My grandmother did not have a second stroke

May 02, 2005

I have just gotten off the phone from my family. My grandmother did not have a second stroke. As was reported all over my message board. The person who phoned Darla to try and make her get me out of the luncheon where I was to give a speech because my family was frantically trying to get me because my grandmother was dying, was lying. Darla, of course, refused to drag me out, because true or not, thirty minutes wouldn’t make that much difference for a six and a half hour drive, or a two hour flight and a two hour drive. She did give me the message, and I had Jon check our home phone messages for the calls I assumed my family would have left before trying to contact me at the convention. There were no messages. Odd. There were no messages because it wasn’t true.
How terribly cruel of someone. I have no words to convey how heartless and evil this was. No words will do it justice. You know who you are, and what you did. Shame on you. And if you feel no shame for having done this, then there is no help for you. No balm or prayer will heal the emptiness and envy and hatred that drove you to do this. Being who you are, and that bitter, is almost punishment enough. But we are actively pursuing leads to find out who did this. Because it is not to be tolerated. If I can prosecute you legally, I will.
I have had some awful things done to me and about me by fans, and the envious, but this is a new low.