New Blog – The Next two Anita Blake novels & questions answered at DragonCon

Aug 27, 2014


DragonCon is in Atlanta this Labor Day weekend, as usual. Also, as usual, I’m going to be there on panels, doing signings, and enjoying the con.

My first panel is: An Hour With Laurell K. Hamilton
Time: Fri 02:30 pm Location: Augusta Ballroom – Westin (Length: 1)
Description: Audience Q&A with the bestselling author of the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series

A Laurell and a mic panel, as my husband, Jon, calls it, where I talk to the audience, to you!, and answer questions in person, live, no rehearsal possible, that’s why they call it improv. I will be answering your questions straight from the audience, plus the five most liked questions from my FaceBook page, (Visit the page if you want in on the fun.) but this Friday there is bonus content! I will be doing something in public that I haven’t done in at least five years. I will be reading from the next Anita Blake novel. The picture included with this blog gives you a hint what the new book is about. Okay, maybe more than a hint, because the title is, Jason, and it will be the first original paperback for me since, Micah back in 2006. Just as that book featured the title character, Micah, so this one does the same for Jason. He is a serious fan favorite, and one of mine, too. He’s always fun to write and I’ve loved watching him grow as a character, and a person. I’ll actually be reading from the page proofs of the book, because this one is hot off the press, as they used to say. Then I’ll answer your questions about it, and other things. I will also be announcing something that I really, truly haven’t done before, and yes, that is a longer list than you’d think. *laughs* My publisher has come up with a way that you, the fans, can be more included in part of the process for the next Anita Blake novel. No, not the Jason novel, but the Anita Blake novel after Jason. How cool is that? How can you be more included? Come to the panel on Friday and I’ll tell all.

We know that not all of you can be at DragonCon so we are going to try and video the panel, but we can’t promise that it will happen. We need the right equipment and DragonCon telling us it’s okay for us to film the panel and then post it on line. We’re waiting to hear back now. If we can we’ll post it, so that all of you can see it later, but for those who can be there on Friday, you get to see it all live.

117 thoughts on “New Blog – The Next two Anita Blake novels & questions answered at DragonCon”

    1. Tsk tsk. Where is your focus?! Re-read the books chick. The story has done nothing but expand, in constant leaps and bounds. The sex is, and always has been, just a part of the story with how much the ardeur has risen in Anita. The only books lacking it are the first few. What do you expect? Her being a succubus Is part of the story. In my opinion Hamilton has actually toned down those parts of the book. Not in a bad way at all. If you’re focusing too much on the sex scenes and not on the exponential progression of the story then that’s Your issue. Hamilton is an amazing author with such a rich imagination. I can’t wait for the next book!!!

      1. Thank you Dana I have wanted to say that to people who complain about the sexual content for a while. You said it for me. If you read the books starting with Guilty Pleasure you will see the progression and how it fits with the writing. Ms. Hamilton is an awesome author with a fantastic imagination that she shares with us.

        1. For those that don’t normally read the dedication …go back a reread all of them from the beginning. You can see that as the dedications change, and Laurell grows in her personal life so does the story line. Think about the story “Flirt” That developed from a personal experience, and we have gained a new Character from that story many of us have come to love.

        1. There’s plenty of story, what have you been reading because there is a story in every book and I own all of the Anita Blake series. They started off with no sex but a lot of sexual innuendo but once they hit Narcissus in Chains that’s when they got really good.

      2. I totally agree with you!!!! The story is AMAZING and if you don’t see anything other than the sex, then you’re not really a fan!!!! I feel as if I know these people personally!

      3. I have to agree with you completely. I had a friend say she stopped reading because of the sex scenes and I had to ask why? They are a major a part of the story and show Anita as well as some of the boys overcoming things that when first introduced would have turned their nose up at even the suggestion. I love everything about the stories. I love their lives, blood, torture, fetish, heartbreak, sex, growth, love, family…everything. Anita, her story, the way Hamilton writes and what she brings to the table is major. Everything about the story and Anita’s life and growth with herself, her sexual self, and her every growing love for her men is inspiring. So, the stories aren’t JUST about sex. Yes, as the person above stated, Anita is a succubus essentially with the’s a part of her life, but the story… the story is the real deal.

      4. I started somewhere in the middle & was a bit disappointed about the lack of sex when I started from the beginning.
        Now, each & every time a new book is due out I start from the beginning to enjoy meeting the characters again & seeing the “cast” grow. Everything fresh in my mind for the new book.
        My eyes are shot, so I now have all the books in audible – great narrator! Only regret is that Narcissus in Chains is not available unabridged 🙁

        1. I’m so sick of people saying there’s too much sex in the books. If you don’t like that much sex, stop reading Anita Blake. Like was mentioned, the first title in the series is called Guilty Pleasures, where did you really think LKH was going with this series. When I first started reading the books, I almost quit reading the series because there wasn’t ENOUGH (ie ANY) sex. She went home to an empty home and bed, unless you count the penguins.Those first books were full of sadness, loneliness, and violence. I can’t believe how people say the books have ‘too much’ sex in them now, but no one ever complained back then that the books had too much violence! Not Americans, anyway; Europeans were a different matter. If there’s too much sex for your liking… Why are you still reading the series? Why bother reading her blog? What are you even doing here??

