Gun Control and Gun Rights 

I’ve started several blogs about recent events in our country and the question of gun control vs gun rights, and then I found this wonderful blog by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert.  I think he says many of the things I’ve been struggling to express.  I hope he doesn’t mind that I put up a link to his blog while I continue to fight with my own words on the subject.

Happy Veterans Day 2015!

Happy Veterans Day and thank you all for your service! A special thank you to all the veterans who have helped me with research over the years. You men and women have helped make my fiction stronger, more believable, and made sure I got things right. Without your willingness to share your experiences and stories Anita Blake wouldn’t be the character she is today, and neither would Edward aka U. S. Marshal Ted Forrester. Thanks for the gun information, the weapons training, the helicopter simulator time, and just showing me a glimpse into a world that I would never have known existed without being able to call you friends and family.  

  Me with a few of the novels that wouldn’t be the same without my veteran friends and family.