New Blog – Live reading of the next Anita Blake novel

Sep 05, 2014

Here I am reading the very beginning of the next Anita Blake novel, Jason. It’s due to hit the shelves December 2, 2014. It will be the first original paperback since, Micah. Jason will also have the first chapters of the next original hardback Anita Blake novel. I have done my best for those of you who keep telling me you can’t stand to wait for more adventures from Anita and the gang.

After the reading, I took questions from the audience at DragonCon, where this was filmed, but I also did something new. I answered the top five questions from my FaceBook page. Thanks to everyone who participated. It went so well, that Media Minion Jess may solicit questions again in the future. I’m hoping with her on board we can do more fun things on line where you can participate more.

Speaking of your participation, I make an announcement in the videos. We’ll be making a more formal announcement soon. Let us know if you guys enjoy the videos. The more positive feedback we get, the more likely I am to do more videos for my YouTube channel.

Laurell’s 2014 DragonCon Panel

34 thoughts on “New Blog – Live reading of the next Anita Blake novel”

    1. May I just say that I would love for you to write about Sampson and also I would love for you to write the one about Anita going with Edward for the training mission for Peter. Also I would love for Jacob, Nick’s old alpha to come into it somewhere and we all know the Edward and Anita are gonna have to kill Olaf soon. I know that no one will like this comment but, Micah really hasn’t grown as a character in my opinion. So what would happen if he was killed off? This is just my opinion but some of the characters should be gotten rid of like Requiem, London, Meng Die, Gretchen and possibly even Asher. If you could write out Richard it would be fantastic, again just my opinion, but I personally love the character of Nicky. In Affliction, again my opinion, is it possible that Nicky got Anita pregnant. He did tell her that she was at her most fertile just a little over 24 hours before they had sex, and she did get sick from the smell of Micah’s dads rot and the smell of coffee. In my opinion I think its time that she ends of pregnant and that maybe the baby be Nicky’s. To me the non-growth of Micah has made him boring and, also I know he is her king but if he dies one of her other men that is a ruler of one of the animal groups could be her king and replace Micah. I love your books and I’m looking forward to any and all new novels from you about Anita and her men.

    2. All our books r great I would love to see your next book and hopefully you will make a book where the fairies meet the hunters meridith g meet Anita b
      Love your books I’ve read every book at least 5 times

  1. I am so excited to hear about the new Anita Blake book. I have read them all twice waiting for a new one. Thank you!!

    1. Sandy I’ve read her books about a dozen times, but the book Flirt now that one I read about 15 to 20 times because I really like the characters of Jacob and Nick.

  2. Laurel taking sex out of her books would be like a famous chef taking food out of his recipes ! Anita can’t live without the sex scenes and neither can I ! LOL

  3. I love it when your talks are videoed and put up on YouTube. While I agree that it probably makes it harder for the videographer when you pace back and forth on stage like a caged lion (see Seattle), I think that it brings more energy and personality to the talk. Is there a way your people can put links to your talks on YouTube up on your site somewhere? I found the video of your talk in Seattle by accident while searching for your DragonCon talk and would love to just go to one spot to see if there is something new.

    1. There’s a Laurell K Hamilton ‘channel’ on YouTube…I’ll see if I can post a link 🙂

  4. I am so glad you were able to video this! I was able to go to a book signing you had in St. Louis and can’t wait to be able to go again. I think all of your readers will agree that this is an awesome idea for those of us who would love to be at every event but can’t. I look forward to seeing you again and can not wait for Jason to hit shelves!

  5. I am looking forward to reading the next great book in this series. I’m actually re-reading the series right now on my ipad. I’m on book #2 the laughing corpse. Love this series and I could re read it fifteen thousand times and never grow bored. This is how ya know the author is a master at writing. That, to me, is the true test. But anyways. I’m a massive LKH fan as well as Anita Blake and I can’t wait!! YAYAYAYAY

    1. Hear, hear, I agree very much so. I have four authors that I love to read and re-read over and over and over again. I hope she keeps writing about Anita for another 20 years.

  6. I am starting to generate ideas for the “Name the Book” contest. I need the extra time to let the ideas percolate.

  7. Looking forward to both books. Definitely looking forward to the wedding. Hope it takes place soon. Total JC fan! Good luck and have fun writing.

  8. Thank you SOOOOO very much for taping & sharing these…I LOVE watching the videos of you, Laurell!!! You are such a down-to-Earth, kick-ass human being 🙂 PLEASE continue to share them with us!!! Blessings to you & yours <3

  9. So, ok this really has nothing to do with the taping but if anyone has any anita blake books that they would consider freecycling to me i would appreciate it greatly. Been without a home for almost 2 years and have lost all my books.