          1. SAYS that you are replying to me. I indicated that I started somewhere in the middle (sexy story line) of the series & was a little disappointed that there was NO sex in the early books when I started from the beginning. Still I see the early books as an introduction to the characters & RE-READ EACH & EVERY BOOK in the series starting a month before the release of a new book.

            As for the individual who lived Obsidian Butterfly because it took Anita away from her men – this was the LOONGEST book I read (or it seemed that way)… I am so VERY grateful that each out of town adventure since has included at least one or two of the guys from St Louis!

          2. You can be a fan and not be into the large sections of sex.Anita used to be such a pro but now she’s puppydog eyes on everyone.I don’t mind sex but it shouldn’t take up more than a chapter or two.

        2. The books started slow, I agree and any of the others here who are complaining about to much sex they need to get a grip. I absolutely love it and I love some of the new characters. I’m just like you I read and re-read these and another couple of authors all the time. I’ve re-read Flirt about 50 times back to back.

      5. I agree that the sex is part of Anita’s story. However I can understand how Kathryn might have a problem with it. The sex in the book is much more graphic than in any other story line that I have ever read. It’s sort of a kick to the face when you are unused to this type of writing. I don’t read the Merideth story line because the first book started with it as a base line for the character. And I was uncomfortable reading about it. I am still uncomfortable reading it in the Anita story, but I loved Anita before she became a succubus and like the character even if her story sometimes makes me squirm. To each their own.

        1. The first couple of books in the Merry series were a little racy, but the story line has progressed past a lot of the sex. Yes there are still sex scenes, but they no longer take up 2 chapters and 8-10 pages multiple times.

      6. Every fan (we’re all REAL fans thank you) has a right to their opinion and if they feel that there’s more sex than they would like than that’s their right and vice versa. Sure sex is now a huge part of who Anita is, but she didn’t start out at the human servant of a master vampire who inherited his attributes. She started out as an animator who was, quite frankly, a little prudish. There’s nothing wrong with nostalgia or wanting more mystery solving/crime fighting and there’s nothing wrong with making that wish known, especially to the author. No need to talk down to someone because you don’t agree with them.
        I too would like to see more of the mystery solving/crime fighting/ monster stuff. The relationships and personal developments are important and a pleasure to read, but I too found myself looking for the next extra-personal adventure. I’m glad to see more of it coming back into the books.
        Sincerely, a *real* fan who lists Hamilton as her Fav fiction author.
        Thank you.

        1. yes everyone has a right to their own opinion, but still saying the books are great and I personally love LKH, CF and SK all my favorite supernatural writers along with RR and SA

        2. It’s funny that you bring up how Anita used to be prudish. She still finds herself in situations where her “Midwest upbringing” causes her to have issues pushing past a situation.

          I love how LKH gives Anita a conscience. In the middle of a fight, Anita does what has to be done to survive, but afterword she says “Is should feel bad about doing _______ but I don’t, and that makes me feel bad”.

    2. Agreed! There was one book a while ago that was more porn than plot. I think the one where Anita met Jason’s family? Seriously, if she wants to write so many sex scenes then write for Hustler. Glad the newer books have actual content.

      1. I read Blood Noir 3 times. There was not a lot of sex, even for the Anita Blake series. There was the one night that wasn’t even detailed much as the Ardeur was in charge not Anita, and since this is a first person novel if she is not aware then there can’t be details. Also, most of the “sex” scenes in this book and the others are an important, if not integral, part of the story line and are not gratuitous. Here’s the thing, if you can skip a sex scene when reading a book and not miss anything, it is unnecessary, but if you feel like something slipped by you, then it is necessary. In this day and age, a good percentage of fiction have some kind of sex in them, especially in this genre. If you do not like it don’t read those books. It is unfair to those of us that do not mind it and understand it’s purpose to try to get the author to change the character and story line. Just my opinion.

    3. I would love to see Anita end up pregnant by NIcky. I know that sounds selfish when she loves all the men that she does. So in my bad opinion when she got sick in Affliction and the smell of coffee was making her nauseous it was a illogical jump on my part, but I also remember Nicky telling her that she shouldn’t have sex with any of the cats that were in their animal form because she was fertile at that time which in translation meant she could end up pregnant even on the pill because of the way she reacted to Nathaniel in his leopard form. Also she forgot to take her birth control pill after that because she was in the hospital after Ares went cuckoo and then she made love to Nicky in the shower after she got out of the hospital and after the firefight with the zombies. I really like the character of Nicly and also I would love to see her go on the hunt with Edward for the final training with Peter. I have every one of your novels other than the ebooks and those I intend to get when I can. I love all of the characters in every novel but some of the characters have never been mentioned again. Like Samuel’s son, why hasn’t he come back into it. Getting rid of London and Requiem was a good idea, and I think you should add some of the lion pride women to Jean Claude’s bed, envy isn’t enough. Another lion I would love to come back into it is Jacob, after all she did put a line into him when he kidnapped her. I know I’m putting in way to many things for a Anita Black novel but I really dig your books about her, and anyone complaining about the too much sex and not enough story are just crazy and probably getting plenty of loving from their spouses or boyfriends. I will add this last comment, after I read Flirt I fell in love with the Nicky character and really don’t know why, unless of course that is maybe the fact I’ve been single for over ten years and not dated or anything else in that ten years that makes me really dig his character, but I like most of the other characters too and I really want to see who they do the marriage ceremony with, but I honestly hope you kill off Asher and if NIcky wasn’t her bride he would be her king alongside Micah, who I absolutely love, but I still want to see her pregnant by Nicky not any of the other men in her bed.

