New Blog: Frost

May 25, 2014

I got my box of, A Shiver of Light! We’re only 8 days away from newest Merry Gentry book hitting the shelves, and you get to read the next part of her story! To celebrate I’m going to pick random pages from, A Shiver of Light, and post them here leading up to the first book launch in L.A. on June 2 at Huntington Beach Barnes & Noble.

I’ll be using the list of favorite Merry characters that you put up on my FaceBook page, and on the BingeReads question that my publisher put up earlier this month. We’ll start with Frost on screen first, and tomorrow we’ll do Doyle. Hope you enjoy this page tease!


34 thoughts on “New Blog: Frost”

  1. I love this Laurell! And I can’t wait! While Anita’s world is my favorite to get lost in Merry’s world is a very close second. <3 Thank you.

  2. Squeed so hard when I saw Frost…then my throat got tight as I read the passage. Thank you for the big smile.

  3. For as much as I love Anita, Merry and her men are my absolute favorite. I am beyond excited to find out more of their story. Thank you so much.

  4. I love this series I have been awaiting this release! Now I have to read each of the books proceeding it before I can read it.. just a habit I have. Love the heart you put into each of the characters that makes them so unique yet “human”

  5. O.O i have been waiting an eternity for a new Merry book! I’m so excited!! I love Frost and Doyle. ^___^

  6. I love both of your written worlds. But have missed Merry and her gang. Thank you for sharing your Goddess given talent. It helps many long nights for this military mom and spouse.

    Bright Blessings

  7. Merry Gentry and her men was my first venture into erotica and fantasy. I always had a soft spot for Doyle and he has always been one of the top men in the books I have read. Frost he came with and kind of joined, so when I think of Doyle I always think of Frost.

    Thank you for these lovely characters. I’ll never forget my first and Merry was definitely first in many things.

  8. I have been waiting for this book forever; was just telling my bf last night that I think I’m going to die of impatience before the book even comes out. This page just made my wait worthwhile, so much so that I think I can hold on a little longer. Thank you, you wonderful lady.

  9. I have been one of your biggest fans since I first laid eyes on an Anita Blake novel. Since then, I’ve read everything that you have ever published. I think you are an amazing writer. The characters you create are so strong that I feel like I know them each personally. Every time I finish one book, I am in anguish waiting to read the next one, lol. I am so excited to read this new Merry Gentry book, and based on this one page, I can tell it will be just as wonderful as every one that came before. Thank you for what you do……and for doing it so perfectly! Please keep doing it!!

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Anita and her world. But Merry and her men have me on the edge of my seat. I already have the next Merry book pre ordered

  11. I’ve been waiting forever for the next Merry book. I love Anita’s books, they are so Kick-ass; but Merry’s are a sweeter love and still kick-ass. Thanks for both worlds.

  12. I’m such a sucker for Frost, I had to read this ! Ugghh I love him 😉 I can’t wait for the book to come out. Frost,Doyle, and Sholto are my favorites <3

  13. Can’t wait!! Just finished rereading the series from the beginning in anticipation!!

  14. Cant wait to get this book .I have read all of your books so far ! You rock ! My favorite author !

  15. I actually started reading the Mary books before the Anita a books. seven Mary books definitely what my heartstrings more. I don’t know if reading the snippet pages are the sneak peek pages are good for me though cause it just makes me want more and drives me crazy. So glad to get a new memory book can’t wait to read it thank you very much

  16. You are so amazing, I can never move on from your series. I’ve tried to read other books but I end up comparing them to all of yours. It’s horrible. Thank you so much for everything you have helped in my life. Thanks for bringing me happiness. I can’t wait until this next book. 🙂

  17. I’m from Brasil and i love you so much!!!!!! Love your books..Anita e Merry!!!!!! <3

  18. Wonderful idea! I’m looking forward to this book for a variety of reasons that have to do with loving Merry and her world, but also because I can’t wait for Taranis to get some kind of comeuppance. Truly hoping to see that in this book. I’m not expecting a full-blown death, but at least a little of something.

  19. I am really looking forward to this book, sometimes it feels like forever in between book releases! You are truly a talented author, and you are one of the handful that I will buy (in hard copy) whatever book you publish!

  20. Having never read any of your books before this page, and being introduced to your blog by my cousin, I have to say I am totally and 100% HOOKED!
    Can’t wait to read more. Thank you so much! 🙂

  21. I so want to be there June 2 when you are near my neck of the woods. Two hour drive to the city though, I’m not sure I can do right now. 🙂

  22. AWESOME!! I love this serie and it’s going to be just magical diving into it again!!

  23. Thank you for this! I have missed Merry and her men so much!! While I love Anita, Merry is still special for me and I am glad to finally get a chance to be reunited. 🙂

  24. Thank you so much! I’ve have been anxiously awaiting the next Merry Gentry book. I have missed her, Doyle, Frost and the others. You do such an excellent job of letting us feel her story that it brings the characters to life. I lookforward to many more stories of Merry and her men. May they all find the true love they deserve. Drink, and be Merry! 😉

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