One Month to Affliction

Jun 03, 2013

One month from today Affliction will be on the shelves! I know I’ve conditioned you guys that the new Anita Blake novel hits the stores in June, but I needed the extra month to write a longer book. Affliction has a page count of 570, which makes it the longest book since Incubus Dreams. It would have topped 600 pages, but a choice in printing format means no extra pages at the end of chapters, so you lose a few pages that way, but they would have been blank, or half blank pages, so now every single page is full of story!
I would love to give hints here about some of the surprises that await you in the new book, but I truly suck at hinting. I either don’t give enough information, or I tell far too much. I will run hints by my agent and editor and see if we can come up with some that don’t give away too much, but for a Sunday lets let all the hardworking people in New York have their day of rest.


54 thoughts on “One Month to Affliction”

  1. I am so excited to read your new book! Hoping that there will be some more of Merry but Anita is awesome!!

  2. I love all your books…I can’t wait for affliction, but are you going to write any more installments of Merry Gentry?? You are an incredibly talented writer, and my all time favorite author…I’m so excited to see what surprises are in store next!!! 🙂

    1. I, too would love another Merry Gentry book. Felt it was sort of hanging. Although, maybe not easy to make the last part of pregnancy that sexy. But still, this was a great series and I wish for a little more completion.

  3. I have liked all of your books in the series from the first. it is really nice to have Edward back again. you really make the people come alive and I can’t wait for the book. thanks for telling us when it will be released

  4. I can’t wait! I absolutely love these books, even though i’ve had to start my collection over twice now, once because of a fire, once because i moved and the box they were in got left. i can’t get enough of Anita Blake, i would much rather have seen Anita Blake. the movie that other thing….but let me polite.

  5. While I’m extremely excited about the book and the enormous page amount, i was really bummed to hear about the push back date. I leave for a language immersion on June 12 and won’t get back till August 11. This means that i won’t be able to read the book until sometime in August 🙁 Unless Affliction will be coming out in Japanese too. 🙂

  6. I am very excited about the new book coming out. No need to give hints, I love to read it all not knowing anything ahead of time. I’m the person who will switch channels if I see a commercial on a movie I am wanting to see. I like surprises 🙂

  7. I love all of your writing so I’m anxious to read the latest adventures with Anita, and we love hints too! I suck at guessing things right anyways so I doubt I will figure it out until I read it, hope you take some down time this summer to relax!

  8. I’m so excited cant wait! First book of yours i ever read was cerelun sins, was in the library came across it. I then had to order them all in so i could read them but loved them that much i had to go out and buy everything you’ve ever written including your graphic novels 🙂

  9. waiting so patiently….well, at least i am trying. i am just trying to figure out how to afford to buy all of the books again. i have read the copies i have so many times they are falling apart. i am at the 40th reread right now i have told myself that when i get to the 50 reread, i had better come up with new books to replace them with. keep up the good work….love all of your books

  10. I’m so happy, beyond thrilled, and excited that I’m soon going to be able to feed my addiction! Thank you Ms LKH for giving this bibliophile a reason for loving the beginning of hell-weather every year!

  11. I love Anita and the gang I had all the books the first 8 were in a two to three book set compilation set and from the first words of Guilty Pleasures I was hooked I had them all the way up to Cerulean Sins and lost them all in a house fire I have since replaced them all on my Nook I will always have them wherever I go and they are easy to grab in and emergency I have also gotten cousin/best friend hooked on them and when she found out it was going to be June before the next printing she screamed when we found out about the set back we just about lit the house up we wait not so patiently we understand and all but we are waiting for the next adventure for our friends in St. Louis. . . . Thank you for all the great hours I forgot to mention I am not usually one to read a book a couple of times at most but these I read about once a year I read strait through the series.

  12. I preordered the Kindle edition months ago and can’t wait! Will you be havinga launch party in St. Louis again?

  13. I’m excited! I am okay with waiting if it means a longer book! Now, I am so ready for a new Merry book!

  14. I am a faithful Anita Blake reader and have read everyone of them… I was just wondering what day the book will hit the shelves in July because I have been waiting it seems like forever to read this one. 🙂 Thank you for keeping this series going and I hope there will be more to come. I love these books!!!! 🙂

  15. I have read your books many times, both the Anita Blake series and the Merry Gentry series. I got them from a friend I used to work with, she got me hooked so I had to have copies of my own. I started with hard copies then generated to the Kindle, LOVE THE KINDLE, can bookmark certain areas in each book. I wanted to thank you for writing your books, they have been inspiring for me, and even changed my outlook on many aspects of the way I handle things and view situations. WWAD What would Anita do? I like that. I have had a lot of loss in my life the past few years and sometimes it’s just good to get lost in a book and not worry about what’s going to happen next. We can’t change what is to come in every day life but we can change how we handle it.

  16. I can’t wait to read it. It has been a lovely journey reading about your writing process of this book.

  17. I absolutely can’t wait until Affliction comes out. I love your books, the Anita Blake ones especially, and am very excited to get my hands on a copy.

  18. I have been rereading the series so every thing is fresh in mymind. Lookig forward to the new book.

  19. Can not wait lol. Am in the prosses of reading all my anita blake books. Am on number 6 at the mo, should be done by the time new one is out. Love them sooo much .

