Happy Imbolc!

It’s Imbolc, the first holiday of the year for those of us who are Wiccan. Today we celebrate the Goddess Brid, Saint Bridget. It was traditionally the beginning of lambing season, and the first growth after the long, cold winter. In some mild parts of Ireland, and the rest of the British Isles early wild greens and other wild eatables were in the fields if you knew where to look. It was a sign of spring, or almost, in that part of the world. Though, often you deliver lambs with snow and ice on the ground, or actually coming down around you. Imbolc is the promise of life’s return, not exactly spring, but a measure of hope that spring, and summer, will come, and winter does not last forever. As part of my Imbolc celebration today I’ve tried my hand at writing a prayer to Brid. I’m sharing it below. If it inspires anyone, great, but if it does nothing but let you share in some of my beliefs, than that’s great, too. Happy Imbolc everyone! Blessed be.

Dear Goddess Brid, Saint Bridget, be with me now as I put my foot on my path and seek to create reality out of thin air. Guide my hand as I craft this work of imagination made solid, and real enough to share with others. Help me find the inspiration of your forge burning in the night and in the day for your light never goes out, the gentle fierceness of your hand as it heals, and rocks the cradle of all of our endeavors, for fertility is not just about flesh and blood, but about taking that spark of heat, the idea, forging it into something solid, because ideas can be as real as a sword, or a ring. Let me be wise in my creation, let me be fierce in it’s defense, let me be true to my message and my vision.

So mote it be.