
Oct 02, 2007

The number one most persistent rumor is:
That the last Anita book, whatever book it is, was the last book, or that the current book I’m working on is the last book. This rumor flies constantly, and gets busier the closer a book gets to hitting the shelves. Once and for all, I have no plans to stop writing Anita. I’m still having way too much fun.
I do not live in the Addams’ family mansion, or anything resembling it.
I do not have a dungeon with a bevy of sex slaves in it. The fact that this rumor keeps cropping up still amazes me.
And, I could not possibly be having as much sex as some of you guys are saying I am. I would never have time to write.
There is no movie, or television, deal signed and delivered. When I sign on the dotted line I will let you guys know. I promise.
I did not fire Brett Booth as my comic artist. He simply wanted to move on to other projects. If I had fired him, do you really think his wife, Jess, would still be willing to do the script adaptions on the comic? Or that Brett, himself, would still be willing to do some covers for us, and merch. Think it through guys.
A more recent rumor is that GUILTY PLEASURES is the last book under contract for comic adaption. Not true. GUILTY PLEASURES, THE LAUGHING CORPSE, and CIRCUS OF THE DAMNED, are all under contract with Marvel. Have you seen Ron Lim, my new artist’s art work of my characters? It’s pretty darn cool.
Oh, there’s one more rumor that Darla brought to our attention. That I don’t sign the books you guys send in to have me sign. If I wasn’t having to sign all of them, you’d get the books returned faster in the mail. One of the delays is that some of you guys are sending in dozens of comics at a time. That takes a toll on my signing arm. The delays are so I can pace myself. If I could simply let others sign for me, you wouldn’t have to wait so long for the return of your books.
I’m sure there are other rumors, but these are the ones where simply stating the truth should be enough to squelch them. Of course, a really good, or nasty, rumor seems to have a life of it’s own. If people want to believe them, no amount of truth will change their minds, but when you hear these rumors on the net, you can tell the people saying it, that you have it from me personally, that it ain’t so.