Suplimental Interview Answers

Sep 27, 2004

Laurell just finished an interview where one of the questions was “What is your favorite Movie?”
Well, after answersing the question and sending it back to the publication, we talked about some of the most interesting television we’ve seen of late. What it boiled down to was that we watch more videos than TV and some of the most interesting stuff is Anime.
Case in point; we just finished the first volume of Wolf’s Rain, and we were left wanting more. The show is a little hard to get into in the first episode, but that is because there is no prologue or opening voiceover that explains all the back story. Instead, you are thrust into the meat of what is happeining now and have to build the past as the stroy slowly reveals it.
Another show we are loving is Last Exile. This is a great stroy, with character, and plot and amazing visuals. Again, there is little initial backgound, but as the opeinig action is so intense, you don’t miss it. By the time you realize that there wasn’t any opening background, its all been filled in by the current story.
Last but not least in our list of favorite new anime is Fruits Basket. To give you an idea of what it is like, I’ll qoute Laurell, “The main character makes Pollyanna look like a depressed piker.” If you have a chance to see this show, do so. It is only four disks, and it ends on kind of a cliff-hanger, but the story that it tells is compleate in itself. I’d love to see what happens next, but I’m happy with what I saw. There was no glaring threads left hanging, just a “where do we go freom here.”
I’m going to sign off now, as There is so much still to do, and only a day or two to do it in.