Progress on Merry, but confusing tires
Six page of Merry #7 yesterday. Nine pages today. I’m happy.
Apparently, we’re going to have to take the Foose into the dealership to get the tire pressure checked. Weird. I’m hoping after we see it done once we’ll be able to do it ourselves. But when your sales person won’t even attempt to explain it over the phone, well, the tires look great, but form over function isn’t my favorite thing. I’m much more a function over form girl. It can look good, but it damn well better work as good as it looks. The jury is still out on the tires.
Still love the car, though until we get the tire pressure taken care of I’m not going to practice driving. With the pressure this low, or supposedly this low, we could damage the tires, or the rims, or both.
Yes, I admit, that I’m wondering if I’ve let my ‘ooh shiny’ get away from me with this car. Is it enough to say, but it’s sooo pretty? Maybe. We’ll see. Maybe I just need to get rid of the twenty inch rims and go for a more standard seventeen. I’ll have Charles explain to me again what the difference in performance, if any, between the rims. If it’s just for cosmetic purposes, well, surely there are some nifty seventeen inch rims out there. I’m not a size queen, honest, it just always seems to work out that way.