilling.

    I also can’t help but wonder about Olaf being a lion shifter and coming back for Anita, perhaps becoming her Lion to call. That would be interesting, especially with Nick in the picture. Olaf is a perverse creature, for sure.

    Lastly, I would also like to see Anita’s family reaction to how her life has become.

    I would love to read these three things.

  78. I just want to read every single book that you come out with! Every idea of yours is a great idea as far as I’m concerned:)

  79. I pre-ordered Dead Ice for the specific reason of having something that I knew I would enjoy to look forward to. I’m at a major turning point in my life. When Dead Ice came up for pre-order I didn’t hesitate to purchase even knowing that I might not have a computer to read it on. My son and daughter are moving away, my income was reduced by half in the first part of April. By the end of April I knew it would be reduced to nothing come June.

    I’m not an addict, except maybe caffeine, but I’ve had to live my life one day at a time. There’s no future, no past to celebrate, no real success just one failure after another and having to start over again and again.

    Each Anita Blake story speaks to me. They make me think and feel at least for as long as it takes to read them and usually a little longer while I puzzle and puzzle until my puzzler is sore. The past month I’ve re-read the stories finding bits and pieces that I’ve missed and needed to think about.

    I honestly believe that looking forward to the next book has kept me going while my whole world has fallen apart. I don’t know what will be next in Anita’s world either, but I know that I’m always curious and excited to find out.

    Thank you for putting your imagination out there for so many years. You scared me, intrigued me, made my heart race, and let me feel the warmth and safety found in kitty piles and in the arms of handsome men who loved me.

  80. I love, love, love the Anita Blake books. There were already 17 out when I came about them and I read a book a day for 17 days, I did little else including sleeping or eating (great diet by the way lol). I’m a huge fan of Jean Claude, Nathaniel, Nicky and as of late The Wicked Truth. I don’t know why but I’m not a big Micah fan and I can’t stand Asher. For someone who came back so insecure with his facial scars to the point of hiding them he has become an egotistical, selfish, cruel asshole. I wouldn’t be saddened if Anita had to ‘take care of him’ though I would hate what it would do to her and JC psychologically. I would love to see the return of Olaf, more of The Wicked Truth, And as someone else mentioned it would be nice to see JC more involved as it seems he gets shoved to the side by Micah and Nathaniel. I mean this all started with JC and Anita. And I don’t care much for the fact all the guys seem to sleep with other women now and could do without Jade. That doesn’t seem to flow like all Anita’s other lovers.

  81. Any thoughts on Anita visiting her family or her family visiting her??

  82. I believe Nightseer has picked up more popularity since then. Also the market has changed. If you can republish it and try again. Then maybe get to work on the sequels. This was one of the best written pieces of fantasy literature I have read and I have read somewhere between 100 to 200 books in that genre. I would certainly put this up against any of the forgotten realms or dragonlance novels. It’s almost as good as Lord of the Rings. It’s basically Lord of the Rings if Tolkien had stopped where Fellowship had left off.

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