Post Book Blues, or I finished my novel, now what?

Feb 07, 2014

Restless as hell. Don’t want to watch anymore TV, movies, even the great book I’m reading is just irritating. If we have anymore sex we’re both going to have rubby spots. Somewhere around day three after I finish a book, I get so restless I’m almost angry. It just seems to be part of my process of post-book down time. It doesn’t matter where I go, I’ve tried the ocean, heck I’ve gone to Disney World, and still this awful restlessness takes possession of me.
The day I wrote, The End, on the newest Merry Gentry novel, A Shiver of Light, I was on such a writer’s high, it was awesome! When the high left, the tiredness hit like it always does. First full day of not writing the book, was a day of my mood going up, and down – up and down. This mood swing is also just part of the post-book process for me. I know it and I don’t let the sad rain all over everyone. I know what is happening and I just ask my husband, Jon, “Happy, sad, happy, sad; do I always do this?”
Jon says, “Yes.”
The only thing I didn’t do per usual was I didn’t have a whole day of what I call, “The little lost lamb day,” where I wander around the house, or wherever drifting from room to room, or yard, as if I don’t know where I’m going, or what I’m doing, which is pretty accurate. Months, or a year, or more, of concentrating on this one project and suddenly it’s gone. The structure to my day, the thing that consumed me for so long and it’s done, and I’m at loose ends. I think the reason that I didn’t have as much of the “lost lamb” day is that this book was so emotionally draining I was happy to be done, and happy to begin to rest up before edits come back from New York.
Now, I’m tired, but don’t want to sleep, as I said at the beginning I don’t want to do any of the things I was looking forward to catching up on, or I’ve done them for three days and enough is enough.
I’ve tried leaving as soon as I finish a book and going some place warm with an ocean view, but I still go through the same post-book process. I’m just restless and angry staring off at amazing Caribbean blue water and palm trees, instead of St. Louis in the winter. It usually just pisses me off that I’m someplace great and still can’t be happy. But I’ve finally embraced the truth, that all this emotional angst is part of me coming down from writing a novel. I wish I was one of those writers that doesn’t go through all this, but a writer doesn’t choose their creative process, anymore than they choose what ideas come to them. J. K. Rowling says in the Harry Potter books, “The wand chooses the wizard.” Well, the idea chooses the writer.
I think the same is true of how our entire creative process works, from how we gather ourselves to write a novel, to the writing of it, and the celebrating and grieving process after it’s written. Some of us struggle to get enough ideas to write, others of us have more ideas than any one lifetime can allow us to write. Some need silence and solitude to work, others need a busy cafe around them, and still others do solitude with music blasting; we are all as different as our stories.
Now, I’m going to take this restless, cranky mood and get on the treadmill, because until I work some of this energy out I won’t sleep. I almost went to gym today, but was afraid I wouldn’t concentrate well enough for weights. Next time I’ll listen to myself and do gym sooner, but for right now treadmill. Gotta walk some of this off.

46 thoughts on “Post Book Blues, or I finished my novel, now what?”

  1. I adore your books, and learning about your process makes me less likely to scream “WRITE FASTER ALREADY!) hmm deep breath, count to ten… okay I am better now, but as a budding graphic designer, and crafty person, I get some of it, not all. When the post production high dies, it’s the time I find that project I couldn’t finish before and finally finish it, usually angry because, I remember why I didn’t finish in the first place. Anyway, keep on trucking, you could always write a short story on Anita and her crew!:)

  2. I started Reading your books and I love both series I have read each one them numerous times thanks so much for being the writer that you are !!!