    4. I agree with you, you should do what I do, skip the sex. If I wanted to read that much sex, I would read erotic porn. I really do not need to read a chapter of sex and bdsm.

  1. Hi there, I was wondering if we are not able to go to Dragon Con and you can’t video it will you be posting your announcement on fb or maybe another blog. And how about posting the pages from the reading. I love your books so much and Jason even more.

    1. Yes I was wondering the same thing. I have all of her books and I just got done re-reading them so I can’t wait to see what you have in store for Jason.

  2. Video, or at least audio, would be lovely, but to be honest I don’t even watch movie trailers or read teasers on books before they come out, so I wouldn’t stress about it.

    Jason is probably one of the central characters that has grown/matured the most, besides Nathaniel, when you think about it. Some characters are still stewing in their less-than-favorable emotional swamps, (Asher, Richard), while others have remained almost remarkably unchanged since they were introduced, (Micah, and somewhat Jean-Claude). My most vivid memory of Jason, and likely one of his as well, was in Bloody Bones with the rotting vamps.

    I’m looking forward to a good story on Jason. We’ve gotten quite a bit of Nathaniel and Micah recently, so it will be lovely to read about one of the other guys.

    1. I agree with the (Asher & Richard) comment, now if they could write Richard out and kill Asher off maybe things would be better. Jean Claude is Anita’s master but I sometimes wish he would find someone else to love and Micah is sleeping around almost every time he goes out of town to get people to join the coalition but you are right not much growth in the four years they have been together.

  3. I LOVE, LOVE your books and wouldn’t have you change a thing! Can’t wait for the announcements.

  4. I am sad that I won’t be able to make DragonCon, (I am in the process of moving); however, I am excited for the little tidbit you shared about the next novel! I picked up the series again after 5 years and am glad I did.

  5. Please post the news online if you can’t tape it. I always look forward to your books and it makes my boyfriend happy because he knows whY to get me for my birthday every year, its in the middle of summer. I actually got a chance to see you when you went to Las Vegas for the Skin Trade tour. I live in Tucson now and would love of you came here on your next tour.

  6. How exciting! New Anita books. I can’t wait! Love that cover. Or is it the actual cover? But a flogger and lace on a book titled Jason? Now that piques the interest! When will it release? I love the world of Anita Blake and very much missed my fix this year. So, I will be eagerly awaiting what ever you have coming out. Thank you.

  7. Since Anita is now engaged will we meet her family? If not, could we meet Dolf’s son and daughter in law? I love that the local cops are seeing and accepting Anita’s power. But who will walk Anita down the isle? Her biological father, Dolf, or will She stand with the spiritual rings and have her men walk down the isle to her?

  8. Eeeeeeeee! Doing a happy dance! A Jason book AND an Anita Blake book!!!!! So happy happy happy! I reread the whole Anita Blake series over and over … Just love love love it!
    Thank you so very much!

  9. Would love to see any where at any time. Will you be touring for the Jason book? How about coming the to East Coast for a change? Around Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland, etc.? One of these days I’ll go to Dragon Con just to see what goes on. Enjoy both Anita and Merry equally.
    Best to you and yours. Thank you for many hours of reading enjoyment.

  10. Hi Laurell, It’s great that you wright a Jason book. I swear that you post , after your panel, the extract you will be read. Thank you for always charing more of you and your caracters. I’m so excited to read the next book.

  11. I miss the old Anita. The less men Anita, sex and more story.
    Seems like it’s gotten more pornagraphic than it has story line. I liked the book where Edward calls her away from the men.
    Less sex more story please. Also less men I’m getting lost remembering who the heck is who.

    1. Then you have no concept of the growth Anita has to grow thru. Re read the stories & understand its part of her growth & weapons. I had to explain this to others because they focus on the sex & not Anita’s story.

    2. Totally agree with you. The old Anita was a three dimensional character. Now she is just there to ‘service’ the men. Less men would be a good place to start, she doesn’t have to get rid off all of them, she could still be poly with 2 or 3 men.

    3. I totally disagree. from a male perspective Anita’s growth and acceptance of her succubus nature and sexuality define her progression from average to spectacular. Any character can fight the bad guy and get more powerful along the way. An Icon does it while still being human and all the foibles it entails.

  12. would love to see more intimate stuff between Anita, Micah, and Nathaniel now that Micah is admitting how he feels about Nathaniel. I like all the sex!

  13. I hate that I can’t get out of school until 2:30 at the earliest tomorrow. Will there be a repeat performance? I am a new 3rd grade teacher and former bookseller. (Also today is my birthday) I am sure you are in contact with tech ops for D*Con, but I know Dan Carroll and Michael McCrackin are in the team and might be able to help. Happy Dragon Con! Please let me know if I can help you get in touch with them personally.

  14. I wish they made Dragon Con in Europe too. Very excited for the news and I really hope they agree to the video. If not I will be looking out for the announcements. I have a really good feeling about this.

  15. I think a novel focusing on Jean-Claude would be very interesting. We’ve been able to see parts of his past but the story of how he came to meet Belle and the start of that new “life” would be amazing.

  16. I wish that I could be at the panel but I’m moving to a house two miles away from my rental. Jason? Oh yes! Thank you!
    Ginny Lynn, Wench Writer

  17. I wish I could go, but alas I’m in Texas and a sahm with a 1 year old.

    I’m so excited for a new book, I’ve just been anxiously waiting to hear about something new in the works.

