Shiver of Light events update

Jun 08, 2014

Chicago Tribune
Harold Washington Library
400 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60605
An conversation with Courtney Crowder, a staff writer for The Chicago Tribune. A book signing will immediately follow the event.

2720 Cherokee Performing Arts Center
2720 Cherokee St
St. Louis, MO 63118

A question & Answer session with Laurell with photo opportunities to follow. This is a ticketed event sponsored by Left Bank Books. Each ticket includes a copy of the book. “Companion tickets” were also available.

All who purchase a book will receive a raffle ticket and be entered to win a goody bag. You’ll draw TWO winners at the end of the Q&A.

5 thoughts on “Shiver of Light events update”

  1. In the stand-by line for the Printers Row event. It starts at 2:30pm hopefully we can get in.

  2. I am so upset I missed you I live here in St. Louis on STU campus I have been wanting to come see you for quite a while now . but broke my rt. ankle at work and have an infection so I have not been able to get around. I have always been able to emerse myself in your work . I hope I get to come see and listen to you one day.

  3. Just finished Shiver of Light. I always find it so hard after waiting for the release of a new book, to gobble it up & then be left with more wanting. So, now here I sit. Waiting for more Anita, more Meredith. Laurell Hamilton you deserve recognition for all your great writing. Is it wrong I want you to do nothing with your life, but to sit in a room & produce constant books for my enjoyment? I think although it would be fair to occasionally feed & water you:-)

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