San Diego, CA

Jul 19, 2006

San Diego, California and Mysterious Galaxy. Always a pleasure to come to the store. Everyone was complaining that San Diego was having a heat wave, no, not by St. Louis standards. I realize the natives were uncomfortable, but those of us accustomed to a more brutal climimate, didn’t think it was that bad. We had somewhere around 200 people, a little over, but not sure. Because I burned through over 250 the night before I stopped around 100 so we could ice my arm. It helped a great deal. Saw a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new ones, as has been typical of this tour. The young lady who made us the Jean-Claude penguin made us a bag this time round. We’d read all the books we’d bought on the tour, and we had another plane next day, so we asked the staff at Mysterious Galay to recommend some titles. Must have books for the plane.