    Jason is a favorite of mine and I’m just trying to imagine what you have written for this new book.

    I just recently read A Shiver of Light and absoluteky loved it! I’m excited for the next book to come out so I can kearn more about the babies and their unique powers.

  18. Love Jason, Micah is wonderful, But are you ever going to just do one on Nathaniel he is the one character that we know about but want so much more from. He is amazing strong (now) yet still so soft, loving, and perfect. Thank you. Hope you will consider it. Have a wonderful day.

    1. I agree would love to hear more of Nathanial’s story. I find him amazing. A book just with him and his brother somewhere with just Anita would be great.

  19. Oh thank you! Wish I could be there.this will be the next best thing. Thanks again.

  20. I love Anita I found her stories first then Merry’s. I can hardly wait for the next installments for Anita! But I am also wondering when the next chapters in Merrys story will be brought into the world? Many blessings

  21. I agree with Katheryn I seem to have lost a lot of interest in the books not that it is full of sex. My interest was in the story and also the characters. Many of the characters have been lost in the need to make the series more sexual. I still dont know what happen to many of the leopard pack. Wheres Zane and Cherry? With not many bad guys of the paranormal side what more is there for Anita to battle. She is a walking porn mag. What happened to the zombies the detective mood the killer? I am all for the sex but that seems to have become more descriptive than the actual story. Please bring back the killer bring back Anita.

  22. We are so looking forward to seeing you again at DragonCon! My daughter introduced me to Anita Blake years ago! You are a strong speaker and keep the audience riveted. See you there!

  23. This is very exciting news for any LKH fan. When are you expecting the Jason novel to be released?

  24. I don’t know how I feel about fan involvement in the books. I feel like that compromises the purity of the storyline and the world created by the author. Shouldn’t books be the one place where fans don’t vote on the outcome?

    1. I agree one hundred percent. It’s one thing for a reader to ask a question about what might happen in a story, but their input to the way the story should go is another matter. An author who is very successful is that way because THEY are great storytellers. When they have astronomical sales of a series they are obviously doing something right and do not need reader’s help.

    2. If by fan involvement you mean the old choose your own adventure type things then no, fan involvement. If you are trying to gauge their focal interests as regards to characters and progression I’m 100% for that.

  25. Love the books! Can’t wait!! Is Jason the book coming out in June or is it coming out sooner?

    Also seriously people if you don’t like the direction of the books don’t read them, personally I love them and can’t wait for more!

  26. I totally love Ms. Hamilton’s books. My son told me about them back in 2010. I have read all of them many times…at least 40 times She is the first author that I can read over and over again. I see that some think there is to much sex in her books..I have to disagree. I think the story lines wouldnt sound right if some sex was not there. I read many other books that have lots more graphic sex scenes then Ms. Hamiltons. I feel if all a person can do is complain about an author, well, you have the choice to not read that persons books. I love Ms. Hamiltons books. I cant get enough of them. I love her thought process. Keep them coming, Ms. Hamilton

    1. I so agree with you. I started my journey with Micah and now have read all them many times. I lose myself in the story and can block out the my world for hers.

      1. I started this series from the beginning with Guilty Pleasures and I love the growth that Anita has gone through. This includes all the sex that people are complaining about. I saw above someone mention that she has gone soft, I find it’s the opposite. If anything she has shown that she can open up and let go of her fears. Anita, I find, is even more dangerous then ever because she now has something ( or someone’s) to fight for. Without all the men, sex, violence and death she would not be the character she is now, instead she would be a lonely animator who is to afraid to live the life she wants. Plus if that we’re the case the series would have ended a long time ago.

        1. This is so true. I now appreciate the first story for the beginning it is of her journey. She has learned to give herself to those she loves and not hold back from receiving the love she lost as a child when her mother died and was replaced by someone that fit in better. I had a friend challenge me to name the top ten books that have “stuck” with me. Number one and two were the Anita Blake series and the Merry Gentry series. All the books are so good there was no way to name the any other but number 1 and 2 for the whole series. They are two life stories.

  27. its funny ive been reading the comments on here and I see alot of people complaining about all the sex. Seriously ive read every anita blake book and all 9 of the merry gentry novels also and in both series the characters honestly dont have meaningless sex theres always a reason for it and it carrys the story along not stopping it. Its a part of the story and it works. Ive been reading then for years and sofar ive not had a reason to complain, and beleive me im adhd and Id find one if there was any. Just my two cents and ill probally have ppl nit pick this all but I dont care.

    1. Merry was in a desperate attempt to further her line and produce an heir before she was murdered. So, yes, there was a reason for the sex. Anita went from Buffy to Bimbo because LKH got herself a kinky new hubby, there’s barely any plot to speak of, and any there is barely covers a few chapters between orgies.

      1. Anita is a Succubus, sex is a necessary part of the story for that reason alone. She is not a bimbo, she doesn’t like all the sex any more than you do, but she accepts it as a necessary evil to her growing power. In order to help her accept that Laurell is giving her men that she can care about and not fell so much like a bimbo.

      2. glasgow1975 – Captain Obvious says you have not read the Anita Blake series from the beginning. If you had you would have read how the character and her world have developed. One can only hope you have read what Maria posted in her reply to your ridiculous post.
        Your jealousy of Laurell’s talent and her domestic life shows you are an unhappy and unkind individual.

