Progress on all Fronts

Dec 08, 2008

Six pages SKIN TRADE.  Finished going over the lettering for issue four of The Laughing Corpse, comic.  More colors to go over.  I’m back on Christmas music, which, yes, means the book is not going smoothly, but it is moving again.  I’ll take progress over, not.

I saw something today that I hadn’t seen in years: daylight between my thighs when I’m walking.  I always wear out my jeans through the thighs, because they rub together a little as I walk.  I caught myself in a mirror today, and saw the light from the windows framed around my black jeans, and stopped to double check exactly where that light was hitting me.  I knew I was back in a size of jeans that had been languishing in my closet for years, but I didn’t realize what that might mean for me, and my thighs.  I’d vowed that if I wasn’t back in that pile of jeans in the closet, that I had to get rid of them.  I was not going to have them take up that much closet space for another year, unless I could wear them.  I’d given myself until the first of 2009, to either wear those those size eight jeans, or get rid of them.  Apparently, that was enough incentive to do something about it.  But, part of the success was finding a nutrition plan that worked: Jenny Craig.  The other part was an exercise program that didn’t feel like punishment.  If it feels like punishment, you aren’t going to keep doing it.  For me, happiness was yoga, pilates, treadmill, and walking, when my ankle isn’t on the fritz.  Since my ankle has been on the out, more than on, the last few months it’s mostly been yoga and pilates.  I’m hoping to add weights back in, after the holidays, but I find that I have to work twice as hard with weights and walking alone to loose inches, as I do if I am doing some kind of stretching exercise program.  My body just responds really well to stretching, with the addition of weights, and walking, it’s faster progress, but the stretching seems almost more important for me.  Every body is different, so it’s a matter of finding out what works for you.  I can only tell you what works for me, and Jon.  So, take it with a grain of salt, and realize that your mileage may vary.