This was announced Last Week on Larry Corriea’s Blog, NOIR FATALE A Noir Scifi Fantasy Anthology.

The silky note of a saxophone.  The echoes of a woman’s high heels down a deserted asphalt street.  Steam rising from city vents to cloud the street-lit air.  A man with a gun.  A dame with a problem…


We humans are collectively fascinated by the seamy underside of society as represented in stories and films.  Names such as Raymond Chandler, Dashiel Hammett, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Sam Spade… these have inhabited our collective consciousness for decades.  Humanity, it seems, loves the dark.  And within the dark, one figure stands out: that of the femme fatale.

Kacey Ezell and Larry Correia are editing an anthology of all new, noir themed sci-fi and fantasy short stories titled Noir Fatale, and we’ve got a great line up of authors who will be contributing:

David Weber
Laurell K. Hamilton
Sarah Hoyt
Larry Correia
Kacey Ezell
Robert Buettner
Alistar Kimball
Griffin Barber
Michael Massa
Hinkley Correia
Christopher L. Smith
Patrick Tracy
Steve Diamond
Michael Ferguson

Larry and Laurell have enjoined sharing the spotlight on panels at Conventions, and dinner tables at various restaurants, over the years.
Larry and Laurell
– Jonathon