One of Those Days
The day began with early morning appointments. My no-spill travel cup fell into my floorboard and spilled out all over my floorboard. Sigh. I ate at St. Louis Bread Company twice today, due to being out that long. My spoon slipped beneath the boiling surface of my tea, and I was left puzzled. I used two coffee stirrers to fetch my spoon and eventually did get tea this morning. It was one of those days when small things went awry. Late in the day, I started feeling tired. Guess what? I have a low grade fever, so the plans to see Joanie and her family tonight had to be scrapped. She and I have had the rule since our girls were toddlers that if one of us is sick, we do not share. This rule dates from a time when Trinity and Missa were in two different preschools. Two different germ factories; which meant within a month we shared two stomach viruses, two upper respiratory infections, and a partridge in a pear tree. An evil partridge.
We were supposed to be exchanging Christmas presents, which we haven’t gotten a chance to do yet. We’ve had to reschedule this twice now. I didn’t want to exchange presents when it was just Joanie and myself, we wanted all our families together for it, but it’s been blasted hard to get us all together. We have four work schedules to negotiate, and the girl’s school schedules. I remember when getting together was a phone call and packing the babies in the cars. When did planning a get together between families get this complicated?