    2. I read numerous erotica, so I certainly don’t have a problem with well written sexual content.

      In my opinion, however, the quality of the Anita Blake series declined when sexual content and repetitive descriptions began replacing 90% the plot.

      At the beginning of the series, it was about a necromancer/ vampire hunter and now it’s just paranormal romance with very little plot outside of relationship angst.

      Last Fall the especial Shutdown was released. Anita spent that entire novel lecturing another woman regarding her relationship. Now we’re getting Jason and, from the summary, it sounds like Anita is going to spend yet another whole novel lecturing a woman about her relationship. I still haven’t recovered from the negativity in Shutdown.

  28. Unfortunately I won’t be in attendance at DragonCon but it would be awesome if they let you record it.

  29. Will you be in the area of Phoenix AZ in the near future? Would love to be there & see you in person.

  30. Honestly, the comments from repressed housewives here make me laugh. How is getting stuffed full of yet another foot long coke can thick d*ck actually moving the story along? The plots seem to mainly be gangbangs tied bookended by a quickly wrapped up crime. Anita used to be an independent kickass Slayer, with a partnership in her own firm and a badge. She was most likely to be seen at a crime scene in black sneakers and jeans. Now she’s more likely to be seen at a pan supernatural orgy in thigh high stiletto boots and crotchless panties. Plot, crime solving, zombie raising all take second place to multiple f*ck scenes, where every male lusts after her and is hung like an elephant. Buffy to bimbo in one giant leap. How exactly is Anita paying her bills when she appears never to work? One of the recent books didn’t even have her going to work until halfway through . . .
    You only have to read the reviews to see readers borrow LKH from the library now instead of buying, with a desperate hope THIS one will show the spark and drive that Anita originally had. Now taking ideas from fans into the next book is the desperate attempt by a publisher to rescue a dying brand.

    1. I’m not even sure how to respond to this. I guess, the first question I would ask is, which book are you on? If you say anything past Obsidian Butterfly, which had no sex, and it has to be for you to know so much, obviously all the “**ck* fests and lack of work didn’t stop you from reading them. I am an acknowledge prude, as my friends and family will attest to. However, when it comes to books I will read anything. I do not think Laurell’s books are over the top and believe me, considering some of the other books I read, I can say this with confidence. Remember, Anita, like anyone else, does have a life besides work and I see nothing wrong with a book focusing on that. The books usually only cover a week or two, if that, especially the ones where she is not working. For example, Blood Noir, which someone was saying had too much sex, only covered like 3 maybe 4 days, as did Micah. Is Anita not allowed to take a vacation, or to take time off to help a friend? As for the sex. Whatever you may think, it is part of the story. As another person stated here, she is a succubus, and if you don’t know what that is, google it. Believe me, they live on sex, without it they die. Since this is a paranormal story it is totally in line with the character to have this need. When she first got the ardeur she needed sex a lot, now she doesn’t need it as much and does not f**k everything in pants since she now has some control. I think Blood Noir is the only time she lost it since getting control. You also seemed to have missed the fact that Anita doesn’t like being this way. She accepts it as a side affect of her power and tries to keep it to people she cares about so that it is more then sex.
      Libraries are wonderful places, I wish they could be counted along with the sales of books, because, no offence but the new books are coming out in hardback first which can costs upwards of $25 if you don’t catch them on sale, and maybe as low as $15 if you can, either way there are many, many people, especially in today’s economy, that can’t afford to buy the books when they first come out and have to wait another year, if they collect, to get the paperback at $8. Since Libraries and the second run are not counted, of course it’s going to look as if sales are down.

  31. LKH, write what your inspiration tells you to write. When I am reading, it is as if I were in a theatre watching a live performance. My input is irrelevant to the show. You write, we read. That’s the way it works best. Wish I could be at the Con, but, alas, San Antonio is never on anyone’s schedule.

    1. Amen Sister!!! I read her books in one day, and with every other new book, I go back and read from book one so that I can fully immerse myself in the world of Anita Blake. Her world is much more interesting then the real one 🙂

      1. This is one of the very few series that I can say that I do re-read each & every book in order when ever a new one is due out. Started this after a gap in time between releases. Actually find things I have forgotten or missed from the 1st, 2nd, 4th read. Love everything Anita!

      2. I have to say that I read them in one day myself. Then the next day I go back and read it a little slower. The first time is read fast becuase I love her books and the second time is slower just to see what I might have missed by reading it fast. Some of her books may have more sex than others but they are still written by a good author. I’m just glad to see some new Anita Blake books out. But I have to say that Micah for some reason isn’t a book that I really enjoyed. I’m not sure why but I have read that one twice and all the rest have been read many times over.

  32. If you do not like the sex then stop reading the books or stop bitching about it! It is a part of the story Anita will die if she does not ‘feed’. It is not pornographic because Anita is dealing with the emotions that come along with it and is being responsible. Pornographic is sex with strangers and it doesn’t deal with emotions or relationships the books deal with emotion and relationships.

  33. What happened to my comment? Did I fail the moderation test? No spoilers that I can recall, no complaints…

    What’s up with that, MM Jess?

