A Twisted Ankle, a Bum Knee, and Dancing All Night

Why do I exercise? How do I stay motivated to do it? Those have been some of your favorite questions for me lately.

Why do I exercise? That’s an easy one, because to begin with I went to the gym to stay out of surgery. I twisted my ankle over five years ago now, and I didn’t think anything of the sprain. I mean we all sprain our ankles now and then, right? Except I twisted it about three times in two weeks. Apparently, I have permanently damaged my Achilles’ tendon. Orthopedist told me that she could do surgery with an almost guaranteed loss of movement, or I could hit the gym and put more muscle around the injury – think of it as an internal splint. I chose gym. I hit it with a vengeance and when I went back months later, she said, “You really did it. You went to the gym.”

“You told me to,” I said.

“I tell a lot of people that, but they never go.”

Hmm . . . surgery in my 40s with a almost certain loss of movement forever in my ankle, so I’d never run again. I’d never . . . do a lot of things again, or I could exercise more. It seemed an easy choice to me, and one I’m very glad I made.

When I walked into the gym three, or is it four years ago, I was medically not allowed to run. Now I can hit 6 mph on the treadmill for sustained periods, not for long sustained periods, but I can do it. Before, the ortho told me, “You can run to save your life, like if a car is about to hit you, but other than that, don’t.” Now I’m looking at signing up for a Monster Run.

It was my ankle injury that got me into the gym, but my back and hip stopped hurting from all those hours typing at my desk. At the very end of a book I give up nearly all gym time, and most everything else that isn’t writing, and my back starts aching again, so exercise is better for all of me, not just my ankle.

I admit that about three years ago I was doing more cardio, eating better, and had attained the weight I wanted, and then I lost my workout partner – a lot of things happened and I started to lose some of my progress. I hadn’t realized how much until my knees started hurting. I went to a different orthopedist, one for knees and found out that if I don’t lean down and take off the weight I’ve gained back, and put the muscle I’ve lost back on, I’m headed for knee replacement with in two to five years, and probably more like two, or I can hit the gym harder. I’m going to hit the gym, thanks.

I haven’t gained that much weight back, but it’s not how much you weigh, it’s how much your body can tolerate. Think of your body as a car, some can pull heavier loads than others without ruining their suspension. Apparently, I’m over my weight limit and need to get some strengthening done to my undercarriage, that would be the muscle I need back. So, Jon and I have started eating better again, but this time we mean to stay with it as a permanent nutrition change, a lifestyle change. He was told that he, too, needs to lean down and muscle up if he doesn’t want to have another knee surgery, and since early heart attacks run in his family that’s another good reason to exercise and eat healthier.

And before you ask, we do not exercise together. It’s one of the few areas where we are not compatible.

So, we exercise to stay healthy and out of the operating room as the patient. I like that I’m a size 8, but it would never have been enough reward on it’s own for me to do all this, but being able to go up a flight of stairs without pain, now that’s a reward. I also find that my mood is lighter, happier, and just all around better when I exercise consistently. That’s not just me, studies have shown that exercise truly is a mood lifter, and a natural antidepressant. It won’t cure serious depression on it’s own, but it helps.

If your body doesn’t need as much exercise as mine does to stay healthy, great for you. It really is a genetic thing how much weight your body can carry and be in good working order. The same goes for how much junk food you can eat without upsetting your system. Everyone is different, so do what makes you feel good, but I’ll add that the older you get the harder it is to stay in shape, especially if you don’t exercise and eat junk food. Our goal is to get Jon at his “fighting” weight before he hits 40, because that is a metabolic milestone that makes everything harder. Whatever weight you want to lose, muscle you want to gain, doing it before you hit another decade is usually a smart idea, because it does get harder from there. I love every decade, life just gets better, but the one thing I have noticed is that its harder to get in shape and stay there, but thanks in part to the fact that I do workout, it’s the only downside to getting older that I’ve found. I believe sincerely that the amount of good, consistent exercise, and healthier eating habits are a large part of why I get mistaken for being ten to twenty years younger than I am. I admit that part is awesome, but I’m also happier, healthier, not in constant pain, and Jon and I can dance for hours again. We danced a lot when we dated, but injuries and lack of exercise had stolen that from us. Hard work in the gym and the kitchen won back what we thought was gone forever and we just recently proved that we can literally dance the night away again. That was a very sweet extra to all this healthy stuff, and more romantic than we could have imagined. Yay, gym workout and eating better, who knew they could be so damned romantic?