  3. I wasn’t going to reply just in case you thought I was one of those fans that mimic their writers or artists emotions but here it goes. I never wrote on anyone’s blog but when I read this I just wanted you to know I to have a process after putting down one of your books on a little smaller scale. Once I’m done and I shut the book for the last time I start to think, Yeah I finished, my thoughts are mine I won’t have to “wonder ” how can Merry have that much sex or “Do the men ever fight over the last beef jerky” ( I have 3 sons & a husband lol). The next phase is to start writing “what’s next” in my head. I start “mind writing” your next book (thank goodness you do not see in my head lol). Next, I get mad at you for not writing more pages OR not hurrying your butt up and immediately releasing the next installment. This is a day or two process until I work it off or my kids and husband annoy it out of me lol. I hope you got through this response without cringing I write like I speak but I just wanted to let you know a process is a process it’s not like your robbing a bank afterwards ( got to always look on the bright side lol) hope all works out I love your books!

  4. Greetings,

    Funny, I have to say that I have a similar experience after finishing a really good book that rocks my world, especially if I read a whole series strait through that I have discovered. It is like the more I have invested; the more it takes to come back to the ‘real world’. Have you ever found yourself cursing in a language that doesn’t even exist? I believe thoughts align your reality and sometimes books can ‘slide’ your mental processes to the side as if to put you out of sync with everything else ‘normal’.
    One of the most interesting and scary scientific ideas about the nature of reality and our connection to it was actually explored in the movie “Somewhere in Time” (one of the best romantic movies EVER). Stop reading if you don’t want some spoilers if you haven’t seen it. Basically in the story he moves himself through time by removing everything that ties him to now in his environment and the power of suggestion repeatedly tell himself (through a taped message) when and where he is. Bottom line, does our body anchor us to where and when we are or does our mind?

    Ok, whew that is deep enough I think for this forum. Back to your post book blues.

    If I feel this way reading the books sometimes, then writing them must be even more stressful, traumatic, just pick a word that fits. You are building a world with the power of your mind.

    I have no real suggestions that might help, it sounds like you have tried lots of things, maybe just doing things that are you in the now. Heck, I am writing this blog now because I am trying to get a book series I have been reading out of my head.

    Thank you for your work and the person you are and which you share through it, you are a rare gem.

    PS – I would like to know/understand more of Anita’s relationship with Jade in the next book of that series if possible, just a suggestion. And along the same line, what is being done to save the rare tigers, if anything? Can they be saved as a race or people? I guess I am fascinated by their concept of ‘home’ and how Anita is that or can be that for them which is not just about sex. Well I am shutting up now, goodness I am a chatty Cathy today.

  5. J’attend avec hâte en France de ce nouveau tome sachant que les personnages m’ont beaucoup manqués. J’imagine que pour vous ce doit être difficile et voir même frustrant de le finir avec cette excitation qui reste qu’il faut évacuer, mais le sport est un bon moyen pour l’évacuer. Après le corps est plus reposer ainsi que votre esprit, en vous souhaitant de très bon moment avec votre famille avant que la fièvre de l’écriture vous reprenne avec vos prochaines histoires, je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur.


  6. totally get what you’re going through. I used to go through a similar post production withdrawal/blues when I did local theatre. Even though there would be other shows, that particular show, with that particular cast, was done and the curtain came down for the final time.

  7. In good times, rough times, need you times, leave me alone times, or any “times” of my life, I am so glad to know the people who love me best are behind (sometimes in front of) me! I am glad that Jon understands you so well.

  8. I love every book you have created. I know you have put so much time, thought and energy into your books because they have all moved me. I have read all the anita blake and merey books at least 3 times 🙂 I look forward to your next book and cant wait to have it in my hands.. thank you for all you do!!!

  9. You are so right when you say that the idea chooses the writer and some have more ideas than they can write in a lifetime. My head is full of ideas, but I have to make the time to put the ideas down in some form. Thank you for writing strong female characters that women can look up too. Anita and Merry both have such strength even in their times of weakness that it is such an inspiration. Keep up the awesome work!

