Happy Winter Solstice and no, the World Did Not End!

First, Happy non-apocalypse! It is already past dawn in Australia, New Zealand, China, India, Madagascar, and . . . the sun will rise all over the world just as it’s supposed to and we will all go to work or school, or sleep in if we’re off work and school for the holidays. I’m sorry if anyone out there didn’t do their homework, write that critical report, finish that work assignment, or pay those bills believing that the world was really ending so why do all that boring stuff. The world did not end, so you are screwed. *hugs* Better luck next time.

I am now going to quote my favorite bit of dialogue from the television show, “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer” – “Before I met you I didn’t need to know the plural of apocalypse.”

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone! The light is reborn today, and the darkness is less. From this day forward the light wins a little bit more each day. That is the message of this time of year, that there is hope and life and warmth, and no matter how dark or cold the night that the light will return and life will continue.

Bright Blessings!