In Honor of Patriots Day

Fourteen years ago today America was attacked, but whatever their goals were, they failed. We’re still here, enjoying our freedom, our modern life, and just being us. Having recently traveled to Europe, I am more aware than ever that our country has a personality, an energy, that is unique to us. I’ll be blogging about that in more depth later, but today is about Patriot’s Day.

In honor of the fallen we have lowered our flag to half mast.  
In honor of the constitutional freedoms we have in America I am carrying concealed, because I can. The very different attitude about guns here and in Europe will be part of that other blog. For me and my household, we are armed and proud to say that our founding fathers wanted the populace armed because they understood that armed civilians make for a much more polite government. 
In honor of the fact that I have the freedom here to disagree with my government, let me say this, “I think the deal with Iran is wrong.” I won’t argue most of the details, but I’ll say this, as long as they are still holding American citizens prisoner they shouldn’t get their money back. The fact that our sitting president didn’t even try to negotiate for the Americans held shows a lack of caring for the citizens he’s supposed to be leading. But then, every time I visit Washington D.C. I think that most of the politicians there have very little understanding of much of the rest of the country.  
Unfortunately, the cities most likely to think they are in charge of our country are the ones that know the least about the majority of it. Washington D. C., Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York are horribly out of touch with the most of the rest of us. I travel the country, I talk to people in all those cities and in the rest of the country. We are a very diverse nation in every way, and I wish that everyone understood just how diverse we are and didn’t assume that their city, town, neighborhood, was the whole world of opinion. That D. C. is on that list is truly troubling since that’s where our Federal government resides.
I can say the above and not get in trouble with my government because in America you’re supposed to be able to state your opinion. You can disagree with me, because you’re entitled to your opinion, too. It doesn’t make either of us right or wrong, it’s just a freedom we have here. 
To all the women and men in emergency services here, armed forces, police, fire service, paramedics, doctors, nurses, and all the people that are on the front lines for us when things go wrong: thank you. You are all heroes every day of the year.