Wrote this last night, but never got it posted.
I’ve been to the grocery store, and have dinner in the oven. I enjoy going to the grocery store. I even know why. Once a week my mother and I went out together. It was our day. She dropped me off at dance class, then we went out for lunch at a local cafeteria. I almost always had chicken and dumplings. Though, really the dumplings were big noodles. I’m from the deep south so dumplings are, well, doey dumplings, not noodles. But it was still good. We’d talk and have lunch, though as a six-year-old I can’t remember what we talked about. It was about being with my mother, not about what we did. I find that that is true even as an adult. The people you really love, it’s not what you do most of the time, but that you do it together.
But we went to the grocery store together. We also went to the Laundromat, but she didn’t always take me to that. I think I wasn’t much help, but more of a hindrance. But the grocery store was riding in the cart, and buying stuff, and just being with my mother. I have a deep affection for grocery stores to this day, and I find them deeply relaxing most of the time. For awhile I was letting other people shop for me, but though that was nice, I found it strangely unsatisfying. Also, I’d have to tell them what to buy, since Jon and I do the cooking. It ended up being sort of stressful. Sometimes more hands do not light work make.
Jon was over in the new addition doing what he needed to do. Trinity was upstairs doing her thing. So, with no one that I had to visit with, I got my Bose headset, and listened to Sarah McLaughlin while I cooked. I rarely work to her, but I find her very relaxing. She’s one of the few artists that I can listen to on a plane and it actual helps me feel less panicked. She’s just a good sound to listen to, when you want to quiet the mind and get back to your center.
I actually did listen to her at work today. Seven pages to keep, and three pages of notes. I didn’t choose choice a, or choice b, for the mystery. I came up with a choice c, and I think it works. But the true test is how it flies on paper tomorrow. They say the proof is in the pudding. I say the proof is eating the pudding. I’ll try a bite of this new plot line tomorrow.