Signing Follow Up from Emails
Hi! Darla hijacking the blog once again. This time to address the four things that have been flowing through the email regarding the St. Louis signing.
First, I am hearing from some folks they didn?t know about it. Yes, St. Louis is usually the kick off on release Tuesday. But not this time. Atlanta got that honor so we could do The Saint Louis Science Center on Friday. It was in the blog, on the main website in the Sightings (, we sent out a note via the free announce list (which you can sign up for on the Sighting page) and on the MySpace page including the calendar. It also appeared in the Get Out section of the St. Louis Post Dispatch.
I don?t know where else I could have put it for everyone to see. If you have suggestions please feel free to share those!
Second, the crowd in Atlanta was so large you thought there wouldn?t be enough line tickets. Laurell makes sure everyone gets through the line at least once. She doesn?t want you to come and go home disappointed any more than you do.
Third, long lines made you rethink coming. That is why we have line tickets. It is a way to shorten your time standing in line. No one likes standing in line except those folks who were there with friends who seemed to have a great time in line or those who were reading the book.
Fourth, the Science Center costs money. Only if you went in to any of the special features, like the Marvel Superhero exhibit, bought something from one of the shops or had anything besides the cake the publisher sent over. We were in the Exploradome outside the exhibit. When we said free, we meant free. Even the parking was free for this event.
So sorry so many missed it. We will really try and do a better job of disseminating information. But suggestions are always welcome!