Morning was a bust

Jan 18, 2006

I woke up feeling less than my best today. I just thought my allergies were acting up, and maybe they were. But sometime this morning I sat at the island in the kitchen, and laid my head down on the computer there. Like laid my cheek down firm and closed my eyes. I continued to talk to everyone, then realized that it felt so good to just lie down and close my eyes. It was not a normally comfortable position, but it was the closest I’d allowed myself to resting. I said, with my head still pressed to the computer, “I think I have to embrace the fact that I don’t feel well, because this feels really comfortable.” Everyone thought that was pretty funny, because they’d all figured out long ago that I wasn’t feeling well. Admittedly, my allergies are severe enough that many mornings are full of nausea, and other vague flu-like symptoms. Then sometime after lunch I’ll ‘recover’. I’m beginning to think we’re going to have to switch some of my allergy medicine around again. It just doesn’t seem to be keeping up. Sigh.
Yesterday ended up being so productive and this morning was a total loss on page count. I did look at some e-mails, and make a business call, or two, but frankly, I still only count pages. I know that the rest is work, too, but the writer in me just doesn’t really count anything as work-work except pages. Anyway, I’m at my desk, and the musical of choice is on the player. Just four pages. I can do it. Just four pages. It’s not so much. If I get more, great, but the goal is only four. Gotta go make the count.