  10. Ok my only question is.. is this the last gentry book cause I’m in love with frost and I think my heart would break if it’s over please just let me know if this is the end for good for this series.. and sorry your so bummed if it’s any consolation your work is wonderful and I can never seem to put your books down definitely my drug of choice is your work thank you for all your hard work

  11. It is fascinating to learn more about your processes. As a reader, I get so emotionally caught up in your books (I seem to connect to your books beyond any other author’s). I am sad and anxious when I finish a book, like a best friend has been visiting and now the trip is over. I can only imagine that this experience is magnified and on a different scale for you as the author.

    I love these blogs. I like hearing more about you as an author. (for the record 🙂

  12. Your “Post Book Blues” sounds like the way I feel when I’ve finished reading a book and don’t have another one at hand to start. I always make sure if it looks like I might finish a book before I return home, that a bring a second one with me. I just want to say, I am so glad you’ve written another Merry book. I have it on pre-order with Amazon. Just have to try to be patient now.

  13. I admire your process and that you are involved with your characters. Writing is an emotional investment. You are creating people, people whom you live with, love and sometimes hate, people who eventually become part of you. The process is finished, the novel is complete, there is closure, but there is also loss. The people you created are now frozen. In a sense it’s almost a grieving process. The attachment a writer has to their characters is a good indicator of how strong an attachment the readers have to a character. That is why I, as a reader, love your books. They are real because you give them life, and when they go away, we grieve.
    I love having a series I can return to, like visiting old friends; the kind of friends that no matter long it’s been since you’ve seen them, you say to yourself, “oh, how I have missed you.”
    I may not know you, but as a reader of your work, we have mutual friends.

  14. I only half understand because even though I have so many stories in my head I even DREAM stories I am a single mother of two boys and every family member wants something of me an I can’t ever just relax an write everything I have down. I have had a lot happen this past few years that has left me emotionally drained and I am writing you because since you have said you are restless I would like to ask if you could reply to my comment. I have only written to a selected few Author that I absolutely love to read. But no one dates to write me back. I am just asking for Advice or I dare say it encouragement. I am 25 years old and have always had stories in my head an dreams I thought were book worthy. But I have never had encouragement to do anything. It’s a strong character flaw in my family. I always seem to be busy doing something that I have these stories an characters but can’t always write the whole thing down because I have to do something, always do something. So I do ask since you are so restless that maybe you can take me on as a project or something. I haven’t been able to do any writing classes because I am litterally in the poor side of the economy. But I would like no LOVE to here from you back. And I am heartbroken to here that this wonderful series is coming to an end.

  15. You could always try what other authors do; just stay writing small things.

    For example: Kim Harrison writes mini stories in between books and publishes them for free so her readers have something to laugh during the down-time between books. Sherrylin Kenyon has character blogs, where she writes things as her characters to illustrate that they do have ‘lives’ aside from killing vampires and stopping the world from existing.

    Point is, you love your characters. We love your characters. Yet, we do not know what go behind scenes or what goes inside their heads when they’re in the downtime between books. Who knows, maybe a new voice will talk and you will find yourself falling in love with a new character that has nothing to do with either Anita or Merry.

  16. Knowing this I won’t be thinking Write faster Write faster everytime I finish one if your books!! The way I combat the post book slump is to then listen to them on audible!! Which I totally loved doing too!! Then I read all my favorite parts again which is most of the book and end up retreading the whole thing!! Then I go back and listen to the book one or two before the latest and finish them in order! Yes I’m a little obsessed !! I can’t wait for this one to come out and I’ll try to be more patient for the next one!!! Whatever process you do go through it must be right for you because you write my favorite books and are my favorite writer! Just keep doing what your doing!!

  17. Its just like having a baby! Your body, mind and heart spend almost a year creating this amazing and beautiful thing, but in the end after the “birthing” process your do not have the distraction of the baby! Your baby goes from birth to college graduation in one fell swoop! It’s a lot to handle, but me and all of your other fans are eternally grateful that you continue with the process year after year! Thank you!

