SKIN TRADE and tour
SKIN TRADE is officially on the shelves. Glad that everyone is finally able to read it. Sometimes there is so much time between the writing of a book and the publishing date that it seems distant from me, and old news, but not this one. This book was a hard write, and the last few weeks of it’s conception was some of the hardest nights I’d had as a working writer. That makes SKIN TRADE very fresh in my mind. So happy reading everyone. We’re packing for the plane tomorrow. For the first time in a long time I’m actually nervous about getting on the plane. Damn phobia.
Chicago on Wedsnday. Vegas on Friday. We’ll see everyone there.
In the interest of going to bed early-ish, I’ll leave it at that night. I’ll try to blog tomorrow before we get on the plane, but I won’t promise it depends on how much of a handle I get on this very familiar nervousness. I really thought I was over this particular phobia. I’ve traveled all over and been fine. Maybe I’m not phobic of airplanes at all. Maybe I’m phobic of tour. Is there a word for that? Touraphobia?