  10. Loved the book tease. Just a random thought. Have you ever considered having either Anita or one of her men use a crossbow or long bow as a major weapon for times when quiet is required or like the hospital when oxygen was in use and guns would be a big mistake? Bet a silver tipped quarrel or arrow would not make a vampire or were creative’s day a good one.

  11. Thank you so much for taping the panel for those of us that could not be there. 🙂 I know a few people asked about a movie or tv version of the books. If this ever becomes a serious consideration (which I hope it does), I would love to see Bryan Fuller direct/produce it…he has done such a phenomenal job as showrunner of NBC’s Hannibal (and they manage to get away with A LOT on there, I am really surprised). Also, I would love, love, love to see Mads MIkkelsen (who plays Hannibal on the show) as a vampire..perhaps as Jean-Claude even. And, perhaps Hugh Dancy even, as one of the characters as well. Just a suggestion.

  12. Thank you very much for sharing !!

    I’m really gratefull for all the posts you put online, on your blog and by video. I leave in France, and that allows me to keep in touch with your writing process, and who you are as a person. It helps waiting for the next book 🙂

    I already read the all serie 4 times, while I wait, and I love watching you on video, it keeps the whole Anita Blake universe “alive”, between the books.

    Once again, thank you very much for all the stories you share with us, and for being so productive.

    I just want to let you know that on the DragonCon video, the sound is quite difficult to understand for non nativ speaking. there is a little echo wich make your voice hard to understand.
    But I am soooo happy you could put it online !! Us who don’t live in the USA had still enjoyed the beginning of “Jason” <3

  13. SPOILER ALERT!!! Do not read if you have not read Merry Gentry books 7 – 9!!!! I apologize to all the LKH fans ahead of time, but book 9 was awful!

    Merry Gentry book 9, A Shiver of Light – It had too many different threads, unfinished ideas, incomplete issues, and was too “talkative”…which lead to less action, non-engaging characters, and slow reading. Let me also explain or let ya’ll know that I have no knowledge of myth. These are fiction to me…paranormal, erotic, fiction. I love the genre and LKH as a rule for her MG series…but this? Ummmm, nope, can’t say that I do anymore. As I have stated before: Book 9 was almost as if instead of waiting for her true Muse-inspired writing and creativity, LKH took all the notes, scraps, MG free writing, short stories, sample chapters and different book ideas and mashed them all together into a bigger story about the birth, baby hormones running a muck, and postpartum depression! I mean…YUCK!