  18. I came across your books about a year ago and I have read all your books on Anita Blake and found myself engulfed in her world. I was able to let go of some of my demons that you have talked about in the past and just enjoy some time to myself. I have a 21 yr old daughter that lives with me full time because she is a special needs adult. I work full time and take care of her and that pretty much doesn’t leave much me time. With your books at least I can take an hour at lunch time and just forget some of my responsibilities and just relax and enjoy someone else crazy life. I’m not complaining but I just wanted you to know that you have given me back some of myself in your books. As a child I read but not to the extent that I do know. I have read all your Anita Blake books and now I’m falling in love with Merry Gentry. I’m on the second book now for her and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to let go of Anita and find another character that I could relate to but you and your amazing writing has aloud me to. Thank you so much for your dedication to your creativity and sharing your writing with us.

  19. I have loved all your books since a friend introduced them to me a couple of years ago. I am a voracious reader and can’t wait for the newest book to come out. I also reread all my books and some I know by heart but love them so much I read them again when I’m down or hibernating as I do in the winter as much as I can. You are by far my favorite author and I love how open you are with your fans. Would love to get to meet you some day and just say thank you for the wonderful work you do. I also am in awe I how open mined you are about life and all that differences in it. If all were the same it would be truly boring world . Beat wishes in getting over the blues.

  20. I often find myself going through a similar process after reading a book/series. I love to read and I don’t watch much tv, usually I have a solid 2 days or more of TRYING(and failing miserably) to get into a new book/series, instead I’m usually wondering the house, being grumpy and getting lost in my own head. I’ve tried writing, and I enjoy it, but I’ve never been very good at focusing when it comes to putting my own thoughts and ideas into writing.

  21. Love your books and all they entail. Also love how open you are about your marriage an relationship. Keep the books coming and the blues will fade shortly.

  22. I was going to say go with the physical – get a rubber baseball bat and beat the shit out of a pillow or weight bag…throw dishes against the fence and break them in a repititive motion – find yourself, back in your body. Then I thought of a NLP hynosis technique – see the Gentry book big and colorful very real on the left side of your mind, then see it small farther away and black and white on the right…do that about 3 times, then begin to merge them into the middle – and find that the book is just the right size, usually black and white and a great deal of your emotional charge is gone. Or just push it down to the left, small and black and white and OFF the page. It sounds silly but is remarkable effective when tried. Good luck and blessings be!

  23. Like on other person who posted here, I have never posted on an author, or anyone’s for that matter, website. However, your comments regarding your “lost little lamb”, or restless, feelings sound so much like “anomie” to me that I figured I would comment. While I realize Durkheim really described “anomie” as something that takes place on a macro level, as societies industrialize; it seems to me that this state you are describing is almost a microcosm of the state he described so long ago. Not sure if you will ever see this post at all, but I figured I would recommend Emile Durkheim to you if you haven’t read any of his stuff. According to Durkheim, and later theorist building off his work, anomie is the causal mechanism for many types of deviant behavior and social ills. Other than maybe overall crankiness, you most likely are not engaging in any serious deviant behavior, but I still thought the similarities were cool :). Anyway, sometime in all the free time you have (haha), you should check him out. It sounds very much like you experience “anomie” when you finish a book and if I remember correctly “anomie” as a concept and correlation for certain types of behavior has some fairly strong empirical support. So, I just could help but post in case you weren’t aware of the concept; I know it’s a social science thing and your undergraduate background is in Biology. Anyway, you might not be alone in experiencing those feelings.

