Help us Celebrate 30 Years of Anita Blake!

Each month we are going to be doing giveaways to help celebrate 30 years of Anita Blake! Head over to the contest page to view what current contest is running.

EDIT: We are aware that there is an issue with the contest. We are working on getting it up and running.

EDIT 2: I’m pretty sure that I have got the contest fixed and running.

The next Anita Blake novel…

A lot of you have asked me what the next Anita Blake novel is about, so I came up with a way for you to guess and me to answer without me giving away too much. I’m usually terrible at oversharing when I try to give hints, so let’s try this – the last few weeks the quotes that go up on Monday on my social media have been from one of the books that I reread as research for the latest novel.
Guess why I reread that book and if you’re right it will reveal some of the characters or plot of the novel I’m currently writing. This would have been much more challenging if you had to read the books to find the quotes. I even thought about asking people not to use electronic search for them, but it seemed unfair to make you read over all twenty-six books for this game. Also, you know someone will use an electronic copy and search for the quote, so it’s not fair to those who would play by the rule, so no rule. Find the quotes the way you want to find them. Once you know the book I used for research then let the guessing begin as to why. Why this book? Is it character, plot, world building point that I wanted to double check, or something completely different? There will be several quotes from each of the books I reread as research for the one I’m writing now.
Correct guesses as to why I needed to refresh myself with the novel/s that we quoted from may get a signed book, though not necessarily a copy of the book in question. I say, may, because if a lot of you guess correctly then we may have to pick random winners from all you excellent guessers. Or maybe we’ll ask your reason for the guess, and the best logic trail wins a book? I’m not entirely sure, because we’ve never tried to do anything quite like this before, so like writing a novel, we’re making it up as we go.