Sometimes you have to give up, to get going
I started the day in a bad mood. I didn’t get to my desk until nearly two o’clock in the afternoon. That’s never good. Then I sat there and stared at the screen and thought, why isn’t this working? Why have I stalled out completely? Then the answer came to me? I had been pushing myself for days to finish a scene, maybe I didn’t need the scene.
So, as much as I hated to do it, I dropped back nine pages, kissed them good-bye, and started this chapter over. I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do, at first, then I began to pick up steam. I realized that everything I’d been attempting to put on stage could be found out in dialogue, and it moved the plot ahead a lot more quickly. Yea!
You know those nine pages I had to loose? Well, they got replaced by nine more new pages that are exactly what the book needs. The plot is moving forward again. I’m no longer stalled, and I know where I’m going. Hell, I know the rest of the plot to the end of the book almost. The only question is do I dare try to bring Edward on at the very last minute to help out in the fire fight? He’ll be so pissed if he misses this one. But, if I bring him on it will slow things down because it’s Edward and he demands pages and on screen time. Hmm. We’ll see tomorrow.