Not weird enough

Jul 28, 2006

Got a interview request today that wanted to send a photographer to the house to get a picture of Jon and I. The reporter wanted a picture of us either in medieval garb or Goth clothing. Yes, our wedding was in medieval garb, and we like renaissance Fairs, but we don’t wear that kind of clothing in St. Louis in the summer on a regular basis. We also don’t wear Goth clothing on an everyday basis. Sorry to disappoint everybody, but we’re both jeans and t-shirt kind of people. Sometimes the t-shirts are black and angry, or even macabre, but the t-shirts have just as a high a chance to have animals on it, and slogans for saving the earth, as Gothic lettering. But it’s amazing how many people in the media expect us to be dressed like Dracula while we walk the dogs. I’ve lost count of the number of photographers that come to the house and wonder around searching for something scary to use as a back-drop. I actually told the last photographer from a paper that she could stop looking, that this was as Goth as it got. Which isn’t very. Again, sorry if that’s a disappointment to everyone, but it is the truth. Though, frankly, Jon and I have been debating on whether to make a room just for the photographers and such. Something dark, and scary, so that the photographers and reporters don’t look so puzzled in our bright, light-filled home. Maybe we’ll give them a room to play in so they stop asking us to dress up. Though, probably, they’d still be disappointed if we had a scary room but unscary clothes. You just can’t please some people, and I’m beginning to wonder why we try.