    Let’s go over the many, many (TOO DARN MANY) thread ideas in this book:
    1. Fear Draeg – We never even find out the background of the curse and after all of the “villain-y” build up, they are referenced only to possibly explain the crazy-bad-evilness of Andais…Okaaaaayyyyyy….yeah, right.
    2. Barinthus – After having such a large part in book 8, now it is about 8 months later and he’s what? Where? How? Did Merry really make him sleep with her and Mistral all that time and not have sex with him? Did she send him back all full of his power and arrogance to the beach house? Whaaaaa the F????
    3. New Ambassador – Oh goody…a nice politician willing to learn. We take over what, 8 pages, getting to know him and expect that yes, perhaps for a baby visit, Merry can introduce him to the different courts of Faerie….but nope, that goes no where…even at the end when it takes all of a very short paragraph to see that Auntie Andais is better and comes for a visit.
    4. Andais not stepping down – Can I just ask….how in the heck does she still hold the crown if she is infertile? Even though Merry and Doyle gave up the crown, shouldn’t the noble houses out her? And even if they can’t, now that the babies are here and she gets a bit better (more sane – less cruel), can we see an actual visit? Nope…that went bye-bye too in this book…mentioned…never to be completed.
    5. Mauve Reed – Petty, shallow, and conniving….what is the whole point of the conversation (way over-done) between her and Merry? Is it just to show how overly emotional Merry is, how prejudicial Mauve is, and to set up a future for Mauve to undermine Doyle? It was pointless, useless, and whiny…it was also boring. It showed Mauve to be a bit%@ as always (she is very unlikable) and it showed Merry to be overly emotional and increasingly insecure. (PUKE)
    6. Frost becoming mortal – This just PO’ed me. In SD and DM Merry was truly on her way to immortality. Is LKH having amnesia now? Merry came into her immortality when her powers developed and Goddess blessed her. She still heals slower because of her human blood, but no longer “shares” her mortality. This “infection” with Frost and his supposed mortality is pointless and unnecessary to any plot line or future story unless LKH plans to take away all of Merry’s men. Really??? Losing fans by the thousands….you betcha…coming right up.
    7. Ash and Holly goblin power base – Even if in this book LKH couldn’t fit in a scene with the twins, she at least brought them up….then??? Nothing…nada…zip….zilch. Can we finish and complete at least one freaking sub-plot?!!! Is it just too much to ask for?
    8. Mentioning the National Guard outside of the Seelie mound – This makes no sense. In Book 7 Merry’s men fight Taranis and the seelie, which keeps them from coming to Merry’s aid in fighting Cel and Andais. This is evidently why she healed the US soldiers and had their help along with Ash, Holly, and the Red Caps. Okeedokee…all good. But at least can we have it explained why the hell the IL Unseelie and Seelie weren’t deported (according to the Jefferson Treaty for attacking US troops)…I thought that since it was never explained in book 8 that at least it would be now….but nope….not to be.
    9. Aisling’s acceptance into the Seelie sithen and the Seelie’s acceptance of him as king – Just like that he’s accepted, respected, offered the kingship. Oh joy, oh yay…I wish real life was that easy. And HELLO!!!! Taranis is still alive? He’s just rolled right over, has no more allies, and all is hunky dory for Aisling’s coronation. Whatever….
    10. New faerie sithens – Supposedly there are two new western lands of Faerie…Mauve Reed’s estate is now a sithen and producing new lands and rooms (but evidently not fast enough). Now Rhys has a new sithen created by he and Merry…but they haven’t made use of it yet? What sense does that make? If the magic is wild and unstable, shouldn’t it take both Merry and Rhys to stabilize it and finish creating their new home for the western Faerie court? But no….not happening in this book…just mentioned, never to be completed….and movin’ on….
    11. Sholto dying – I am honestly the most angry about this. It was unnecessary to any of the plot line (or many of the story threads)…it honestly served no purpose other than shock value and because all good romances need tragedy, disturbance, and/or death. Ummmm…hello….didn’t we have that in the dream, couldn’t we have the threat of death? What about the rape scene? Did LKH have to kill King Sholto because Merry had to be in a hospital being treated for shock? Really? First, Sholto’s character is one of the favorites. He is arrogantly humorous, honest, honorable, lonely, insecure, loving, and very likable. Secondly, as a king he truly loves his people, is fair but ruthless when needed, and is dedicated to protecting Merry and the babes. He’s just “everyone’s” idea of a real man. Lastly … if he is not fully brought back to his kingdom and full-life, how will Merry have the Slaugh as allies in the future…for without Sholto, a father of the babes, his people fall back under Queen Andais’ reign. LKH….ya’ll didn’t really think this through…did ya?
    12. Taranis being dethroned – How, when, by who, conspirators, allies, fighting???? None of this was explained. Supposedly Taranis went from this all-powerful, evil, manipulating, lying, crazy-bad king and just in what, all in a few hours was overthrown? According to the book’s timeline, it all happened at once. Jeez….how realistic…I mean yes it is fiction, but we want good fiction right?
    13. The entire last pages…the ending – Talk about a quick wrap up and recap. I’m all for LKH’s writing style of quick endings, but this was the proverbial virgin’s 5 minutes instead of 15. It was disjointed, incomplete, rushed, and left us saying…”Whaaa the hades just happened???” Sholto dies, but there’s nothing? No ceremony, no new kingship, no grief for the others??? Catch a killer, confess, and over-throw a king in less than 2 pages. Now that’s impressive!…NOT….

    I’m sure that there are other threads I have missed, but these are the major ones I can remember. I read this after it first came out and thought, Huh…must not be remembering the other books very well, cuz this one seems to be all over the place…So I went back and re-read the entire series and now I can honestly say, “Huh…nope I follow the other books well, they make sense, but this book is still, perhaps even more-so, all over the freakin place.”

    If this doesn’t all come back together in book 10, whenever (if-ever) it happens, then I am done with Merry Gentry just as I think I am done with Anita Blake. Her Anita books were hardcore crime, eroticism, suspense, and gore. They were awesome!!! Now they are almost pornographic (sex, any sex for sex’s sake) and predictable. i.e.: Flirt….REALLY??? If LKH doesn’t get her muse back on-line she needs to NOT write until her muse comes back…cus this is crap. Her fans won’t keep supporting inferior writing and story-telling just to find out what happens next. Not worth it. I know, I know…I sound bitter. But we all waited 5 years for this book…I would have rather waited another year than have read this disjointed, incomplete, rambling, boring, lack-luster, overly emotional and finally, unsatisfying continuation of MG world.

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!!! You found the words I wanted to say but didn’t know how. What was going on in this book? Nothing makes sense, why kill Sholto, and then treat his death so cavil? I was /am so disappointed and angry at the whole nonsensical book and could not believe no one else saw the discrepancies throughout. I am a fan of LKH, her books have given me a place to escape to when I desperately needed the outlet. But, A Shiver of Light, no.