  24. Since I am in an unusual mood to post on strangers blogs hahaha, I figured I would include on more follow up post to my previous comments. I realize you get a lot of comments from folks and so may never see mine, but I have been reading your books for years and I was just wondering if you have ever read any Criminological research when preparing to write a novel? The reason I ask is because in a couple of your books you describe in great detail the feelings and cognitive changes Anita Blake experiences in high stress, violent situations and your descriptions are remarkably similar to what is often described in policing research. I am specifically referring to how some police experience time distortion (either slowing down or speeding up) and increased clarity, among other things, when they find themselves in similar violent situations. I am a PhD student in Criminology and Criminal Justice and there have been numerous times where I have read scenes in your books and was impressed with how well your descriptions parallel some of the qualitative policing research I am familiar with. I know you tend to read non-fiction when researching a book, but if you have never read any policing research it’s especially freaking cool how accurate your descriptions are. Thank you for the many years of enjoyment your books have given me. My wife and I are big fans.

  25. Sounds like scene drop to me. I often feel as a writer that I am riding a similar sort of intense, focused, intimate, emotional experience when I write, and that afterwards it does feel like scene drop, or kink convention drop. Some of the similar things help me a bit, like water, chocolate, cuddles, spending time with animals, and eating lots of protein and veggies. It also helps me to recognize I need to ground and re-enter the regular world, so the equivalent of bad tv and chinese food can help too. And, like scene drop, while those things help, they don’t stop the drop from happening. Part of dealing with drop for me is accepting it as an aspect of the experience.

  26. Hi,
    You might like to try hitting something (heavy bag) or digging in the garden. Get the angry out in a constructive way. But it sounds like after exams, at school.
    But thanks for the new book, I am look forward to it. Already on pre order.

  27. Just curious… is A Shiver of Light going to be the end of the Merry Gentry series, or can we expect it to continue? Don’t read this as a “hurry up and write more”, I’m just wondering. Thanks!

  28. I feel the restlessness for sure.. I am dying for a new Anita Blake book. I have read each of them 2 times already and I was just found them in Feb. of last year. Once I start one I can not put it down. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Anita and all her family.

  29. While you write you are focused on so many things. You have the overall plot goals, the arrangement and flow of the scenes at the top level, identifying the hooks, keeping track of the answers, deciding when to reveal each plot detail to keep the interest. And then all the moment by moment stuff: the paragraph to describe that circumstance, the words to unleash just that emotion or feeling, all the while bouncing against your own logic “does this make sense to me”, “does this have the meaning I want it to”, “does this contain my truths and my insights and my goals.” Day after day, week after… And then you stop. Your mind is looking to continue its normal work load. I suggest doing something mind engaging but less expansive than a new book. A poem, a 500 word tone piece, an attempt at something you would like to improve about your writing. Something to ease your mind from what to most of us is “oh my god” level to engaging but not overwhelming. Something to ease from highway speed to city speed instead of just stopping. Les Davis

  30. I wish I could write like you, right now I’m having so much trouble getting off the ground that I’m just sad. I find it pathetic but can’t find something to do about it. I wish I could finish so that I could be that restless, even to have a pattern. You’re lucky.

  31. Hello sweet lady! Thanks for all your creativeness. I love your books. Can’t wait for what’s next in both Anita’s life and merrys. Take a breath and then take another. After that, do what you want to do. <3

  32. Your books are amazing. I am winding down book number 8 in the Merry series. I have lost how many actual times I have read this series, the mood comes and I run through the books in about a week.I came seeking news of what was next for our favorite faerie princess, nice timing :). I would say sit down have a glass of wine, watch a sappy movie and let out all the emotions. I am looking forward to the next adventure.

  33. I hope you recover from your post-novel blues quickly. I for one can’t wait for another story about merry and all the other fey! Please don’t stop writing about her, or anita for that matter. The characters in your books are great, it really feels like i really know them, i even miss ’em..

  34. Lmfao need a proof reader i can straight up read one of your books in a day and after I’m done we can be grumpy together hahahhaahaha

  35. Congrats Laurell on finishing the book. I have a suggestion for a quick way to take a break – how about something different – a short story from the male perspective. I love your Anita Blake books! They are incredible! And when reading Flirt – I thought it would be great to hear a short story about what the guys did while she was kidnapped from the male perspective about trying to get her back and working together – it might be a fun way to take a break and be productive. I know I would love it! Thanks for writing characters that are so multi-dimensional!

