October: Week 2

Oct 07, 2008

I was pretty tired when I wrote the blog last night, so I missed a couple of things. First, thanks to Compy who pitched in at the last signing, after everyone else had to fly back home. All those signings she’d attended, were like on the job training. Thanks again. Thanks also to John the Archon Security person. He backed-up Charles at the signings and also did everything he could to make it run smoothly.

I had to take Jon to urgent care yesterday. Turns out he sprained his foot at the con. His good foot. So, yes, one leg has the knee brace and an operation scheduled this week, and the other foot is sprained. Pretty badly sprained. October is turning out to be a very . . . full month. Yes, that is sarcasm. What I’m really thinking is what the f**ck? Here’s hoping the rest of the month is a little less full.