    2. Here! Here! I totally agree, A Shiver Of Light was bad beyond words. I too would have rather waited longer and had a book that I loved. I couldn’t find it anywhere when it first came out but then found it in the library. Thank god I didn’t waste a chunk of money that was better spent elsewhere. LKH is one of four authors that I buy as soon as I can; not any more. From now on I ‘ll be using the library first to make sure it’s worth it. Such a shame, LKH’s books have entertained me immensly and over the years, I’ve reread almost all of them many times-Obsidian Butyerfly being my favourite. I read somewhere once LKH said she was making sure she was enjoying her own life and not just working to please others (fair enough) and also that she needed time to make sure the plot was just righ. Then I read that she basicly had a structure to work on and part of that was a death. What was I left thinking? That it would be a long time before I would find a new book in the stores and that one of my favourite characters would be killed off. And when I finished A Shiver Of Light I told everyone in the house that I was so glad I hadn’t bought it. Instead of having a fantastic, well thought out plot, it felt like it was thrown together as quickly as possible fot the sake of fulfilling a contract and the publisher sends it out to us knowing there are still plenty of us out there who buy LKH books knowing (thinking) we’re guaranteed satisfaction. If I had actually paid for this book I would have felt cheated, in fact I felt a cheated anyway, just not of my money. So who to read now? Well Sookie’s adventures are well and truely over, as are Rachel Morgan’s I believe, though I’ve not read the last book yet, so with LKH lacking the will to produce quality work I’d recomend Nalini Singh and Patricia Briggs. Oh and Meljean Brook, her steampunk series is great.

  14. I’ve been a fan for years. I’ve seen the progression of each book and all the characters grow as individuals. In my mind I have a set way each person should sound and how the conversion should go. Hearing the words as Laurel K Hamilton actually means for them to be said is amazing. Thanks for sharing the reading as well as the Q&A. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Jason. He is one of my favorite characters. I love Anita and the world she has built around her. Anita is one of my go to favorites. Thank you for sharing the unique world with the rest of us.

  15. Laurel please don’t do as the other person suggested and kill off Micah! I love him. I think you should def bring Olaf back and let us know how he is doing as a were animal. He’s already so dangerous can’t even imagine how scary hell be as a wer! Love u LKH and Anita Blake Jean Claude is my dream come true, haha

  16. Let me know when Jason is available for pre-order, I wanna get my reservation in as soon as possible.

  17. First, let me apologize for I am Franch and my writing in English is not as good as my reading – but I’m sure you’ll understand me good enough !
    I want to thank you for all those AMAZING books. While like the Merry Gentry serie, I have to say that I just love Anita Blake.
    From the first book I read two years ago, I was hooked. I must have read the whole serie like ten times and I can’t wait for the next book.
    I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate a strong female character like her. She’s a great mix of badass and vulnerability, all rolled into one. It great to finaly have a women who’s not waiting for Prince Charming to save the day ! And it’s also great to have a heroïne who’s not dwelling days and nights one her flaws, her emotions. It just feels like she handles things as best as she can and go on with her life and the choices that she made. Funny as it may sound, I just think she makes a great role-model !
    I could go on and on like this but I just want to say thank you for sharing those stories with us. I would love to be able to write like you do, be able to create such fantastic world and characters.
    I could ask you not to go here-or-there with Anita, to kill or to keep a character but in thruth, you’re the sole master of Anita’s destiny and I’ll go wherever the book takes me !
    Thank you again for those great books and if you ever find yourself north of the border, please do come to Quebec, you’ll find many enthousiast of your work !

    1. It is SO nice to hear a true fan acknowledging that Anita & Merry ‘live’ due solely to LKH & her Muse!! I get extremely frustrated when I read comments calling for less sex/more action/less commentary, etc., because those who make them have apparently never taken the time to read Laurell’s blogs regarding her creative process. She’d be doing a grave disservice to Anita, Merry & her Muse if she tailored their lives to suit the suggestions from negative commentors!! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some folks should keep their opinions to themselves. If you don’t like the way the stories have evolved, don’t read them…it doesn’t give automatic license to trash the Author. Those who are true fans will be waiting faithfully (& anxiously!) for the next chapter <3

  18. I love all of LH books but was disappointed by book 9. There were some really good parts , I had realized that Darkness and Light love each other but I did not realized they were sexually involved with each other out side of Merry. Why did Sholto have to die? I waited so long and so many things were left unsettle. I love your books but please write a little better and at $20.00 and more it should be.

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