New Blog – Our Anniversary, our dogs, and Enjoyment

Sep 29, 2014

“What are we going to do tonight, Brain?”
“What we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!”

People keep asking, “What are you doing for your anniversary?”
“What we do every night. Love and enjoy time with each other!”

We are spending part of the night watching Gotham & Sleepy Hollow so the dogs can enjoy couch time with us, after all Sasquatch is thirteen this year, exactly as long as we’ve been married, so every year he gets to celebrate with us now is a bonus. We got him as a puppy that first year, so it seems fitting that our olden dogger gets some cuddle time along with Keiko and Mordor, who at six and two are newcomers to our pack.

Time to take the dogs out one more time, and then Jon and I get to go celebrate the rest of our anniversary just the two of us.


13 thoughts on “New Blog – Our Anniversary, our dogs, and Enjoyment”

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary. It’s nice to read about couples staying married for more than a few years and still in love as much then as now. Hope that there are many, many more to come. I’ve been married for 41 years and look for more.

  2. I wish you many wishes on your special day and look forward towards your new books. on further note just out of curiously is your next book gonna be a Anita novel
    many thanks Jessica

  3. Celebrated 30 year anniversary with my husband last night. Went out for dinner and sang along to the juke box and laughed a lot. Congratulations to both you and Jon. It’s great having a forever best friend, huh?

  4. That’s the best way to celebrate an anniversary, or anything, by being with the ones you love and love you. Happy Anniversary.

  5. Missed your anniversary so: belated much happiness wishes!. I have all the “A0nita Blake” books and have 3 questions: When is the relationship with Nathaniel and Damian going to raise their power to “Alpha”and “Master Level” respectively? (The fact that being with Anita enhances the power of her men has already been established, as well as the fact that Damian may be 1,000 years old but after becoming her servant he became more beautiful, as if she were his initial maker, making the change possible)—–When is she going to accept she loves Damian?—–And what ever happened to Primo?
    If you get a chance would truly appreciate an answer, and Please!, keep writing? Hug, B

  6. please please please include more of Jean Claude in the books not just talk about him but him more in the books lately it seems like you have pretty much gotten away from having him as a character in the books a little more of Edward wouldn’t hurt either along with Edward is not time to kill off the serial killer wishful boyfriend Otto Jeffries Edward brought into the story but definitely a lot more of a Jean Claude I seriously love your books they are the only books that I go back and reread over and over again but it’s time to get back to basics with Jean Claudethank you so much for listening can’t wait to read Jason

    1. somehow my words got a little mixed up I did not mean to kill off Edward just Otto Jefferies

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