New Virtual Event!

Nov 16, 2023
I’m so excited to answer all your burning questions for SLAY and Anita Blake!
I  will be a guest of The Big Thrill on December 2nd and 4;00pm PT / 6:00pm CT !
This will be a Zoom webinar and only the first 500 attendees will be able to get in.
The link is and the passcode is :058572
This link will become active on the 2nd of December.
If you’d like to submit questions ahead of the event, reach out to with the subject line “SLAY VIRTUAL EVENT”

4 thoughts on “New Virtual Event!”

  1. Hello,

    Love your books, was trying to find a link for a mailing list but couldn’t find anything else.

    Would love to be updated please!

  2. I love all your series and each book so much. I have to tell you though that about one maybe two chapters into Slay, I realized that the emotion I was feeling was joy. I was so happy and excited to once more be immersed in Anita’s world. Please continue to share her world with the rest of us.
    I can’t wait to read more of the fallen angels stories and would love to find out more about Merry Gentry’s story too. You are one of my top favorite writers and hope that you continue to bring you imagination to life for your readers. Thank you

  3. I just want to tell you thank you dmfor bringing me into Anita’s world! I hope one day I can thank you and meet you in person. My wife is a big fan of yours and a very avid reader. I wanted to be a part of her book world (i dont read real) so she put me on to your Anita blake series and I havent been able to leave these books alone. I even bought the comics. You take me out of this world and put me in Anita’s. I read and I yearn to be a ware-Rat!!! Your books play like a movie in my head and you are the astounding director! Thank you thank you thank you or your creativity, great sex scenes, and for being a damn good author!!

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