The Plan

I’m going to try and do a blog at least three days a week from this point on. I do not plan to go back to a blog a day, that became burdensome. But so many of you have said how much you enjoy the blog and miss me posting one regularly that I’m going to try.

Proposed topics for future blogs:

Hair care for curly hair. This is actually one of the most requested.

Skin care. People want to know what I’m doing. Again, a strangely popular request.

Gym: what am I doing to stay in shape.

Nutrition and healthy eating.


Ideas, how to get them, what inspires me.

How do I write characters with so much real life in them? (I’m honestly not certain I can answer this question. If I can’t figure out how to explain it, then I won’t blog about it. Fair?)

Muse, the Muse, the Muses, or my Muse/Muses – A lot of people seem to believe that the Muse is a real person in my life; sorry to disappoint, but nope. But apparently I need to explain in more detail what I mean by the muse, or my muse.

Is there going to be more Anita books, yes, I’m currently writing next one. Ditto for Merry, and yes, she’s talking in my head again. But a lot of you want to know news, and insights about one, or both of my girls. If I can do it without huge spoilers I will.

Maybe I should just do a blog about the most common questions asked, like will there be more of, and such.

Wiccan – what it means to be Wiccan and how our family follows our path of faith.

Wiccan – books to recommend.

The Holidays, and do we really have to be so bloody cheerful?

Favorite books of mine.

DragonCon – what Jon and I did this year.

The Anne Rice Vampire Ball and New Orleans

The Anita Blake comic/graphic novel. I’ll try to post some line art. It’s yummy!

These are just a few of the topics people have requested that I blog about. I reserve the right to come up with brand new ideas and blog those instead of the above. The blog, like all writing, is better if a little inspiration is included, or at least it’s easier for me to write, and as I’m on a very tight deadline right now, easier is better.

The Day so Far

I did hill intervals on the treadmill for the first time ever today! I thought the speed was too slow until we hit that six incline, and suddenly slow was just fine. You’d think I’d learn by now that just because it feels slow doesn’t mean your body needs to go faster, just yet. *grin*

Then a healthy breakfast for the whole family. Jon made us all eggs and Ezekeial toast. No dairy used in breakfast, and fruit spread that is just fruit, no extra sweetners added. Left to our own devices Jon and I prefer strong tea as our breakfast of choice, but it’s all about keeping the sugar levels up and stable. It helps cut down on the mood swings, metabolism crash, and a host of other things that are actually caused by your body not having enough good fuel to keep it going in mid-morning, or mid-afternoon. It’s made a huge difference in how I feel during the day and evening.

Breakfast was done so quickly I had to shower after, and then the wheels came off the cart of my schedule. First, we had a leisurely family breakfast, including having a lovely talk with my mother-in-law. It’s rare that Jon and I get to have that kind of breakfast with Trinity, let alone Jon’s mom, so we took our time. That’s cool, but when I went upstairs for shower, I was in the middle of things and . . . no water. Apparently, a water main broke and there will be no running water for a few hours. Good – I wasn’t covered in soap and shampoo when it happened. Bad – I didn’t really get to shower. Interesting – my hair is it’s more natural fluffy waves, because the hair care products that tame it need some water to “activate”. It’s been awhile since I saw my hair like a frothy mass spilling around my shoulders. It’s not a bad look, but I am at the mercy of the humidity, so we’ll see what I look like by evening. On one trip to visits out of state friends I forgot my hair care products, and the next morning he got to see me with just the natural poof. He tried, but ended up laughing his ass off. Normally, I use four different hair care products, two of them leave-in. Good – I had already made tea in my office, so I have tea to work to. My productivty actually goes down if I cut back on my tea consumption. 🙂

So, I am finally at my desk, ready to work. I actually dashed upstairs on the way to the treadmill this morning to make a few quick notes that’s part of what delayed the start of the day, but I don’t regret it. I’ve learned that those brilliant inisights and ideas don’t stay in my head forever. If I don’t write, or type them down, they fly away, and then I’m left going, “Damn it, I had an idea for how to make this scene better. What was it?” Write it down! It’s one of the first rules of writing. Write it down so you don’t forget it. Write it down so someone else can read it. First rule; write it down.

I’m off to make more pages. Have a great day everyone. Hopefully we’ll get our water back on before my tea pot runs dry. 🙂