New Blog: Mistral

May 28, 2014

Here’s your taste of Mistral from, A Shiver of Light, which hits shelves on June 2, less than a week away! You actually get more than just Mistral in this page-tease, because some magic, not even Rhys, Merry, or Doyle can stop. I’ve been seeing each blog with a different character from the book as corresponding to a different tour date, so this one would match up with Friday, June 6 in Chicago at Barnes & Noble at 55 Old Orchard Center, Skokie, IL 60077 – see you there!


20 thoughts on “New Blog: Mistral”

  1. Thank goodness she doesn’t have to be pregnant any more!! That was a LONG pregnancy. and when will the healing of Rhys’ eye occur?

  2. I absolutely LOVE both of the series you write and am looking forward to the new Merry book. I pre-ordered it on my Nook MONTHS ago!!! Can’t wait for the next Anita installment!!

  3. I have missed Merry and all the men but Mistral is definitely my favorite. Why can’t I have my own storm god???

  4. Amazing! Mistral has always been my favorite. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out! Thank you LKH!

  5. I enjoy getting glimpses into the imperfections of a race that are perceived as perfect. Not out of malice, of course, but because it makes the characters seem so much more real. I cannot say Mistral is my favorite, because all the men are just what Merry needs in one way or another–they each bring their own piece to the puzzle. Mistral is attractive in the rawness that is his nature and power.

    I cannot wait for this book!

  6. Awesome, I’m glad to see Mistral regaining his powers. I’ve already pre-ordered mine and can’t wait to get started. I’ve waited a long time for this installment. Thank you Mrs. Hamilton 🙂

  7. I wish you would come farther south like to Paducah KY or Nashville or somewhere around Paducah, Carbondale IL has a Barnes & Noble and in Paducah we have a Books a Million.

    Thank you

    Terree Nunley

  8. WOW you got me going already and its just the one page….. ooooo i have so been waiting for this book i didnt realize it was getting so close to the date of sale…. I so cant wait…. Love all your works LAurell Keep up the awesome work… hope there is more of meredith as well as Anita…

  9. In stores June 2nd? I just picked this book up 15 minutes ago at the local library – I’m so excited to read it but a little confused why i got it so early

  10. HURRY, I can’t wait to read this book.
    Also, could you put a section on new release dates for your book somewhere on your web site.

    I love both of the series you are writing.

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