
Aug 22, 2007

Threw out the two pages from yesterday. Pretty sure what’s wrong. Rewrote a page, then spent the rest of the day researching. But not in an outside source. Researching in my own books. You guys reread the books. I do not. Some of you tell me that you reread all the books from the beginning every time a new book comes out. Wow. That is why you will win at Anita Blake trivia and I won’t. But when I said in an earlier blog that plot threads from an earlier book are going to be followed up on, I wasn’t joking. I had to find scenes from four different books today before I could be prepared to finish the current scene tomorrow.
What books am I having to go back over? Should I tell you? Will it give away too much in this current book? Hmmm.
Okay, here is what I was rereading today: BURNT OFFERINGS, BLUE MOON, NARCISSUS IN CHAINS, and INCUBUS DREAMS. What particular scenes or plot threads was I searching for? That would be over sharing. Sorry.
I’m going to bed now. Tomorrow, as they say, is another day. Hopefully I’ll be out of this scene tomorrow. I finally realized late last night that this is the-scene-that-would-not-die. It’s the scene that just seems to keep adding to itself so you never get to leave the room. Usually it’s a dialogue intensive scene, but sometimes it’s action. Once upon a time it was the scene I wrote then cut later. Now, I just seem to recognize it when I am in it, eventually, and try to avoid writing it all together. Every book has a scene like that for me, but usually much earlier in the plot. That means either this is late for the never ending scene, or this book is going to be much, much longer than I thought. God, I hope not.