I got eight pages on the rewrite of the novelette. Not consecutive pages because it’s that kind of rewrite. Yesterday’s research was exactly what I needed to move forward with this story. I felt like yesterday was a wasted day on the writing, but I need to remember that sometimes sitting in the corner of a room with books piled all around you as the sunshine patterns change and the day lengthens towards night is not always a waste of time. Sometimes it’s exactly what’s needed. Sometimes in my goal oriented rush I forget that part of what works for me as a writer is having time to browse through books, and sit in a corner and think, and make notes. Mustn’t forget the notes, because something about writing it down in disjointed notes helps me think better when I finally sit back down at the computer.
Now, I can’t let too many days of thinking and reading and basically doing a writer’s version of puttering go by with no pages, but today’s productivity reminded me that I do, occasionally need such days. I don’t know why I need days like that, but I do, and I’ve been denying myself the chance in my headlong rush for more pages. But if the pages you’re making are just thrown out the next day, or rewritten, or just making you unhappy then you haven’t really gained anything. So, lesson learned, maybe blogging about it when even help me remember it.
Tomorrow must finish up comic lettering, but tonight I went to the gym and lifted weights. I had doctor’s permission as long as I didn’t use my injured leg. My physical therapist gave his blessing, too. So, off I went, and because the last time I was able to do it, weeks ago now, I wasn’t sore at all, my work out partners upped my weights. I needed it, but ow. Should I have stayed home and finished up the lettering rather than exercise? Maybe, but my schedule being what it is if I keep putting off exercise for work I’ll never see the gym. So, I’ll rise a little early tomorrow and hit the office, finish up the lettering, and then move on to actual page making. It’ll be good.