  34. I have to say that every other day im rereading one of your books. I will say this, I was never a fan of a bunch of sex scenes. I was more into the supernatural. A couple years back, a friend actually let me borrow the first book of the Anita Blake series. Now, when I first saw the cover I was automatically put off. Not because of anything in particular but right away I knew it was an adult book. I usually read the teen supernatural. More story less sex. I blame a book I read in tenth grade, I decided to read an adult supernatural book and I just DID NOT like it, at all. Anita Blake sat on my shelf for well over a year maybe longer and I finally ran out of books to read and picked it up. I love opening a fresh book and smelling the way the printed words smell on the paper. It just gives me an amazing feeling. I settled in to a comfortable position on my bed and read the first chapter. The first chapter I thought ‘oh great all this is about is some detective agency’ but oh my gondola was I wrong! (Yes I say oh my gondola, I’m weird) Once you get to know the main characters in either Merry Gentry or Anita Blake they become your best friend or sister. You get pulled in and feel like you know them. They may have some annoying tendencies or flaws but as the story progresses they mold into these beautiful loving tough women. They show such strength and compassion! Sex doesn’t even begin until the fourth book in the Anita Series. By then I was screaming at Anita to just make love to Jean Claude or Richard. I’m sorry to say but as the series progressed, I’ve come to really dislike Richard. He’s a burden to the triumvirate and he constantly hurts Anita emotionally. If you actually think about the book as another world not following our rules then you should be able to look passed the sex. Anita is a succubus, she will die without feeding. She fought against it and has come close to killing her own triumvirate because she refused to feed so often. She had to overcome these misgivings to blossom into such a strong and beautiful woman. That’s all I have to say.. I really need to ask LkH something but I have no idea where to send it. Lol love always an Anita & Merry fan.

  35. I agree with all of the above comments that the sex is a component of the story. Without the progression in her sexual expression she would not grow as a character. Cutting sex in this series would be leaving Anita Blake and her loves as two dimensional. This series is the one I pull up on my Nook when I am not real interested in reading something new and reread the whole series again because each time I do I feel good. I feel refreshed. The writing of Laurell K. Hamilton is stellar and I feel privileged to have had the chance to read her writing. Also with the Nook collections I was able to read all the afterwords and how it all began. The story of Guilty Pleasures and reading those 70 pages I have told to so many people as an inspiration to not give up on your dreams and that persistence will pay off. Thanks Laurell for these wonderful stories.

  36. Really? Anita’s men are so great? In Kiss the Dead, the only thing they were worried about after Asher hurt her was that she couldn’t suck on them. Nathanial blackmailed her into BDSM by threatening to leave if she didn’t. Micah told her to sleep with Nate in ID to “fix it!” and she did. She’s forced to have sex with multiple partner because if she doesn’t feed the arduer everyone DIES! She can control the arduer somewhat by eating food and she never does–she’s constantly being reminded to eat, for Christsake.

    She’s not professional about anything. In KtD she goes to the station in pretty much hooker clothes with a condom stuck to her leg. In Affliction, she’s in BDSM clothes when she could’ve changed in the car in a few minutes into appropriate clothes. THEN, while they’re out searching, she basically ends up making out with her men. Yeah, real professional. There’s a reason she lost a huge chunk of her fan base and most of it has nothing to do with badly written sex scenes.

    1. This!!! I agree 100%. I have no problem with reading sex scenes as long as they add to the plot. LKH has replaced plot with meaningless, boring, repetitive sex. How long has Anita had the ardeur now? Surely she could have learnt to control it better.

      1. If you have a problem with it, then don’t read it. Why do you feel the need to share that on here the authors page. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but to even get here to her site, I mean why… what were you hoping to get.

  37. To all the people with complaints I respect your opinions, however I don’t have to like them. In the same token if you don’t like the story’s progression; stop reading (SORRY MRS HAMILTON!). The Anita Blake Series is well thought out, excellently written and extremely riveting to me. It is my favorite series (Beat Wheel of Time and Game of Thrones). It’s disappointing to log on and see 7/10 posts complaints about the books yet you keep reading. If you really want something to complain about how about the fact that elected officials are identified by the media by their political affiliation before the people they were elected to represent?

  38. Let me begin by saying writing is an art, and LKH is a master artist. With books, just like in art everyone has their own style and preferences. Paranormal Romance books are just that, beyond normal romance. Seriously if it offends you then clearly you should leave Paranormal romance section of whatever bookstore you are in and head for Science fiction or how to books instead. The fact is sex is a natural thing, if these books disturb you well in my opinion you are not very open minded. And clearly no one would want to read about your sex life. Being a strong person requires knowing yourself and Anita, like Laurell herself, most definitely knows who she is and accepts it. If you pay any attention to these stories at all you know that clearly Anita doesn’t always want to have to have sex to survive but she accepts it. In an earlier post I noticed someone said that she was blackmailed and told to “fix it”, my question is have you ever had a serious relationship, never gave someone an ultimatum, never given the hubby a guilt trip, or even sucked up to him to get what you wanted? I personally own all 22 books in this series as well as strange candy, beauty, all of the Merry books, Nightseer and Death Darklord. I have read all of them multiple times and enjoyed it every single time. A lot of authors use 35 words when 5 would get the point across just as well, Laurell does not. Each of her books grabs you from the beginning and flows seamlessly to the end. The worlds she creates fascinate millions and transport us to a place where anything can happen, yet she still has the everyday issues too(like satisfying your man/men in Anita’s case). I have laughed, cried, lost many hours of sleep getting to know each character. To Laurell, you are an amazingly gifted artist and you captivate me every time! As for fan involvement, your imagination know no bounds, please be cautious letting others influence you in any way. I anxiously await the Jason book just like I have all the others. Much love from my family to yours.