  36. I feel the same when I finish a book in an ongoing series. I am leaving friends and I don’t really want to go even though I know I will be seeing them soon

  37. Steven King writes about finding an edge buried in the forested floor. Slowly, meticulous you uncover the buried treasure. Now you brought it home cleaned it up and it sits shining on your table. All that work and it is so fragile. Will your constant reader know how much you suffered, laughed and cried for this precious gift?
    You are allowed to mourn. The obsession with the voices in your head halted by the deadline. They will be back but you are allowed to miss them.
    Thank you for sharing Merry and her men with us. She has been a comfort to me. Your story is a powerful lesson to keep fighting. Not just for yourself but because of all the lives tied to yours.

  38. Artist temperaments are a bitch. I have one. After every painting or short story I write, I go through the same stuff until the next idea grabs me

  39. Next time this happens look up a local trail to run on. & be sure to have a camera to take photos as you go. 😉 Its difficult to have a misadventure while running on a treadmill. ^_^
    Maybe your next muse/idea will be found. /Cheers

  40. Hi, just want to say, I think u Rock!!!! I became a fan in 2006, when a co-worker gave me a copy of Blue Moon. I had to get all the books written before that and have been reading both series ever since. My son couldn’t wait until he got old enough to read ur books, since I’ve been talking about the characters like they were family friends. He’s now 18, and when he finished the 50 Shades of Grey series, I deemed him ready to handle Anita, lol. He loves it almost as much as I do, and since he’s gay, he also has crushes on some of the same guys I do , lol. Since I reread your entire series(both Anita and Merry) right before your newest book comes out, he and I are having a ball reading it together now. He also has heard me say several times that I would offer to do your household chores, if it would help to get your next book out faster. Now he understands, lol. Thank you for your creativity, your courage and your tenacity. Your books make me think that you would be an awesome friend to have! Do whatever feels right during your after-book celebration/come-down. I also go through periods of withdrawal after finishing your latest book and what helps me is to get back on that horse and start a new book. Although, I’ve yet to find another author who brings me into their literary world as completely as you do. And believe me, I’ve looked, lol. Although a few like, C.C. Hunter, Ilona Andrews, and Kresly Cole have come close.

  41. Salutation,
    Vos livres sont une bénédiction, ils permettent de s évader. Et personnellement, je ressens toujours un manque après avoir termine un livre d’Anita ou de Merry. Merci d’écrire aussi bien, continue j’adore ce que vous faite.

  42. Who is Jean Claude? Before death preferrably. How did he become the udead he is? More dynamics on Jean and Asher who and why they are? I know more about Micah and Richard’s background. I feel Anita loves Jean but how do you love someone you don’t really know? I really wonder about Anita’s background. Questions like was Anita’s mother a Necromancer? Is Anita’s family some how a reason for her having her abilities.

    Too many questions right? I LOVE the novels, been reading for 12 years now, own the entire Anita Blake series thus far. Please keep doing what you are doing.

  43. I want to start by saying all the normal fan stuff but how boring would that be.

    Anywho … My question or my musing is, As much as I enjoy the Merry Gentry books I’ve kind of always wondered at the idea of a male version of the character stuck in the same spot as Merry with a bunch of fey swords women suddenly crowding into his life and making it a living hell pretty much for the same reason as the story as per. This really stems from my musings about the court of Light with the King being in such deep water. ( No haven’t read the new book yet but I will here soon … )

    Im sure you’ve heard this kind of thing before but if I didn’t say the stuff that crowds into my head I’d get mad at myself for not expressing it. I look forward to the next book and those that come after …


  44. You are the only one saying it has to ” end ” a book is what we get yes… Keep writing then it won’t take another 5 years to get a book.

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