  20. I can not wait until your book comes out. I’m still reading the series for the first time and I’m on The Killing Dance. But I’ll have all books done before that book comes out. I’m so excited. I love Anita and everything about her. Your an amazing writer.

  21. I was curious as to why Nook and Kobo have the box set of 1-5 for download, but not Amazon. All three sites have the other box sets for roughly the same price all the way up to #19, right along with Amazon, but Amazon is inexplicably excluded from the first box set for ereading.

  22. Is that release date for Affliction a global thing or only for those lucky people living in the States?

    Totally love all the Anita Blake books, can’t wait to read this next one. Anita is my hero, thank you for writing such an awesome character 🙂

  23. I love all if your books. The characters become so real you’re almost sad to finish the book & leave them for another year. I was just wondering if there was any news about a book signing in the Atlanta, GA area? I know you’ve been sick, but a girl can hope. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with all of us.

  24. Just re-read the series getting ready for Affliction.Can’t wait to see what Anita finds herself in this go round!

  25. Waiting patiently!!! This has been a year for you … hope you are resting and recovering.
    Bright Blessings

  26. I am disappointed to hear of the set back on the purchase date. But, on the bright side, I always re-read the entire series just before a new book is coming out and I haven’t completed my list yet. 😀 A few more weeks won’t hurt me, sigh, even if I am jonesing for the new book. Edward, here I come.

  27. Love Anita, I read the book fast the first time, then slowly the next two I’ve read all the books many many times. Thanks Laurell.

  28. Sweet. Yes, I am conditioned for June, but the extra length will be worth it. I’m sure I’ll reread it over and over until I get my next Anita fix. I hope you never stop writing her. So many writers end their series and it’s so hard when you invest so much in your characters. The Anitaverse goes on and on. I love that about you as a writer and I appreciate all you write. I hope we finally see what’s going on with Olaf and Peter and you can always write more about Nathaniel and the Wicked Truth…there are so many. At least the book comes out before the 4th of July, so I can read it without interruption. I always take the day off when your books come out.

  29. wow you are my favorite author..i actually pre-ordered Affliction back in october..cant wait

  30. Grrr, I can’t wait. I’m so exited to meet Micah’s family, even if it under terrible circumstances. And like most out there, hoping for some new Merry. But, tbh, I wouldn’t mind Merry being rapped up sooner rather than later. I always knew Merry’s tale wouldn’t be as long as Anita’s. Other then a few loose ends, I acutely felt Swallowing Darkness was a logical ending place. But you gave us Divine Misdemeanors soobviously there is a bit more to tell. I hope she gets her fairy tail happily ever-after. But what I am really hoping for is something brand new from your brain, to the pages, and to our imaginations! I remember you mentioning something new brewing a few times before. If it’s stol happening, I really hope it’s a new series we can all become o bsessed with! Well, anyway thank you for being you. Blessed Be, and may the Gods fill you with much inspiration, so that I may selfishly enjoy it.

  31. Please..Please.. add to the Meredith Gentry novels. I love both series but would really like to see more of Merry now that she is expecting! Put a young librarian out of her misery.

  32. I was wondering why don’t you ever have Anita Bake’s birthday in a book? I think that would be fun to read about

  33. All your books with Edward in it is topnotch, excellent, awesome. However, as soon as Richard is in it becomes more about Anita and Richard arguing the whole book. On the later installments it has changed somewhat as Richard finally managed to change his/or succumb to Anita’s personality after a long, long time. Their relationship is arguebly the most exhausting relationships ever to have been created in any book or film made in human history – and I say this as a long time fan, please make the two stop, IT IS UNBEARABLE!
    For me, the books without Richard is the best books in the series because the story tend to focus more on the professional and brilliantly bitchy vampire-hunter and animator version of Anita that we all love and adore. LOL. 😀

    This is just my thoughts and opinion on the series but I believe, without a doubt, that Anita most certainly think the same way as I.. If she were to be a person.. In real life.. You know.. Yeaah.

    PS: I look forward to another awesome Edward book, my all-time favorite character in this series! Gonna be great to see what threats that wants to hunt Anita down after the scary mother of all darkness is gone! Or is she….

    Ta Ta

  34. I can wait for your book to come out. I love them. I understand when people want to read more of the Merry’s books. When another story comes to you for her then you’ll write for now Thanks for the upcoming Anita book.

  35. OMG!! Laurell, you’ve just made my day saying this book is going to be a long one. I never seem to get enough of Anita. I look forward to read this book!!!
    Greetings from Brasil!!

  36. Not to complain but am I the only one who has a hard time reading black on dark gray?

  37. I already pre ordered my copy, gonna get it in about 3 months. As much a fan I am I can’t buy a hard cover it cost to much and I don’t know were I would keep such a large format my bookshelf’s are full as they are 😀

  38. I’m such a huge fan! I’m so excited about the new book! Thank you, Mrs.Hamilton, for allowing me further into your imaginary world. It has my life living with your characters! You’re my shero @(^_^)@

    Blake has made me a stronger, smarter, and sexier man. Again, thank you.

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