    1. I don’t have a problem with sex. I love sex, and I enjoy it in my books as well…when it’s well written and has a reason to be there. And I love paranormal stories as well, my bookcase is FULL of them. To insinuate that those who don’t read LKH anymore, or enjoyed the series more without so much sex, don’t like sex or the paranormal is absurd.

      And if a man told me “do this or I’m leaving”, I’d tell him to leave. And if he told me to have sex with another person to “fix it”, I’d tell him he could go screw himself and enjoy his life without me. Forcing sex or sexual kinks on someone who isn’t comfortable with them or doesn’t enjoy them at all isn’t sexy, nor is it respectful. I’ve had boyfriends gradually and respectful try new sexual things with me and when I said no to something because I didn’t enjoy it, they stopped and that was that unless I wanted to try it one more time to make sure the second time wouldn’t be better. Anita’s men don’t respect her that way–at all. And when she gets injured, they don’t react to the fact she’s hurt, they just care that she can’t give them sex or a sexual favor for awhile.

      Yeah, that’s a great man to have around.

    2. There are only a few book series that I read over and over, and the Anita Blake, and Merry Gentry series pull me in every time. I seriously come back to reality with a lot of difficulty and will think about the story for hours. To me this is the mark of a great author. If some don’t like the sex in the stories, all I can say is that a closed mind never learns anything new. The sex in the story is for a reason, unlike some of the other books I have read and never touched again, because even though the sex was hot, it was soooo pointless. I have read other series, with no sex at all that pulled me the same way, but that isn’t how this tale needs to be told. If the alternate reality in this series was a real thing, I could see all this actually happening, which would make all of the scenes pertinent to the story. If people don’t like what is happening, all I can say is either quit reading the series, or quit coming on here and bitching about it.

  39. I can’t wait for another book to come out. I’m addicted to both book series. I’ve read all of them so many times I have them pretty much memorized!! The Anita Blake series is one of the best I’ve ever read and it’s a great combination of sec with a great storyline. I wouldn’t change a thing. LKH is an amazing writer. I always re-read the series when a new one comes out so that I can extend it as long as possible and make it last!!

  40. I simply love Anita Blake series. Yes is also good sex in it, but there is a story and is sex. What`s a story without sex? ( Kidding )
    The point is – LKH writes and she writes divine.
    Do you ever think how much does she need to write something like AB series.. or a book for that matter? It`s not just hard, it`s near damn impossible if you don`t have the *thing*. It`s not just the talent, the imagination or the pen. It`s so much more.
    It`s easy to throw the stones when you don`t know have what it takes to create such a world.
    And I so love Jason – one of my favorites.
    Keep the good work L. You are true.
    PS: I hope that in the nearly future Richard will find the happiness that he craves.

  41. The first LKH book I ever read was Obsidian Butterfly – picked it up because of the name. Not my genre at all. It was a bit more on the gore side than I like in a good novel. And I kind of swore to myself that I would never read another LKH if that was her style. But I guess you should never say “never” because at the time I was a member of the sci-fi book club and one of her books came up as the feature book one month. I forget which book it was now but it pretty much opened with a sex scene in the kitchen. Wow! Talk about a complete 360 from where I started in the series! Instead of being grossed out I am practically drooling over the pages. Since then I have read every new book that has come out and love love love every word, every scene, every story line… well let’s just say everything! I have since gone back and started reading the Anita Blake series from the beginning. When I get back to Obsidian Butterfly I will read that again too. But I just wanted to say bravo to Laurell… you have a fan for life! And I can’t wait for the next book!

  42. Allow me to start things back in a different direction here. I wish I had known you were going to be at Dragoncon Laurell. Atlanta is only 2 hours away and I would have loved to get to ask somethings myself. I love both series and check here every week or so for progress on the new book. Here is to hoping you get to post a video from Dragoncon.

  43. Let me begin by saying, if you didn’t want to read about sex then stop buying any of the Anita Blake novels. In the beginning the books didn’t have that much sex in them, but after she wrote Narcissus in Chains was when I really started loving her books, they just rock. For those who are complaining about too much sex in her books, maybe its because you have someone in your life to rock your world, but for me I haven’t dated or anything for over 10 years and believe me I really dig the books for the sex that is in them. Until I read Flirt I had no desire whatsoever, that book re-awoke my desires after they had been gone for so long. I personally love them and she does put story line plots in the books still. Now for an idea about her new book, I think she needs to send Anita on the hunt with Edward and Peter to finish his training. Also am I the only one who thought that she got pregnant by Nicky in Affliction. He did tell her that she was at her most fertile when Nathaniel changed into his leopard form and he also told her she shouldn’t make love to any of the cats in their animal form. Now me personally, I would love to see her pregnant by Nicky, and I would love to see if there is a way to change him from her groom to her lion king. I realize with the way the books have been written that he’s just a groom but the way she feels about Nicky would be exciting if he was her king as well. I know she didn’t get to take a birth control pill after that because she was in the hospital for 24 hours and then in a firefight with zombies after that, then she had sex with Nicky in the shower. When she went to see Micah at the hospital she got sick then the smell of coffee made her nauseous, that is a pregnancy problem people. Also I believe she needs to totally write out London and Requiem, also she needs to finish the story line of Samuel’s son, and I would love to see Jacob make another appearance as long as he doesn’t try to kill Nicky. I would love for her to finish the story of killing Olaf because its gonna take both her and Edward to kill him together, they cant go after him separately. There are so many story lines that would be absolutely fantastic for her to write about but I’m not a writer so who really cares what I would like and wouldn’t like. One last comment, please have someone go back over the last few books because someone keeps messing up how many years they’ve been together and several other facts that have been totally wrong. Please find a way to fix the proof reading problems. Also what I said earlier, it would be fantastic for Anita to be pregnant by her lion Nicky for a lot of reasons.

  44. I wish I could have made it to this convention to hear how I can help take part in the next Anita Blake book. I can’t wait for the Jason novel too! He’s a fun character. Will you attend any conferences in California in the near future?

  45. Can anyone tell me if there is a page or somewhere that fans can find out where Laurell will be making appearances ?? I too cannot wait for a new Anita book much as I love Merry going that long without an Anita book is hard!!!!!!

  46. I read the debate below about too much sex/like the sex… The truth is, the story is and was always about Anita’s growth (Phil in the first book started it…) and acceptance of ALL facets of her being. In the beginning she cut herself off from her sexuality. Denied it. And felt something was lacking, then she got into a relationship that turned toxic because the person couldn’t see who she really was, and she had to accept that “Will” alone can’t fix everything. You see a progression of order, counter order, disorder in her personal life, while she keeps her **** together on the job. Lots of police/fire/soldiers can relate to that. Especially those of different lifestyles I imagine. The sex is only a mode of story telling for that, a “Reason” why her life is non-standard 2.5 kids and white picket fence. Other wise the book title would be “Anita Shoots a bunch of people and get Ice Cream after Oooh-RAH!”…

    Only thing I haven’t liked is the flirting with the “Change” I wouldn’t mind seeing her change into something “Unique” but that’s just me. I’d like to see her turn and see how the fallout effects those nearest and dearest.. See if her vampiric/necromancy nature effects the change, turning it into something new? if so better/worse? How does she perceive it? See just how she and lovers learn to accept her after. Does her self esteem survive it? Does the esteem she’s garnered from those that she has worked with for so long survive it? So many questions and chances for development… easily four books worth of fallout there however the dice fall. That is all that has been missing from the stories for me. The personal challenge of being unique and owning it is what makes the story worth following.

  47. I also find LKH books very good to read. I have all of her books of Anita Blake and also Meredith Gentry and I really enjoy reading them. When I find that I don’t Have anything to read then I start over reading them again.The story’s are great along with the sex part. Those two make the books fantastic reading.My favorites in the books are in this order Jason,Micah, Jean-Claude, and Richard. I can’t wait for the next book. Just to see who all gets married and the next exciting story. Love all of her writings.

  48. I can’t wait to read this one! I love Jason, he’s one of my favorite characters among the sexy men! I love them all, actually I almost feel like I’m in a relationship with each one of them as well. Lol I LOVE to have the real life book in my hands, that is my fav way to read a book, however in my Ricky dink little town in nowhereville USA we rarely ever get new books in until ages after they’re rleased! so I look forward to ebook versions so I can at least read them on my ipad!
    I know I know it’s not the same, but it’s the best I got right now! Laurell your amazing thanks for continuing this journey and not hanging up the whips just yet! I hope there’s many many more where these came from! Xoxo

  49. What make me worried about the story is that now is that theres no more vampire villains to face her because she is too powerful so I would like to see books where she becomes an exorcist or a huntress of demons I believe that is the natural next power level to the enemies in the books

  50. If this comment appears as a reply to someone, my apologies. It is meant to stand as its own.

    I’m curious to know as to why this book will only be available in paperback and not hardback. I own a hardback copy of Micah and wonder if a HB copy of Jason will be available at a later date?

    Regarding the sex in the AB books.. I am so tired of people telling me “If you don’t like something, don’t read it”. I don’t like racial slurs, but if it is needed to show a character’s struggle or hatred or whatever the point of it is, then write it!

    I read the series for the story of a woman trying to figure out how she can fit in to both the human world and the paranormal one.

    But if I disagree with something the author has written, I shouldn’t say anything? An author should only hear what people liked and not what they opposed to in a series? I didn’t realize we were only allowed an opinion if it was in support, and not disagreement, of a plot theme.

    Yes, sex is part of Anita’s struggle, I get that and am not opposed to it. I understand that Anita needs it to live but as another poster pointed out, you can skip the sex scenes and lose nothing from the story, detail wise, other than reading once again how detail-retentive Anita has to be in the bedroom.

    Now, if the series requires the sex as so many other posters have pointed out then maybe the summaries on the back of the books or on the inside of the dusk jackets should mention her para-nympho requirements and that it includes multiple partners, all of whom Anita will argue with for five to ten pages before getting down to bedroom activities with. I am only assuming they do not because the series is not solely about sex, but quite a few readers feel swamped with all of the details pertaining to it.

    Bottom line is: Write the sex. Don’t write the sex. Write whatever with the understanding that not everyone will love it. LKH seems to understand this concept, too bad some of her fans don’t.

  51. What is the name of her new book coming out next an when will it be in stores,,?

    1. Dead Ice will be in stores June 9, 2015. Signed copies can be ordered through Left Bank Books.

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